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Posts posted by Moxie100

  1. I think that one should make one's intentions clear (through asking someone out on a date versus asking them to hang out as friends)...as said before.


    I am saying this because I have NEVER had a guy friend/guy I meet ask to "hang out" unless they actually wanted a more-than-friends relationship. Ever. I no longer accept "let's hang out" invitations unless I'm interested in a relationship. I find it extremely irritating as it's nearly impossible for me to have male friends.


    Anyway, I just had to share my 2 cents.

  2. So, you pretty much described exactly how I feel about my life right now. Things I used to be interested in suddenly aren't very interesting.


    Anyway, unfortunately, people who are more satisfied with their lives as an individual usually are more attractive to others. I would try new things, even if you don't feel like you'll like anything...maybe an activity in a group would be a good idea (a fun class or something?), and you might meet someone that way too. One thing that does hold my interest is travelling... I think taking a trip somewhere else for a while can liven your spirits and help you learn more about yourself and what you like.


    I hope I helped a little bit...hang in there. If nothing else, know it's normal to feel that way, and you'll get through it. Good luck.

  3. I have been so frustrated with my life. I feel like there's something in this world specifically intended for me to find, and I'm not finding it. Something I'm supposed to do to change and fulfill myself.


    Does anyone else feel this way?


    Then the thought crosses my mind that there's nothing, and that the feeling is completely unrational...and I wonder if I'm completely losing my mind.


    I'm in a "good" situation - my parents will pay for me to go to school (I have decided to not go right now), I have an okay job, and I have an amazing boyfriend who I have been with for two years and would drop everything and marry him if it wouldn't break my parent's hearts as I suspect it would.


    I feel like I'm either very strange, or like everyone feels this way but either doesn't grasp it fully, or just doesn't like to talk about it. I feel like this applies to everyone, so I would really, really, really appreciate answers, even if they are limited to "No, I never feel that way" or "You're stupid" or "Yes! I feel that way all the time!" Thanks in advance!

  4. Well, as someone who used to do it, I stopped when became involved with a boyfriend who cared and wanted me to stop. To be honest, I stopped because he cared so much and I wanted to please him. As time went on, I did it for myself too. Anyway, my point was just knowing that someone I was so close to cared and wanted me to stop doing it made all the difference.


    Why is it so bad? I think it's not such a good thing because it's a form of stress release that's harmful instead of helpful. To release stress now, I like to draw and paint and stuff like that...it's good because it's productive, I enjoy it, and it releases stress. I think there's more to the stigma against it than that, but unfortunately, I don't know how else to answer.


    Good luck.

  5. I should probably warn you first - I'm no expert in this department. I may or may not give sound advice.


    You sound very looks-oriented (no offense intended). Make sure you're dating people you really feel you have more than just a physical connection with...just be sure you have an open mind, and are dating people you have a physical connection AND an emotional/intellectual/whatever connection with.


    Also, remember than while it may be silly and rediculous, a lot of times people who come off as desperate can be a big turn-off. Make sure you aren't dating a lot of girls at once, avoid dating friends, etc. Make sense?


    I hope I helped some. Good luck...I hope you find someone.

  6. Maybe the word "life" doesn't exist as human beings understand it to. We all agree that if "it" has blood and a beating heart, it is alive.


    What about plants? We all agree that plants are alive, but it doesn't have a beating heart. Well, plants start out as something miniscule, grow, change, interact with the ecosystem around them, thus they are alive.


    A pile of dust "grows." Dirt is an important factor in an ecosystem, as are weather, rocks, fire...are these things "alive?" Why not? Why can't they be alive? Why isn't everything "alive?" Why are humans so sure that only SOME things are "alive?"


    Glaciers move like living creatures - why can't they be "alive?"

    One-celled creatures like amoebas are so simple - are we sure they're "alive?"


    Each single cell in our body is "alive," but made up of components that by themselves are not "alive." Oxygen. Protein. Carbon Dioxide. Phospherus. Sodium. These things are not alive. So why together are they suddenly "alive?"

  7. I cannot stop thinking about life and God and what's real and what's not real and what's naturally human and what's not naturally human and do we have souls? and what does and doesn't have a soul? My brain will not stop.


    In my mind I have this anxious feeling, like I'm waiting for something. I feel like if I just sat and thought long enough, some tidy little answer for everything will somehow arrive specifically to me.


    I feel strange and not human, and feel alienated by people because I feel like I'm different than the average person - not better, maybe even worse, but different. I wonder how people can function with so little knowledge about existence. I feel trapped in my life and trapped in my body and trapped in my mind and trapped by existence all together.


    I feel like all the meaning human beings assign to life isn't real.

  8. No, I don't think I've been thinking about him. It's hard to say though...as soon as I meant him, I just adored him. There was always something special about him.


    Unfortunately, I wouldn't even know how to go about contacting him. He moved to another country.

  9. Definitely not skanky.


    If I was your friend, though, I'd be careful about hurting people's feelings. There's nothing wrong with having fun, but it could potentially be hurtful to the people she hangs out/kisses with, depending on how they interpret the situation.

  10. I've had numorous dreams about different things but with the same person I know in them. This guy in my dreams was a friend (old boyfriend) whom I haven't spoken to in 3-4 years. Anyway, it's somewhat strange, and he just keeps appearing in my dreams...


    Any thoughts?

  11. Hey...I've known several people who took effexor - I hate the stuff.


    But...I'm a big believer in people knowing what's right for your own body. If you think it's the best thing for you, and you feel you should continue taking it, then do so. If you think you should stop, be sure to be careful, and definitely talk to your doctor first. From what I know, withdrawal from effexor is terrible. Remember too that there are other medications out there with side effects that aren't so bad.


    Best wishes!

  12. I think it is very important for you to keep your cool. Every time you get upset, you are letting them know that you are giving them power over you.


    Have you had a serious discussion with your mom about this? I think you/your mom should find something you absolutely have power over, and work out more of a rewards thing than a punishment thing. For instance, maybe instead of trying to punish them, give them an allowance, but warn them that if they abuse their priviledges (i.e. taking something from you) they will not receive their allowance. Always follow through with what you say.


    Remember, you are an adult. Do not yell - yelling is a sign you feel you are losing control.


    In regards to your intended punishment, I do not feel it will be productive. I think it degrades them as a people..that will definitely not help you. Find qualities about them that are good, and tell them you approve of that characterisitic. (For example: Good grades? Do they have a special talent? Are they good with people?)


    I hope I helped some. Be patient, and good luck!

  13. I've always considered myself agnostic as well...but to me, being agnostic is more of a decision to refrain from making a decision. Is that how you feel or do you interpret it differently? I suppose that's all a matter of definition of the word. I definitely am not Christian.

  14. Thanks for replying everyone.


    Dako: What kind of mysteries do you indulge in? The fact that you have such a well put together response made me wonder if you do not think about the nature of our lives more than you confess.


    Some people would argue that spirituality is different than religion, and that science is only one method of "knowing."

  15. Although I tend to be depressed, in the past, when I have seriously thought about suicide, it is usually a result of an intense desire to discover the nature of the world; God? No God? Reincarnation? Nothing?


    This desire to die in order to find answers (don't get me wrong - I have resolved never to do it) has been a recurring thought for me for years. However, I've recently been becoming more and more intensely absorbed in this topic. I have a hard time focusing my mind on smaller tasks...school, chores, etc. Everything except for the ultimate question seems so petty.


    Anyone else experience this? By the way, if anyone's curious, I've never been a very religious person. All the church services I've experienced seem very phony to me - no offense intended - but I suppose that's an entirely different topic.

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