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Posts posted by Star6

  1. Hey guys, another one from me, its only my second one though. I still can't get the rhyming in a poem so mine don't rhyme lol! This is just how I used to think.

    What do you see in me?


    Before I met you

    I was lonely

    I was upset

    I cried myself to sleep


    Thinking I would never find anyone

    Thinking to myself how ugly and fat,

    how worthless

    and how useless I am


    As this was said to me by my mother,

    by people at school,

    by my brother

    I had no hope in myself, my life, no confidence.


    I found you

    We got together

    We grew love

    We've never been apart since


    I can't do anything right

    I can't seem to find what you really like in me

    I'm not used to love in my life, really, what do you see in me,

    Whatever it is, thank you I have never felt so loved and I love you more than anything!

  2. I'll pass on the tester bunny thing I think! Lol!


    Ta nataliejulie, although wouldnt me sitting on top hurt more? I could try the side one at some point, when I'm ready. Excuse if im just being dead thick lol but whats spooning?



  3. LOL Ta smittenkitten.


    Yeah we did try it slowwww but it still hurt, I have tried using my own fingers (sorry to let you know lol) its ok, just not as comfortable as I thought it would be lol.


    Thanks guys.



  4. Heya, few questions about anal!


    Me and my boyfriend have tried it a few times before, but most of the times it really hurt even though I was extremely wet on one occasion and it went in and out very easily but it was just the feeling of being stretched it hurt so much I ended up in tears so we stopped. I know he likes to do it, but I won't because of the pain. Also it really feels like you want to poop aswell lol, how do you get rid of that feeling. I've read of girls orgasming from anal, how on earth? Lol! I wanna be able to enjoy it but I can't. Whats the best position for a girl during anal? Someway that hurts less, we must have tried it at least 3 times, but it still hurts, unbareable pain. Will I just not be able to get used to it?


    Ta guys. x

  5. When my bf was writing his xmas cards I saw them all not coz I was being suspicious but then there was one to a 'Becky' and he held the card up whilst he wrote it n then straight away put the envelope down on the bottom bit to write her name on the front n then shoved it in the envelope? It's been bugging me. I don't know what to say to him. But he was hiding it from me. I've heard the names of most of his friends n family etc but I've never heard of a Becky?


    Thanks xxx

  6. I am a VERY shy person indeed. I always thought my first time I wouldn't be able to go through with it, I don't like my body etc etc I'm not much of a talker until I get to know someone. When I got with my boyfriend, I felt SO comfortable with him, I was surprised, maybe its coz he's big built I don't know I just felt really easy with him and my first time hurt but was good I wasn't shy or anything.


    Just need to talk to each other thats all. Quite normal to be nervous if your with a new partner, if he tells you what he likes, tell him what you like, or if he asks you what you like answer him. You'll get more comfortable within time. I think most guys would like to know what their girl likes so he can satisfy you, so tell him. But if you really are nervous and aren't at ease with him then it seems you shouldn't have sex with him. And also you said your attracted to him as though its your job, it doesn't sound like your really attracted to him.

  7. The only way I can orgasm is if I'm on top during intercourse. I can't orgasm through oral or my bf fingering me. Kinda annoying aswell coz I want something different but all the positions we've tried I can't cum. But my orgasms are sometimes pretty long, which is nice.


    I'm not very good at poems I know they don't always have to rhyme etc, this one doesn't, it probably doesn't make sense to you but its my feelings towards my life, its good to get it out in a poem. Please bare in mind this is my first one. I've read alot of poems on here and they are VERY good, well done.

    My Old Life

    I was once alone,

    A loner you might say,

    Never went out,

    Stayed in.


    You could say I was unsociable

    I was afraid to go outside,

    I never went out with friends,

    Never done anything, content with staying in.


    Each night I was indoors,

    with my mother,

    who is alcoholic,

    Name calling, Slapped, Shouted at


    Throughtout my whole life,

    I haven't had a normal mum,

    I was Jealous, envious of others,

    I've learnt I'm going to have to live with it


    She won't change, not now,

    I'd stay upstairs,

    Listening to my mother and my father,

    arguing, shouting, fighting, things smashing.


