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Everything posted by lovebound

  1. ive been dating this wonderful guy, and like all relasionship we had ou problems. well hes lied about talking to his ex-girlfriend and look at internet porn. besides that we are pretty happy. i have promblems trusting because o f past relasonships, but i love him with all of my heart. he tells me all the time he loves me. he's only told me once that he wanted to marry me. but always tells me im the only one he wants that know one better for him. but i think id pressed the issue, ive looked at rings, named places for the wedding and who would be in it and everything. he always joins in and tells me what he likes and dosent like. it makes me believe its what he wants but im not so sure. he hast told his mother that we are getting married, so that makes me feel not real. like im invisable, why am i here. i think ive made this whole thing into something its not. what does it mean when he wont tell his mother his excuse his he dosent want to hurt his moms feelings. help me what do i do?
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