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Posts posted by make_up_your_mind

  1. Quote:

    Originally Posted by leyton05

    Ha ha...cant help you there soldier! but donworry....if u find a girlfriend before youre 21 then you bet me. happy hunting!



    haha your sentence doesnt make much sense =/ but whats up with 21?


    Lol, ill translate:


    "If u find a girlfriend before you're 21, then, you beat me."

  2. ARGHHHH!!! I can't take it. The pain!!!!!! Ahhhh....


    I neeeed help. Can't go on like this. Hot, sexy, beautiful, cute girls everywhere...surrounding me....noooooooo. Can't take it. Can't. Need girlfriend...nooooooooow. Need. Now. Don't know what feels like to have girlfriend...Dying...Must kill self. Can't. No, must. Girl. Girls.




  3. My grandmother and grandfather both died on the 20th February 2003, 3 years ago yesterday. They were in a small cardboard (not really, but very ancient car) Citroen 2CV. They smashed head on into a bus.


    The first thing I thought when I heard the news was ... oh my God ... then I was unhappy. The second thing I thought, just a few seconds later was at least they died together, so neither one of them would have been bereaved if the other had died alone.


    And, what did they leave in their will, for their funeral, for their remembrance? They wanted their lives to be celebrated. They wanted their funeral to be a celebration. And so we celebrated. We celebrated their lives, their achievements, their personalities. And we, my family, quickly saw it as something which happened, and in a way, we were happy. We were happy to have celebrated them. Every now and then we remember them...their faces, their smiles. We remember for a few seconds, then we forget. Eventually, we'll see them in heaven.

    But, for now, we want not to be put down by this moving on of my grandparents. We get on with our lives.


    I have a friend who has relatives in France. His grandfather died some time ago. His grandmother is still grieving over his death. She grieves everyday. And, she's become depressed and unhappy. DON'T follow her steps. DO follow mine.


    If you believe in heaven, then you can relax and be content. You will see them when you go up there. Get on with your life for now and enjoy it in places and suffer in other places. And celebrate the life of your grandmother. She, I'm sure was an amazing person. And that celebration of her life should outweigh the sorrows you feel for her loss. But, overall, just get on with your life, get on, even if you are sad at one moment or happy the next, get on with it.


    If you don't believe in heaven, then still relax, still be content, still get on with your life. And simply celebrate your grandmother's marvellous life. Don't let these things get to you. Just get on with life.

  4. Dear truthbetold,


    Your avatar says you want the truth to be heard even if it hurts you...i will tell you the truth, but it aint gonna hurt you.

    My sister (26 years ....wait...no...27...lol) had the same problem. She had a cyst on her ovary. She went through like a year or something or other of appointments and stuff. In the end, she had surgery, and it's removed now or something. Anyway, ask your doctors what they can/will do about it.


    Anyways, your parents are very stressed at this, of course. All parents become stressed when this thing happens. But, once the baby has arrived, they are gonna change so much. They will realise that this is their grandaughter or grandson or grandwhatever. And they will love him/her/it (lol). Trust me about this. Also, forget jobs. A mother doesn't need a job. How rich is your family? I'm sure if they are middle, then they will provide all you need. But, if your family poor (i doubt it as you use a computer), then maybe you will need to depend also on your boyfriend...you should also try for like matuernity pay or something from government. I'm sure they will provide someone in your position with payments (unless you live in Zimbabwe or something...but i doubt you do cos you speak English and use a computer.). Anyway, don't worry. Be happy. When the baby is born, invite everyone. Lots of glitter etc... Your boyfriend will actually start caring, once his male brain registers the baby (lol, im male...we males like this sometimes...it's just male nature). He will love it (her or him...) and will provide etc..

    Now, about the depression, don't worry. Be happy. If you feel it coming on, immediately go at once to a doctor, therapist and seek advice, help...because you dont want to leave your baby alone in the world...just selfish.

    Anyway, you'll be fine. See therapist sometime. they help. and get your boyfriend to love you...if he a bit blank....leave him alone for now...see your female friends and cuddle up to them etc... and get tons and tons of love from them....and you all can be happy cuddly lovebears, with those little hearts on your bellies.....or is it...happy bears? Share bears? Dunno....something or other. Sweet dreams.



