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  1. something i neglected to mention was that i'll be leaving this company within in the next 2 months. i don't know how i forgot that info. That is why i want to pursue her in the first place.
  2. sometimes these things happen which are beyond our control, i know - but i have no idea what direction to head in. Obviously the first answer is "don't ever date your boss/co-workers", but i can't help being attracted to this girl. It's not the fact that shes my boss, or anything along those lines - i really find her appealing in a lot of ways, we get along quite well and share the same sense of humor. Let me just paint a brief picture of our work atmosphere, because its not a exactly a typical office environment. We both work as graphic designers for a small business, and she recently was hired to take over the head of this department. It is a VERY relaxed office, the owners are all pretty young - and everyone gets along with one another very well. I know that if the owners were to find out i liked this girl they would absolutely tell me to go for it, its not a matter of either of us getting fired. Furthermore, she used to work for this company so she already knew virtually everyone here and has settled in quickly since being re-hired. onward... to the actual problem. I (like many/all guys) have a very hard time reading women, and i can't figure out one way or another if she shares this attraction. What i do know: we're able to make each other laugh quite a bit ... we "get" one another, she responds well to me when i am talking to her - not one-word answers or turning away, and she told me the other day i was in her dream the night before ... she coudn't remember why though (and i did not get the impression it was a "racey" dream, to clarify). She doesn't seem to instigate too many conversations though, this could be because we're not seated close to one another ... but of course i'm reading into that a lot. I also don't notice many glimpses over at me (i can't help but check, OFTEN). so what do i do? what should i look for?? i'm trying to balance being inconspicuous to the others in our dept, while giving off some signals to just her - i'd like to decide soon whether i am barking up the wrong tree or not. thanks, anybody!!
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