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  1. I appreciate all of your quick responses. I feel like i'm going through hell right now and it is so wonderful to have a place like this where others are giving you advice. I will take everything that you all said to heart while making my decisions. As of right now, we will focus on getting our own rooms set up, and eventually parting. I did discover today that we can sublease, so i'm taking it one day at a time and trying to pull a friendship out of all of this. I really think of our past and its heart wrenching. I just hope that I am making the right decision, and i guess nobody can tell me that because it is something that I must know. But I am only 22 and I feel like I should really make somewhat of a life for myself and maybe date other guys. We both have a lot of love for eachother, but our relationship has struggled for a long time, and I feel that we are stringing something along that we should let go of. I am just struggling with my decision right now as I feel so much pain and I know that I must stick with it. I apologize if this seems sappy and that it got so long, but I am feeling very hurt and I can't really talk about this anywhere else. So I thank all of you, and my heart goes out to everyone feeling pain.
  2. I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for 7 years. We began dating when I was 15. We moved in together when we left for college, and lets just say i'm sure this has been a dead end relationship for quite some time, however I am very dependent on him and have not left. I am a shy person and he is very outgoing. We are now finished with college and I am finally feel strong enough to call the relationship quits. I know I have to move on and I can't string this along any more. Although I know this is the right thing to do I am terribly pained by it. I would really like to stay friends as we have been bonded for so many years and eachothers best friends. To make things more complicating, we are stuck in a lease together for another 9 months and I do not believe that we can sublease. Luckily we have 2 bedrooms so he will be moving on to one, but I am terrified that with my own insecurities I will run back to him especially that he lives here with me. Does anyone have any suggestions or input? I feel scared and extremely down by this whole situation. He has been my whole life for the last 7 years and I feel like I don't know who I am with out him, but I really want to try to make a life for myself.
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