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Posts posted by in_doubt

  1. yeah i agree, it can be so gut wrenching when my partner says no to sex, and we take it so personally even though it probly is really because they are tired!! and they are allowed to not feel up to it lol. But yeah i was kinda saying hes pressuring you, in his own way it seems, and ofcourse you yourself can correct me if he isnt the type of person, just sounds asif hes basically saying, i really need sex, bad, and im a bit miffed ya wont give it me, so im gonna make ya feel guilty hehe. Probly harmless, just my opinion. if ya do hold out, itll be sooooo awesome lol


    Yeh im definatly waiting until im married, but theres some things i will do with him because i honestly do love him and to be realistic you cant be with a guy these days for over one year, tell him you love him and in the meantime only giving him kisses, i'de understand his frustrations and i couldnt do it anyways i doubt many guys would be able to put up with it, i most likely couldnt, but sex is something can definatly hold on to until im married and hopefully he'll be the one.


    Thank you sooo much for all your comments guys, they have helped me out sooo much Made me feel a whole heap better too.

  2. im pretty sure that if you ignore her shell notice and start to be the clingy kind all of a sudden... im not for sure but all i know is that i am the same way you are very clingy, always wanting to be with my boyfriend wanting to kiss, hig, hold him 24/7... hes not like that till just recently i started to not do those things...and hes totally the clingy one now its awsome!!!

    hopefully it will last!


    haha its gets like that sometimes, but it never lasts ](*,) roles are always reversing, but in this relationship i'de say im definitely the clingy one. However with his ex, he was waaaaaaaay more clingy with he because she was the one that use to ignore him and he was always chasing after her n wanting to be included in every little thing she did.


    I'de say try not being so available to her, she will notice it and start calling you more often.

  3. You shouldn't be doing it just cause he wants you to, it should be because you really want to.


    Ofcourse, he never forces me to do anything..things just get heated sometimes, i love him also and it brings us closer aswell i've noticed


    I was just a bit confused and worried since he never came, as its never happened before so i didnt really know what to think.


    To be honest, i still am a bit confused by it. Ah well, i guess there some things in life that we'll just never know the real reason behind it.

  4. Well, like I said I can't say for certain but if you told her what you did, she may not now. Do you all live close to one another?

    I live close to him, but she lives 30 minutes away. The thing that is sort of starting to get me even more worried is the fact that she is friends with his friends, even though he does not speak to them any longer..just a hi and bye, but that could still be a bit dangerious for me at the moment.


    I wiiiish so badly i could be honest with him, but knowing him i know he will most likely end up breaking up with me because he hates the fact of me not being able to trust him. As for me even snooping around his personal life, and talking to people he hasnt spoken to in years, well that will just had more fuel to the fire that i already created.


    I hope im an example to anyone who snoops around..believe me, its not worth it, let the past be the past and dont bring it into the present because it can ruin the future

  5. I am curious as to what will happen now that she is blocked again (you did reblock her, right?) what her reaction is going to be. What if she tries contacting him in other means to ask why he blocked her again?


    Ok well yes i did unblock her while i was chatting with her, but as i was pretending to be him i told her that i do have a gf now and that we have been together for a while. She responded with a 'im very happy for you' and all i said before i logged off after a long conversation was that i wish her luck and to takecare, so then i blocked her and logged out I feel sooo horrible right now.


    I dont know what to think, she wont try to contact him now will she? Her knowing he has a girlfrield..why would she bother, right?

  6. umm ok, well i just did something reeeaaally stupid i logged in my bf's old email account, he blocked n deleted everyone on that list..as i was going through the list i remember him telling me about a girl he was sort of 'seeing' so out of curiosity i added her back to his list..no surprise she msged immediately and started talking, saying how its been soooo long since they last spoke. I know at that point i should have blocked her and got off his account but the evil voice in my head just wouldnt let me


    So i pretended to be him and starting talking to her, then i asked her a few questions that i needed to know but the whole time she thought it was him talking. By the way she was replying..i could tell she was still interested in him grrrrrrrrrr


    Anyways, so then i asked her some questions and he responses actually surprised me..because my bf told me they stopped talking because she was waaaay too clingy and annoying, and that she use to always call him and annoy him so he got sick of her and stopped talking to her. She however said something completely different, the reason why they stopped talking was because my bf was waaay too strict, like he didnt want her going out, or drinking or smoking or talking to any other guys..