    Also, where do you ACTUALLY live btw?

    lemme guess...... U.S.A? or

    ....................... U.S.S.R?





    I can't help it either. I still get a stiffy every Leap Year.








    Anyway, thanks everyone. But, also, back on track:


    most women are not just looking for someone to "do them hard". And if you meet those ones whom are


    What do you think of this:


    I go round my school, and I tend to see most of the hottest girls walking around and clustering with the cool, jerky, arrogant boys. Now, what's up with that? For example, I was walking along, and I see a few really nice guys in year above talking with less attractive girls. And then I come to the jerks in year above and they were all squeezed right next to the hottest girls in the corridor. Now, next year, what am I going to do? Because, I am not a jerk, I'm nice. I know i'm going to be really nice to girls. But, then, will I end up like the nice people in year above or not?

    Also, you say most women are not looking for someone to do them hard. I'm guessing that's what jerks wanna do, in year above. They just in for sex, because they are evil. But, I mean, besides the excpetions of attractive girls who like evil jerks, I mean, is it? Are they exceptions, or do MOST girls like evil jerks??? Or what!?!?!?! This is getting too confusing....but I hope you get the general gist of things!!

  6. Ok, I've CALMED DOWN now.


    Thanks everyone for all their help, (or comments). It's when I get all horny, I go like that. And I wrote that just after walking through school yard, passing by all the chicks. Anyway, I'm not psycho. When time comes, I will treat my girlfriend properly and get to know her. I mean that's what I truly want above all else, honest.


    You put "them" all together in a group as if they're cattle.



    the best thing for you to do is beat your penis like it stole something


    LOL, but i hope one day my penis doesn't just get hand.

  7. Okay. Well, some of you know my situation. I'm 15, have never had girlfriend etc.. But, man, I like see all these girls and man, they're sooooo fit!!! So hot!!!! I'd have sex with them soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hard!!!!!! AhhhH!!!!!](*,) I can't take it. I wanna do them all the way. But I can't. Damn.

  8. Thanks Markers. I will look it up when I get hold of a bible. Although, I'm just a makeshift God person. I believe in God. But, I don't really go by any certain religions or anything. Like sometimes, I serve my revenge! And sometimes I turn the other cheek!


    Anyways, thanks Kyoshiro. That's well cool. Skyscrapers with all that! " "!Rg! I also want to check out Hawaii sometime after my GCSEs exams this summer, hopefully. I want to go lie on the beaches and * * * *. Maybe even find some natives chicas!!!! Or maybe some americana tourists. But, we can all dream....

    Yeh, cool


    Cya people. Oh, I'm also threading something new so you guys should check out please

  9. Hey guys. Thanks everyone for the wonderful advice.


    For instance, one of my friend's voices sounds not far off from a girls

    but he scores more chicks then a tampon's section of the supermarket...


    Hehehe, 2pac.

    Also, that thing about singing is quite interesting. I can't sing for ****. And also can't count rhythm or anything. Maybe that's a reason?


    I will try to be less obsessive and just be more calm, cool, and calculated, and stuff...


    John Smith:


    Thanks for your help as well. Yes, I do believe in God. It really does help. He really does help.


    I guess I'll just take things as they are, don't get too worked up or depressed...and wait for that right moment!!!! Yeaaaa!!!!

  10. also, Kyoshiro, just for the record. Is New york really cool? Cos I live in London, UK. And I wanna come to NEw York and live in a really tall skyscraper flat..and go and have breakfast at tiffanys and stuff. (with tiffany ) ....whoever and whatever breakfast at tiffanys is, cos i actually havent seen breakfast at tiffanys or read breakfast in tiffanys or whatever kind of material or book or film breakfast at tiffanys might be. but what the helll, i still what breakfast at tiffanys wherever breafast at tiffanys is, if breakfast at tiffanys exists. ...which it probably doesnt.

  11. Oh yeh, also ONE QUICK QUESTION.


    DO any of you think if I train hard with a special fitness and strength program, I will build up my body, making it muscly. And thus, the muscles in my face and nose and throat will grow bigger because of my extra training, and thus the sound will vibrate in my face more and thus be deeper? EH? Think it helps? Look at Arnie Shwwharhzeniggigiger, for example.

