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Posts posted by justplaying5050

  1. Ok well i dont really know the background between you and this girl but i can guess you two had a duahgter and she had seconds thoughts about living life with you and ended it. k anyways that doesnt matter what matters is that fact that you under reacted. This lady who ever she is bore your daughter, then has the balls to break up with you, and THEN tells you that she wishes you were with them? ... you need to tell this lady to keep those sorta comments to herself and to spare you the drama and . now your daughter seems to live with her? or is shared? what ever the deal is make sure this daughter knows you are mad at her mother and not her. Also this lady seems to have broken your heart. Find yourself a hobby take ur mind off her, go out with friends after work, on the weekends or when ever. you get the picture. Make sure you let her know that she needs to spare you the dramatic and emotional scarring comments like that.

  2. Id say just have fun with it, since neither of u can drive, meeting in person may be a bit difficult, u should probably try to meet somewhere in between where u two live.


    You say u talk like 2 hours each night, and there isnt such thing as talking to mcuh to your lover or what ever but you may eventually run out of things to say and the line will become really quiet. So you mgiht wanna either try not to use all your material if you know what i mean.


    Anyways, make sure you dont give evrything away just because u have all these quick feelings.


    If you feel like your lying to your mother then you should probably tell her. If shes the kind of person who wont let you have a boyfriend then, tough luck, shes your mother she will probably notice that your dressing up especially nice. It would probably be best to tell her insted of having her find out for herself.


    and dont go run around and tell all your friends, ive had friends like that and its sorta annoying, anyways if u cant contain urself make sure u slip it in very smoothly. LoL, have fun with ur "boy"


    for transportation, u could use a bus, either of your parents, a sibling if u have one that older, or perhaps a mutual friend. anyways, good luck

  3. haha i have to admit, im a gamer (on and off) and so i guess ive lost social skills because of that, i may go try this when i get my liscence in a few months ... other wise "hey mom u wanna bring me to the mall so i can ask people what time it is?" lol


    anyways, good advice

  4. thanks everyone for ur input, i think i may as well try it, seeing as how i have to know if i like it or not. Yeah, definitely no smoking lol. If i dont like it then ill do the "drink in hand" method i guess heh =)

  5. not sure if anyone is still reading this, but ive been sexually active before, and we used condoms, but the condoms we used my dad baught me cause he wanted to make sure i was protected (smart move) and anyways, when me and my gf broke up i was heart broken and what not and i threw them out along with some other things. my question being how should i go about attaining more condoms? im afraid i would blush uncontrollably if i went to go buy them myself... so should i just build up the confidence or what?

  6. To state my question better, im 16 years old and curious to how much more my body is gonna grow, im 5'9'' tall, and about 5.5 inches? i dunno ive never measured, anyways, im just curious as to how much ive gonna grow, i also noticed that i "grew hair" in places later then the other kids in my grade. ANYWAYS, second question, how much does size matter to you women, and how small is "small" ?

  7. thanks guys, im going over to my friends house and seeing movies and chilling with some ladies and stuff, its been going well, i cancled my subscriptions to my games, and plus theyve gotten boring. thanks for ur advice folks

  8. ok uhm well heres the thing, im kinda a shy guy and i dont go out that much and to those of u that read my last post know that im trying to get off my computer games. Im 16, most of my friends do pot and drink but i see smoking as really bad for my health cause im a swimmer, and im scared to try drinking because my father is currently an alcoholic and my mother is an ex-alcoholic so im kinda scared, father, drunken trama, ect. so heres my question, should i try drinking and say screw my dad i control my life not him? or should i not drink and be basically unsocial, because i tend to keep all my thoughts to myself. please answer, any personal experiences ... anything please

  9. hey people i dont know =) i could use a little help, as an effort to try to make this short, Im a good looking guy 16, ive been in relationships, im a normal kid but i dont really know how to meet girls. you see i have a computer problem, im sorta a game junkie, i love to play massively multiplayer online games, i love the feeling of being in a unqie universe with thousands of other people making adventures ... w/e anyways, its summer and i would really like to meet someone, but since im a game junkie i dont have very many friends, i mean ive got some but they dont exactly invite me places since im usually playing computer games. uhm ya so any tips on how i could meet a girl? i cant drive yet =( but soon =) ! and also if i did meet someone how would u girls react to me (a guy/bf) being a game junkie but still spending time with my gf.

  10. Ok let me start off by saying that you both have some issues his is smoking, and yours is cutting ... you need to stop cutting your self IMMEDIATELY you can die ... dying = bad, if u die u cant see him anymore or ANYONE anymore, and its possible he did quit but its also possible he didnt, its up to you if you believe him or not, the issue is that he will stop those things for you if he loves you and if he doesnt stop then why would you want to be with him anyways? and regardless of the situation with him, the cutting must stop.

  11. try to keep your interaction with him limited, mabye he will get the hint, you REALLY REALLY dont want to get involved with this guy, even if you like him you have to control yourself this guy no matter how nice if you get involved with him it will be ugly

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