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  1. I'm not angry.. I.. don't know what I am. If I tell mom that it's stress and college, she'll say that I am making excuses. But I will try what you suggested
  2. I had a fight with my mom again. I can't help myself lately. I yelled at her again for no reason and it was the last drop. For the last few days I;ve been acting weird. It's like I can't helo but yell. I don't even know what's up with me. Sure I did it before but only like once a month, not every day. I'm almost 19 and I act like a freaking 13 year old. Aren't I supposed to grow up by now??? I don't know if it's college stress or something else. I just hate myself so much now I don't know what to do. Another "I'm sorry" won't work can anyone tell me how to properly apologize?? I apologized so many times before after fights that for my mom "I'm sorry" probably doesn't mean a thing any more
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