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  1. It all feels too insurmountable. There is A LOT I would need to overcome, just to give myself a fighting chance. As soon as I think about getting on the right track, it overwhelms me. That is often why my thoughts turn to suicide.
  2. I did reach out to a local church and thought about joining. Although I can see the social and moral utility of organised religion, there is that skepticism that prevents me from embracing it.
  3. You don't "allow" yourself to be happy. Happiness is engendered by your personal circumstances. People who try to fake happiness eventually end up having a mental breakdown. The masochistic porn-watching is just a byproduct of that.
  4. If you're going to insult my intelligence, what do you expect? Also, I don't see how you can claim that my argument makes no sense. A woman will always have options, even if she's horribly disfigured or deformed. Like I said, I've known women with MY condition who were worse than me but still found partners. I am living proof that women will not make those same concessions, not unless you have high socioeconomic status anyway. Maybe it is because men are less choosy or have fewer options than women, so they're more willing to look past someone's physical imperfections.
  5. I don't really get the point you are trying to make. I looked up both of the women you mentioned and I can see they are both happily married to partners. There's far more hope for disfigured/deformed women to find a partner than the other way around. And yes, world-famous millionaire actor Peter Dinklage is happily married. What a shocker.
  6. Really? Because if you read back, it was mostly humblebragging about her husband and her own success, rather than giving any practical advice. It's a common trend I've noticed from people who claim to want to "help". I guess it feeds the ego to use someone else's misery as an opportunity to validate yourself.
  7. In other words, you only engage with people who agree with you and don't challenge your opinions? Fair enough. That's par for the course on the internet.
  8. I am not denying that the biological clock is a challenge for women looking to attract a partner later in life. But there is hope. You proved that with your own personal story. It's a different story for disadvantaged men like myself. I don't know why people argue against this, it's reality-denying to pretend there aren't a % of men born with genetic advantages that women find desirable, while on the flip side of the coin there's men born with disadvantages out of their control like me, whom women will never find attractive or be satisfied with.
  9. Thanks, hall monitor. Here's an idea, if you don't like a thread, don't read it?
  10. Yeah... I'm real comfortable. There is no hope for people like me. We either die in the gutter or take our own lives, whichever comes first.
  11. The problem is that men with low self-esteem like me often find themselves dating the first woman to bat her eyelashes at them. Then they end up stuck in toxic relationships because they were desperate for any woman to give them a chance. I'm almost as afraid of that as I am spending the rest of my life alone. Anywho, no I don't think it would be safe to infer that all men want women with DD boobs, because men are known to have a broad range of what they find attractive. And women being ruthless at the dating game? I think every broken heart can attest to that.
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