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  1. Hi all. I am just going into my 3rd year at uni (the course is 4 years) and the firt time i started uni i left after 3 weeks because of terrible homesickness. I felt terrible but finally returned the next year and felt a lt better and have managed to complete 2 years. The problem is that Im feeling homesick just like i did the first time round and don't know what to do. It's even weirder this time because everything is familiar rather than the complete newness i was facing the first time. I don't live far fro home (about hour and half) and wonder if i should go home more for weekends during term. Any advice would be great, i just feel awful at the moment. I have been back for 3 days and don't know how long i should leave it before i should start to worry. To let you know, I ave a history of depression and have always been quite frail emotionally, which makes all of this all the worse. I guess i'm really gutted and embarrassed that after 2 years at uni, i'm starting to feel like this again. Thanks in advance everyone, I'm really trying to smile, but its so hard. Ryan
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