  12. Hey.


    I can just imagine how nervous it can be to meet someone you only know through the net. Well...i suggest you meet somewhere like a large coffee shop in a mall or something, like Elektra said. You can start by saying 'hi'. If she is quite shy, then say 'its nice meeting you' etc... then offer to buy coffee. If, she isn't so shy and quite talkative, go with it, and don't try to leave any awkward silences. You have to start allowing her to get to know you. You have to make it as if you are starting a relationship with a new person, not from the internet. So, treat her like a normal person and try your best to get to know her well like a friend rather than some 'random person off internet'. Anyway, good luck. You're very brave doing this. You should be proud!

  13. CooL! Thank you Kyoshiro! I guess there's plenty of time for my voice to change...hopefully! Also, sorry about assuming about girls with werid voices. I mean, the hottest girl in my school (man, is she hot!!!! ), has a really werid voice. But, yeh...thanks . I'll check out this oralmotor site. And... I WILL build my self-esteem! And my confidence! Yeh!!!!! It's time to kick some butt - i actually mean the 'a' variant, but it censors that. Thank you guys!!!!!!! and gals!!!!!

  14. Thanks, Markers. But, I don't want to date a girl with a weird voice. and thereforeeee, I increasingly get the feeling that that's the same for most girls dating boys...they won't want a one who has a werid voice. As I'm getting the feeling that puberty is going to betray me and not happen or has happened, then I've done some research and discovered some stuff about oral-motor exercises. Can anyone here advise me of what I could do to change my voice/ make it deeper? And whether I should carry out these exercises.

  15. Well....I think that she wants you. She's obviously atttracted in some way. But, my advice is this: She has a boyfriend. thereforeeee, she may or may not break away to come to you. But, what you could do is stay happy, not depressed. Be smiling as you usually are to her and try to make her miss you a little. Just a bit...for example, don't call her as much or don't email as much or whatever...And you can just make youself that much more irresistible to her. This could help her end with her boyfriend. But, the main thing is just to remain on the bright side. Look cheerful and happy, (and hot - gel your hair maybe?). And I'm sure you'll get her in the end.

  16. WOW. Thanks MetallicaGuy and Kyoshiro. That's really helpful. I guess I can leave the 'infatuation' alone. That leaves my voice though. I could try to see what happens with puberty. But what if it don't? I think my voice is already broken most of it...it's just sounds stupid...But, then again i guess if I were to becomne an adult with a idiotic voice, then I could just try to take prise in it But, I really really really don't want to sound like some of the adults I've heard in this world. More and more I fear I will like one of them. I don't...and I dont want to live with it...

  17. Ive already brought this up, sort of. but i really need some help.


    im beginning to feel hopeless...desperate and hopeless.


    im fifteen. i have these dreams. dreams one day of being with a girl. the girl changes sometimes. sometimes i see one girl and like her, in my school, but i never am able to approach her. (all the girls in my school are the year above and the above that). ive never ever had a girlfriend. and this fact sort of helps wreck my dreams in some ways. i can imagine being a really amazing boyfriend , but the point is im completely and utterly worthless. my voice is screwed up (has been for years) and no girl likes it. my looks are okay i guess. but im slow at talking and not very witty in conversations.


    But, right now, i love this girl at my school. shes just turned 17. and so is 1year and a half older. but, i want to be hers and her be mine. i want to get to know her. i have built up a sort of picture of what personality she has. she goes to the library (i think...might have been someone else) and isnt a slutty girl like some who go out with boys whole time. seems like nice girl. and i want to have her, kiss her, and do her. but... i have these dreams...and they dont come true...i feel as if i never will know a girl and be happy with her.


    this matter is made worse by the fact that I CANNOT POSSIBLY EVER HAVE A GIRL because my voice is screwed up. loads of people say its weird....and it is! its messed up! i want a manly voice...ive tried punching my larynx for hope that one day it will like change and i can have a different voice. because i will never be able to have the confidence or be able to attact a girl if i have this voice....never...i know there are children in africa with disease. but the point is their aims are different from mine.


    please, someone help my dilemma...i seriosu seriosuly want a girl....i just cant have my dreams come true for some reason. please....that will be the day when i go ice skating with my girlfriend.....



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