    I was reading a few of the emails he sent her and in one of them he said he will always love her. Im in a extremly baaad position right now because i know i can not bring this up with my bf or ask him any questions about it because i should not have been on his account pretending to be him.


    Why did he lie to me about why they stopped talking? and is there any way he will find out what i did, im really starting to regret what i did..and i wish i never found out what i just did. It just made me feel a million times more insecure then i already was.

  7. thank you guys sooo much for your replys. They have helped ease my paranoia. As for stress, he has told me he's being having a few problems with his parents for the past few weeks, maybe thats what he's stressed about.


    I just have one question though, say if a guy was getting actual sex..could that be a reason for him not being able to cum? or does that not having anything to do with it ?


    Thanks in advance

  8. It happens. There are times when guys just cannot cum. Sometimes it could be because he has not for a while, other times, it might be because he has been in touch with himself a little too much. It does not men he is cheating.


    Yeh but what are the reasons, theres gotta be something...i just know it, he usually has a really high sex drive, i know he use to have alot of sex before him and i started going out. He has alwaaays cum, this is the first time, and im getting worried because lately he has been complaining about not having any sex and how much its starting to frustrate him..weird timing


    Im just really worried that he might be getting sex from elsewhere, i cant say that to him because i know it'll just start an argument and thats the last thing i want.


    Any of you guys had similar problem, if so..what was the reason for u not being able to cum? If he was getting sex from elsewhere, could that be a reason for him not cuming or does it not having anything to do it with?

  9. I've been stressing over this for over 2 days now, and im starting to get extemely worried and paranoid about it aswell


    I was with my bf and we were just kissing then things started heating up, we had dry sex..well im not sure if its exactly called 'dry sex' since were were both naked and he was rubbing myself against me from the front, then from the back..but he didnt put himself in me because i didnt want him to, yes im still a virgin. Sorry if im giving away waaay too much information but i just need to know what happened and why it happened.


    The thing is, my bf has been telling me how he doesnt get any sex from me and he its hard for him as a guy to be without sex for over 1 year, so i always try to please him as much as i can without him actually putting himself in me.


    We have had dry sex before and i have given him a hand job and he's always cum.


    The other day however we were at it for over 40 minutes but he couldnt manage to cum, he rubbed himself against me and i even pulled him off but he couldnt come, he even pulled himself off and he still didnt cum, im just wondering why this happened? Has he been getting sex from somewhere else??


    This has never happened before, and things were even more heated today then ever before but he still didnt cum. Any guys been in similar situation..or anyone know why sometimes guys dont cum, he usually cumes within a few minutes..but i was extremly paranoid when he didnt cum this time, im thinking maybe he's been getting sex from somewhere else and i dont know about it. What else would be the reason for him not being unable to cum.


    Im really starting to get paranoid Is this commen, if so...anyone know why it happens? The thing that really worries me however is that we havnt had dry sex in a while or even been intimate, wouldnt he be more turned on and would cum easier if he hasnt been getting anything for a while and then things get really heated..?

  10. Ok i have been feeling guilty all day and i just needed a place to vent my guilt and hopefully receive some helpfull advice. I've been with my bf for almost one year, him and are are getting really close and everything is just going really well for us both at the moment.


    Unfortunately, i dont think i've been playing my role as an honest/decent girlfriend. I find myself lying to him everyday about the smallest or biggest things. I know it makes him really angry when i tell him about other guys talking to me or trying to pick me up..so sometimes i say it just to get a reaction out of him, and no surprise to me he gets offended everytime. I always tell myself i wont do it but i constantly find myself doing and saying things that i know do hurt him


    I love my bf to death and if he was to ever break-up with me i dont know what i would do, all i know is that i would most likely be severly depressed. He is a protective bf and i like that, it shows me he cares. He hates me going clubbing and i've told me i dont go, i've told him i hate that place and i cant stand the atmosphere...when in fact, im clubbing almost every saturday and friday Last night i didnt get home until about 5:30am and i had almost 10 missed calls from him.


