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Everything posted by helpmePLEEZZZ

  1. At least I don't feel like what I'm seeing happening here are just my imagination. I have many friends but I don't think they understand.. I do believe deep in my heart that I should leave... But it gets hard because I don't want to make a mistake.
  2. hello all, I am a married 29 year old in a almost 4 year marriage. For most of my marriage I have been unhappy. I am a very out going person and I like being around people. My husband on the other hand would rather stay home all the time and never go out. Watch TV, Play video games, ect. My problem is that he isn't romantic nor is he one to figure out how to be. He goes to work everyday and brings home money for our home. But thats it once he gets home he thinks the work ends. I on the other hand being the Wife and I also have a full time job come home and still have to do the laundry, dishes, bill, dinner, ect. ect. All I want is to have him do more around the house and make me feel loved and wanted. I have tried for aleast 3 years to get this through to him. After many many fights it still hasn't made ANY difference. I want to leave him since nothing I do or say has made any difference. I do love him very much and he is a great person. WHAT CAN I DO... PLEASE HELP! 0X
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