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Claire Oberon

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  1. Unfortunately, it sounds like you are in a very abusive relationship. Your partner doesn't seem to want to accept your feelings or want to take you seriously when you are worried or upset. The chance that he will change for the better over time is probably very low. Do you still have feelings for him? Is there anything that makes your relationship worth fighting for?
  2. Sorry to hear that you feel you will never find love or someone to love. You are far from alone as many feel the same as you. But to look at it positively, there are almost endless possibilities for you to find someone to share your life with. Pubs and dating apps can be fun options but at the same time usually only lead to more short-term romances. My general suggestion is usually to get a hobby where you meet other people. You might like to paint, sing in a choir, exercise or play board games. Getting to know new people in social contexts where you feel safe and comfortable can usually be a good gateway to meeting someone for a long-term relationship. This tactic is usually effective as you will probably have at least one common interest already when you meet for the first time. Hope this can help you.
  3. What you describe is a very common sign of a relationship that has evolved from being full of love to one were your partner is abusive. Even if your partner were to seek help, I feel that the odds are high that he will return to his current behavior. I would recommend that you at least live apart for a while or that you leave him permanently. Is there something today that keeps you with him? Love? Pity? Do you owe him anything?
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