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Lil Punkin

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Posts posted by Lil Punkin

  1. Dark Pumpkin...



    I'm a hair dresser, and I hear LOTS of stories. I had a client the other day telling me how she and her hubby met.


    She was an executive secretary in NYC...she LOVED her job. She got a call from a friend who was going on a cruise with a group of friends...however one of her friends had to cancel so she asked her if she would like to come. She said SURE!! So off she went. On the cruise she met a guy who happened to be living in Boston, and he took a liking to her. However on the cruise, there was ANOTHER guy who ALSO liked her....so she was in guy heaven. When the ship docked, Boston guy was waiting for her to come off the ship, and when she did she was with the OTHER guy. Boston guy told him to get lost.....so he then moved in on her.


    When they returned to the states, She went her way and he went his...still keeping in touch and still seeing each other on the weekends. She was still dating someone in NYC at the time as well...but Boston guy knew of this and was ok with it. After a period of time they became closer but she was still dating the other guy who lived closer. About six months into the relationship...she got unfortunate news. Her b/f had been killed in a car accident. No one ever knew what happened..to this day.


    The conclusion....she married Boston guy and they just happily celebrated their 42nd wedding anniversary.She said she believes they were MEANT to meet. If she hadn't went on that trip, she would have never met her man


    The point to this story is this: If something is MEANT to happen..it will. You cannot force things. You just have to let things happen..and they will

  2. I like the email Keefy....just don't send it. Stay in NC for now. Maybe when you're feeling stronger you can send it.


    Today is day 2 for NC for me. I have been very busy, so thats a good thing.

    I've made a list of goals I'd like to complete during this month...so I will focus on those things. What sort of things are you doing during this time for yourself?

  3. I am just curious what everyones opionions are of being "just friends' with someone you KNOW you feel more than that for?


    This would fall under these categories:


    Someone you've dated romantically..and they decided they just wanted to be



    Someone you ARE friends with, but are having romantic feelings for?


    If someone is giving you mixed signals...ie, they say one thing and do another. They are hot and cold, saying the timing is "off". They KNOW how you feel but they make no attempts to discourage contact from you.


    What is the best way to handle these situations?

    I've read many posts where it says to go into No Contact . Is that the best

    thing to do in these cases?




  4. Hi Keefy and all. I'm new here and have been reading up on all the posts. I am going No Contact with someone too. It is indeed hard to remain in contact with someone you like so much. It sounds to me like this girl is testing you. Don't be weak.


    I would like to post on your thread if thats ok with you. Maybe as a support thing. Would you be ok with that?




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