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Posts posted by redhotcherries

  1. OKay my younger sister is wanting to get married. She is 15 & will be turning 16 in November her boyfriend is already 16. & she is also 4 months pregnant. We live in the state of Virginia. So is it true that they will let under aged pregnant teens get married without parental consent. Thanks for your time.

  2. well im on a friends account she told me this was a good place to get advice well im gonna pop the big question to my girlfriend but i dont really know how i should go about it. I plan on takin her somewhere where we can be alone maybe a picnic & watch the sun go down then i plan on getting out my acoustic guitar and playing her a love song then asking her to marry me. Yeah im a big romantic buff. I just dont know what song to play.. maybe Memories of us by Keith Urban or Its your love by Faith Hill & tim McGraw? anyothers that i could use.

  3. Please do this. It's a poll that I am doing for an artical in a paper on Teens & Parents. I need some pollers..lol so i thought what the heck i'll come here and get your opinons instead of going out on the streets or in malls and ask people. This way is a whole lot faster. So please do this & THANK YOU!



    Q: At what age do you think parents should let teens start going out on dates?


    under 14




    older then 16





    Q: What kind of dates should it be?





  4. well I need some tips and new tricks to make my guy wanna go crazy.. lol like when we are out at the movies or going to dinner. I wanna make him hot and bothered. It makes our sex better i think when we come home. because all that tention and despiration to go home and have at it. So how are some good ways to get him turned on i mean i know like rubbing against him on a so called accident while waiting in line to be seated at a resterant but i need some more things better things.. im up for wild..lol so throw me some good ideas Please and thank you.

  5. Okay so Vday is coming up real soon. I want to really surprise my guy with a night he wont forget. I just dont know what to do. Im a real kinda shy person. we have had sex before but nothing wild and hot.. I need help on like what i should do for that night. I want him to wake up the next morning and say wow! I need some ideas on how to make him real turned on when he walks threw the door..lol please help. Thanks

  6. Okay im just doing a little poll thingy where i ask you all your opinion on this topic or situation. here is a question for the ladies and for the guys too.


    Girls: What do u think is the best way to get back at your Ex boyfriend tell me how you have in the past or would do to make him jelous.


    Guys: what is something your ex has done to make you jelous or name something that would make you jelous.


    Thanks again!

  7. I went threw the same thing about a year ago.. I couldnt eat I didnt get enough sleep.. I stayed sick and depressed.. I was so bad off I had to be put in a hospital after getting out a friend of mine told me THIS IS ENOUGH! and that i had to stop. So this is what we done we went threw my house and gathered up everything that was his that he gave me everything even down to old love notes and everything.. I put them in a box and tapped it up! i didnt want to burn it because there were some pretty expensive things in it so i pushed it in one of my spare closets and locked it up in there... Then I started on the pictures.. I gathered them all up the ones of him and the ones of me with him I put them in a separate photo album and stuffed them away so i would never run accross them and get depressed again. Then I went to the spa and got a massage and the whole works then went out shopping with my friends got 3 new outfits and one hot dress.. we went out to eat and then we went to a local club.. i danced with every single guy there.. I got my firiends to set me up on blind dates and went out and had fun! this is important you have had your grieving time now its time to move on.. You are Beautiful and he was the one that lost you.. you didnt lose him.. There are hundreds of guys out there that would love to date you.. you just need to give it time take a vacation spend time with family.. And best friends.. this is the time to show him that you can get much better..! Good luck


    (oh and as for your puppy i know you cant get rid of it but everytime you look at it and remember him just think that is the one part of him that you still have )

  8. Okay first off as most of you know me and my boyfriend are getting married in 3 months and our sex life is great thanks for the tips on my last post about ways to heat things up ..


    anyway on to the little well not problem but just something that has me wondering... Okay I have noticed everytime me and my boyfriend have sex right before he gets ready to pop he sticks 2 of his fingers in my mouth. Now see at first i didnt really pay any attention to it because we cum around the same time and im too busy taking in that moment to notice bu the other night i started to see a repeated patteren.. its kidda odd i think but i guess all guys have there little things.. But the question is does anyone else do this or has a partner who does.. well thats all i wanted to know..lol until next time..

  9. Ok here it goes me and my boyfriend is getting ready to get married soon we have an ok sex life but i want to make him go wow.. she is amazing i want to do something sexy and playful teasing something that will make me look seductive and wild.. nothing too kinky no wips chains black leather ect. one of my friends said chocolate body paint stuff but i dont know about that one so what do u all think give me some good ideas.. i have tried changing our environment having sex in the shower pool and our hot tub even on our pool table once.. but that all leads to the bed and it feels the same i want something to really heat things up

  10. Ok first off im on my step sisters thing an im 15 by the way just thought I would clear that up.. ok here is the deal im like in love with this guy right I have known him for a long time we got real close last year but then we just kinda fell apart once highschool started I had a Bf and all but now we are both single and I really want to see if i can get us hooked up.. i need to know good ways to see if he is interested without looking silly or acting too flirty i dont want him to think God she is all on me all the time.. He has admited to liking me but i wanna see how much.. i need help on things to say to see ..like hinting around at dating or something.. please help thank you

  11. Well me and my boyfriend have been together for a rough 3 years i hate to say it but sometimes he really drives me up the wall.. Just so many things he does thats irritating.. the only time we can agree on everything is in bed.. our sex life is great.. and honestly thats the only time i can stand to be around him.. he is very emotional an likes to complain about his feeling i on the other hand am not that emotional over little things i just say oh well and go on.. he likes to b*tch about it. But the last time we had sex was like 2 months ago because we have been too busy fighting at the end of the day he ends up in the guest bed and i get our bed.. pluse im too tired to have sex because all the fighting that went on earlier.. at this point sex is the only thing that is holding us together an now that seems to fail.. lastnight i even tried to have sex with him he was laying on the bed i went in there an was kissing on him trying to get things hot an he did follow threw we just made out he never offered to take off my clothes we just made out and then layed there till we fell asleep... HOw do I get things back to the way they were REAL HOT.. we need help in our sex life more then anything because its what keeps us together..

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