    He called me later on that afternoon and i told him sorry i missed his calls and that i was just at home bored and watching tv so i fell asleep. When in reality...i was out with my friends, getting drunk and flirting with guys I feel sooooo bad, he waited up all night trying to call me so we could talk but instead i was being a dumb sl*t I know i cant tell him any of this because if i do i know he will dump me.


    Im clubbing every weekend and i cant stop, i love him but i lie to him everyday about almost everything..and i dont know why i keep doing this to him. I know he desereves better, he is a good guy. He has given up his friends to be with me because his friends use to go out too much and pick up girl etc. He has given up all that to be in a seriouse relationship with me and he thinks i have done the same thing too but i havnt. I feel so bad, why do i keep doing this...why am i lying so much. Why cant i stop. Can i stop?


    Someone plz help me.. i dont want to keep doing this, i know it'll end the relationship if i keep going in the same path but i just cant stop. I love going out clubbing getting drunk and just having a good time, he on the other hands referes to girls that go clubbing as "sluts" and he would rather stay home watching tv then go out.

    I hate this feeling...it really does suck.

  11. He has kept a few things away from me which i had to find out on my own. He use to talk to a few girls (not sure if he still does) if i ask he'll throw a tantrum and switch off his phone for a week. Anyways these girls he use to talk to, i asked him if they were just friends and if they had any past relationships with him other then friendship he said no. After speaking to a few of the girls it turned out he use to go out with one of them before i came along and the others he was just seeing


    He has a short fuse, gets pretty angry really easily. He has physically hurt me in the past, slapped me, put his hand around my kneck..pulled my hair, arm and uses obscene language once he gets mad. I cant say exactly what he says because there a a few underage people here. Its not something anyone would want to be called. Lately he has been telling me to mind my own business when i ask where he was, or what he was doing.


    I have trouble sleeping, i dont know why but i've always been like this. When i first started talking to him we use to stay up till 5am talking on the phone. Now he gets off the phone at 1:30am on the dot. I've asked to stay up and talk to me for a while but he refuses, gets angry and defensive then switches off his phone till the next morning So i usually cry myself to sleep and wonder how and why i let myself get to this point. A point where i know i am been treated worse then dirt but i still cant seem to let him go.


    I dont know if im being too needy or clingy, but are guys suppose to act this way towards their girlfriends? I know he use to call his ex way too much and she use to get annoyed. They broke up because he was too controlling and always called her. He is the exact opposite when it comes to me, im the one that does the calling usually and im the one that always wants to stay up talking.


    At times i dont know why, but i have a feeling he isnt really going to bed. Probably on the phone to anyother girl or on the net


    Christ i think i need to speak to Dr Phil

  12. I have been with my boyfriend for a year now. Things are good sometimes and theres times where i just have enough, the pain gets to the point where i cant eat, sleep or think straight. I stay awake obssesing over the agruement that we have, i have trouble sleeping and i cant seem to think about anything or anyone but him.


    Sometimes it scares me how obsessed i am with him, what he does, where he goes, who he talks to, when he's going to call me I dont feel as if this is normal. He is pretty easy going. He trusts me and doesnt mind me going out without him. Me on the other hand, i dont trust him i have fallen so deep in love with this guy that im just terrified of losing him or getting hurt. I know most relationships dont work out just like marriages.


    Im so scared to let him go, but i know its best for him. I dont trust or believe anything he tells me, due to the reason that at the beginning of our relationship he went on a holiday with his friends for one week. Three months later he told me he cheated on me This obviously devisated me and broke my heart in pieces. I often find myself listening to those sad love songs and crying while i imagine my life without him sad i know


    I honestly love this guy too much, so much that i have forgiven him for way too many wrongs he has done to me. He has put me through hell and back, i find it hard to trust anyone after what he did to me. Sometimes i dont even trust myself. I love him, i really do.. he does have his moments when he is kind, caring and understanding. Lately things have been pretty rough, i have been very depressed and i feel very lonely. Letting him go will hurt me i know, i am very attached and just the thought of him loving another girl and forgetting about me tears my heart apart.