    I felt so alone,

    Emotional abuse, very hurtful,

    from my own mother,

    the blame for things!


    Not being able to concentrate at school,

    Breaking down in class,

    Teachers talking to me,

    It's all coming back to me now





    Couldn't stand to fight her. Wouldn't say the word.


    Next morning,

    Nothing's happened, to her,

    Whether she doesn't know of her actions,

    I don't know


    Under the influence of alcohol,

    she starts an argument,

    always name calls me,

    never my brother


    I'd die to know you love me,

    I breath deep and cry,

    I'm all alone!


    My Mother,

    Near rape,


    There's to much, time can't erase in my life it will always be there.



    My New Life

    Going out with friends,


    I was one of them finally,

    But still envious of them

    Perfect mothers,

    All I wished for,

    But no,

    That front hadn't changed




    Wrong, but I was having fun

    Realised, I'd spent to much time alone,

    I was living a bit,

    Then, was envious of friends,


    Jealous of looks,

    Their boyfriends,

    Knowing I'd never have one...

    I was wrong,

    I never thought,

    That I'd find someone,

    Quite like you,

    I sought you

    I found you,

    Got to know you,

    Kissed you,

    Loved you,

    Its only been 5 months together,

    But I've never been so close to anyone,

    It's a new life for me,

    Putting my old life behind me

    I was afraid to love you,

    Now, I'm afraid to lose you,

    I couldn't do it,

    Go back to my old life, without you, I love you!

    I know you love me too,

    You tell me,

    Lots of times,

    Every single day & night.

    At night when you embrace me,

    Whilst I sleep,

    I'm so content and comfortable with you,

    I couldn't live without you now

    You make me feel,



    Cared for, for once in my life. It feels good. So good.

  8. @ Shadows Light: Yeah I am one who gets very very wet indeed, lol. The sensation is going slowly I think, I'm not going to the loo as much as I was lately. But its just when I'm having sex it feels like I need to go, but many women experience that don't they? As I have read on here.


    Lol, ta Kamue, will do.

  9. Heya, I have read this in a few threads on here, but when I'm having sex I really feel like I need to wee, I don't know if I will or not so I can't just let myself go, I end up having to go to the loo. Even if I go for a wee before hand I still feel the same. Last time I tried letting myself go a little bit when I'd orgasmed I stood up and it was dripping down my leg, however I don't know if it was wee or not lol, I don't think it was? My bf knows I have this trouble but lately I have been going to the loo alot more often, like weeing alot and also drinking alot. Not sure if its anything to do with sex, coz diabete's(sp?) has those symptoms, but I doubt my sugar levels are high or low.


    Anyone else have anything like this. Any help would be appreciated, ta. x

  10. Thanks everyone.


    I've spoken to him. I kinda broke down in tears and he saw me. I went to sleep in my mates room with her for the night and he came up and wanted a word I told him everything and he actually sounded as though HE was on the verge of tears and he was explaining that he loved ME no one else and he cancelled the evening plans with his mate to be with me. Everything is sorted now. But talking to you lot helped me speak up.


    Ta everyone. xxx

  11. Now you say it I don't feel threatened about the porn. But the sex chatrooms talking dirty to other girls bothers me and the walking down the street seeing other girls seems harmless but I'll have to talk to him about that cause it runs me down no end.


    No I'm not doing any better confiding in people I don't know, I was just getting advice I wasn't sure if I should feel threatened or not.


    Thanks Boricua7.

  12. Yeah I lost it when I was 16.


    Ta for that smilie, it does make me feel insecure, I don't even think about looking at other boys and if I see someone I certainly wouldnt say to my bf that I think he's nice.


    I get the, it doesnt mean you stop finding other people attractive bit but, he'll watch porn aswell, it seems that he finds everyone else attractive but me, it seems that way but he says I'm beautiful etc. But being through my life I cant accept compliments like that. I don't know whether he really means it or not.

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