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  1. We've been together a month. I'm not desperate to sleep with her just yet obviously but I can forsee it may become as issue in the not too distant future. I may be jumpung the gun but want to be as understanding and supportive as possible.
  2. My new girlfriend lost her virginity earlier this year (March)to her ex-boyfriend who basically dumped her as soon as they slept together. I can sense now that she may well delay any kind of sexual contact with me because of this experience. I'm afraid that she's afraid that I might do the same. I give her as much reassurance I can as I genuinely have intentions of a serious long term relationship with her. The other problem is that I'm 10 years older than her (I'm 31) and obvioulsy far more sexually experienced then her. This also is a concern for her as she is inexperienced. I really dont care how much experience she has but I can still feel her reluctance due to these two things. At the same time I can tell she has desires and wants an intimate relationship. Clearly communication is required but can anyone assist with additional advice?
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