    Should i just put up with this and see how long it takes for him to finally see how much i mean to him? Or am i just wasting my time. As much as i hate to say this, i am going to be honest. I am a very clingy, needy, emotional and i have an obsessive behaviour Most times i dont blame him for acting the way he does. I see my next relationship going through the same path as this one. I dont want to start a new relationship with anyone else, i just want to make this work.


    Is there any chance at all of this relationship becoming healthy? Is there anything i should be doing to make him more interested in me? Should i become more distant so he realises that something is wrong?


    He doesnt like discussing our problems because it always leads us to having another fight. I need help Any comments, or any help at all will be greatly appriciated.


    Thanks in advance.

  13. I asked a male friend and he told me that maybe my boyfriend isnt over his ex that maybe he is just using me to get over his ex or is just with me until he can get his ex back.. i hope he is wrong though

    It stressed me even more when he said this to me.


    I know he loved he ex alot and every time i mention her name, he goes all silent..its like he is thinking about her. Then he doesnt speak for a while and has a sad look on his face.


    Theres also times when he tells me that he looks back and he regrets all the time he wasted on her, i dont know. It's very confusing to me.

  14. Tell me, are you doing things on purpose to see if you can get him to react?


    Yes, i do actually it is very frustrating at times though. To be honest, im way more over protective of him then he is of me. In most cases its the male thats the protective one. I just find it weird how he changed so much


    As much as i hate to say this..and hate myself for even thinking this, but sometimes it crosses my mind for me to do something that will betray him..just to see his reaction or if he even cares at all. The thought scares me however, and i dont think i would ever be able to go through with it.


    It's strange how hard i seem to be trying to get the attention from him or just to make him feel jelous for once, but i just dont seem to be getting any reaction from him Sometimes i feel as though he has no feelings or emotions. Scares me a little

  15. I've been with my boyfriend for 1 year now. He has 1 ex's and from what he's told me, he was extremely over-protective of her, possesive and strict. Just a few examples..he didnt let her go to any partys unless he was with her and he also didnt let her go out shopping unless she was with him or her parents. She was not allowed to have any male friends. Basically she could barely leave the house. They were together for over 2 years. After she broke up with him he went through depression and started taking medication, which he does not use anymore.


    Heres what confuses me. He is not protective with me at all, he does not care what i do or where i go. I tell him im going clubbing and he just tells me to have fun and that he'll talk to me tomorrow. He doesnt seem to care when i go out shopping or out to parties without him. I've asked him to come with me a couple of times but he never does. He just tells me hes not bothered. When i tell him something (that any other boyfriend in his position would get mad or jelous) he just tells me to do what i want and that he doesnt care what i do.


    what the hell is this suppose to mean. Does he not care about me? Is he still inlove with his ex and is just with me until he has the chance of getting her back again? Is he just using me?? I lie awake most nights thinking about this..it really confuses me. How can a guy go from being extremely over-protective, possive and jelous to becoming so CARELESS?? Its eating at me..i dont know what to do. Sometimes i want him to get jelous, and possesive. It'll make me feel like he cares. I hope im not over-reacting, but it really bothers me.


    Any responses will be greatly appriciated

  16. Thanks for that guys, it cleared a few things up for me



    #1 i dont know. the guy i used to be with didnt smell. maybe its diff. for some people. if its really obviously foul, my guess might be there is something wrong with him as in disease or hygiene, but i really dont know.


    Hmmm, i've never noticed the smell to be honest, but my boyfriend told me that it smells bad, i never asked him why or if all guys were the same. Since your saying it might have something to do with hygiene or disease.. im just turned off actually. Maybe i should tell him to get checked up

  17. Kind of embarrasing to ask this to anyone face to face so tought i would save myself the embarrassment and ask in a forum instead


    1. Is it true that when a guy cums, it smells bad. Or does it just depend on the guy?


    2. Things got heated one time and my boyfriend started rubbing up against me and after a while he told me to get off him because he came, is this at all possible?? For some reason i didnt believe him when he said that. Is it commen for guys to cum during dry sex


    3. Is rubbing up against eachother similar to sex? Or are they way different to eachother, I know nothing goes in when its just dry humping liturally but is the feeling similar?


    Thanks in advance for any responses. I was too embarrased to ask any of my friends

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