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Everything posted by harmony

  1. Yeah I'm just kinda confused about this big incident that you never got past. Do you mind clarifying what you never got past? because it could be that's the key here, that you're trying to overlook something that just can't be overlooked and it's making you miserable.
  2. why do you care about this^^?? why aren't you looking out for yourself instead? also, i don't think he's cheating on you, i think he's cheating on his wife or main girlfriend with you.
  3. You look down on her and her family. Something to think about. Do you like staying with someone you think is beneath you? Also, I'm confused about your and your girlfriend professional lives. If she's working a job where she travels a lot, how are you able to do this unusual "living together" at both of your parents' homes arrangement? Doesn't her travel effect her living at her parents' house? How are you able to "get" her such an awesome job when her resume consists of working at a different shop every few months? You describe her as immature and dependent on her parents. Why do you keep finding jobs for her? Why would you recommend someone like that for a highly-paid job? You cannot possibly think she would make a good employee. I also find it unusual that two highly-paid professionals could or would choose such an unconventional and disruptive lifestyle. What's the benefit to either of you to always be spending nights at different homes? According to you, your combined income is more than 8x the average. Why are the two of you living like vagabonds?
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