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  1. no..not in so many words...the signs were so obvious at first, but now I feel as if he's backing off, against his will, and I don't want to make myself seem to availible...is it just different with older guys? or are they always the same no matter what their age?
  2. let me just add that our work situation is not permenant, not as if it really matters....and also, he's never been married, no kids etc. just added info...thanks for all the help
  3. So my situation is: there is a wonderful man at my work who is 40, I'm 25, and we have both expressed that we have crushes on each other. We work opposite shifts - he kissed me when he walked me to my car last week....I WAS IN HEAVEN! Then he said he promised to call me over the weekend, but he never did. Now also the weird thing is, he's a supervisor for another company that works for the company I work for, so I'm not sure if he's affraid of the "fraternization" thing, or if I've been to forward with him, or it's our age differences. I know we're attracted to each other, that's very obvious. And although we don't know each other that well and for not that long, I am so intrigued by him. I can't stop thinking about him, and the only time we get to see each other is about an hour at work and then there's not really time to talk because we're working and people are around. The only was I have to contact him right now are in person for that hour, and I have his work email. He's got my number...why hasn't he called me? The attraction between us is amazing, I'm wondering if he's trying to fight it, or if I'm being to "young" or forward for him? And I dont want to freak him out by asking a ton of questions over an email...What should I do?
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