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Posts posted by Star6

  1. ...I'm 16 nearly 17, I've been with my boyfriend for 4 months, he's 20, and its been brilliant we have a good sex life and everything is going great. But since he's lost his internet he will come round mine with me and he checks his emails but then starts chatting on chatrooms to girls?? Am I being paranoid but that really hurt me, made me feel like I'm not good enough for him so he has to chat to others. Even when we're in the street he'll see a nice girl and say to me she's got nice boobs or she's got a nice arse, and I'm not exactly slim slim, but it really runs me down in thinking I'm nothing like that, If its what he really wants why's he with me?? He tells me that he loves me all the time though.

    Also when he was on msn I saw him talking about sex with an old school friend her saying she doesnt get it enough and that and he told her to get a sex buddy and he started asking her what shes into etc... and today I went out shopping with a relative and he said he's meeting up with 2 old school friends, one whos just come back from canada and one he just hasn't seen, both are girls. I want to trust him, but looking at girls in the street and talking to them online, I don't know if I can?? Is it just me being jealous or something? Plz plz help, I've been beating myself up over this.



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