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Posts posted by combat_barbie

  1. Had my post not been deleted without explanation, no message has been sent to me no profanity was used and so on, it would be obvious that I am not discrediting your sources except for the "country doctor" I was simply pointing out that your sources give no information whatsoever to back up your claims. Sure the BBC wasn't lying but they didn't say anything to back up your claims. Maybe if your sources actually related to what you said it would be different.


    Then again this forum clearly has a problem with people knowing something otehr than anti-marijuana propaganda so my post has thus been deleted without explanation whatsoever.


    They seem to rather keep up osts from gusy who make claims like condoms don't protect from AIDS.

  2. Have you ever considered that your girlfriend might actually be a lesbian trying to make it work with a guy? This happens more than you think because society puts so much pressure on the heterosexual relationship she might have been trying to force something by justifying her feelings by thinking she was jsut bisexual. Just an opinion nobody could really say fro sure why she did it...this would jsut be my guess if she is normally a considerate lover and person. Howeverer this is always the risk you take when you invite someone else into your bed. Jsut talk to her about it.

  3. DarkBlue cite your source. Because personally I have never heard such statistics and even if that was true addicition to alcohol is still a lot more prominent and in addition a lot deadlier because the way people act when they are high isn't violent and aggressive liek many people when they are drunk. As far as cancer and such the nature of maraujana isn't hte same as cigarettes people don't smoke it every day. A lifetime of smoking maruajana involves inhaling about as much smoke as a week of being a heavy cigarette smoker plus it isn't fill with all those nasty poisons. You can die from drinking to much in one night easily people do it all the time to die from smoking weed is impossible because to smoke enough of it to die you would pass out and go to sleep long before and you won't be choking on vomit like if you were drunk. It's considerably less dangerous is so many ways. If it was legal people would drink less and thus it would decrease deaths from alcohol poisoning. In fact this website says that addiction is physically impossible:

    link removed


    ONce again your statistics are nonsense. I have never heard anything abotu mental problems being formed by maraujana. Sure they aren't as smart when they are high but afterwards you are just fine. Over the course of highschool I won proficiency awards, highest mark in the school of that course during the entire year, in computer science(99%), world history(96%), business technology(98%), and math(96%). If I have mental problems most people would dream of having them. Of all the 100s of people I kno w who regularly smoke pot none of them have any mental problems whatsoever.


    Shadows Light No I don't have children. My mom had four though and she didn't see a problem with it. When I was 15 my boyfriends mom use to make us hash brownies. I can see your concern though at least you are not rhyming off nonsense but I don't think that being a mother equivilates to thinking weed is bad. I understand though that americans have a very different view to maruajana than canadians. I believe this is mostly atributed to misinformation. I recent survey through the globe and mail showed that something like 70+% of canadians supported the legalization of maraujana.


    I think basically though compared to cigarettes or alcohol maraujana is barely even a drug at all. It's less dangerous, less addictive, causes less side effects, is unlikely to make people engage in dangerous or angry behavior. I can see Shadows Light point about if he was indeed selling to five year olds, which I still find unlikely. I don't think it's right to sell alcohol or cigarettes to five year old either but if he is only selling to other people his age I think she should just ignore it.

  4. The only thing you can't get through anal is pregnant. All the STDs you can get through vaginal sex you can get through anal. Not to mention that it carries a high risk of tearing the delicate tissue inside and since your feces are a little less than sterile you have a very high risk of even small tears turning into a very bad persistent infection even if you do use a condom. Not something very pleasant. Personally I jsut wouldn't do it at all there is way to much risk even with a condom. Not worth it. Also condoms aren't meant for anal sex so you can still get STDs with condoms and not to mention infections from the tearing and such. This is from the FDA website posted below:


    "The Surgeon General has said, "Condoms provide some protection, but anal intercouse is simply too dangerous to practice."


    Condoms may be more likely to break during anal intercourse than during other types of sex because of the greater amount of friction and other stresses involved.


    Even if the condom doesn't break, anal intercourse is very risky because it can cause tissue in the rectum to tear and bleed. These tears allow disease germs to pass more easily from one partner to the other."


    Initially, I read it.


    I have just googled it and come up with huge returns.


    They [Condoms] contain small pores that may permit passage of some STDs, including HIV, the hepatitis B virus, and the herpes simplex virus.1
    link removed


    There are a great number of debates which suggest latex condoms block HIV viruses, but the fact remains that viruses are microscopic; it would take a high quality condom to prevent the passage of them into a partner.


    That is one of the most illegitimate site I have ever heard of. It's a from an organization that pretends to be related to the US government when in reality they post no actual links or references to it. Not everything you read on the internet is true. I personally only accept sources from reconized credible organizations or links to universities or government organizations.


    This website debunks that as a myth of religious propaganda and it unliek the website posted by darkblue is backed up the by the university of columbia:

    link removed


    Here is another website made by a nurse who runs the Sunday Night Sex Show and informational sexual health show she says:

    "Laboratory studies have shown that latex condoms provide an essentially impermeable barrier to particles the size of STD pathogens."

    link removed


    Heres a paper published by the CCD - THE USA's Center for Disease Control. A real government organization:

    link removed


    Heres another one from the FDA another real government organization:

    link removed


    Check out your sources better next time. Don't just go scaring people with some nonsense religious propaganda

  5. It's only maruajana though it's not liek he's dealing hard drugs anyway. Weed is legal in lots of places. It WOULD be legal in Canada the majority of our population supposes its legalization but unfortunately the UNited States has made specific threats to increase border security thus screwing up the border if we legalize it. B.C. has a 2 Billion dollar are year maraujana industry and it's actually good for the economy. At least if it was legalized it could be regulated. Stupid bush.


    Personally I see nothing wrong with it. I've been smoking weed since I was 14 my parents were aware of it and in addition I'm a straight A student in every aspect. I've never been arrested. I've never even gotten a speeding ticket. As long as its jsut weed I think you should let it go. If we arrested everyone who smoked weed or bought and sold it for their friends once in a while there wouldn't be a heck of a lot of people left. There would be nobody in B.C. lol even my grandmother smokes weed jsut because she lives in B.C. Let's face it it's considerably less damaging than alcohol both in behavior and health effects. Considerable less addictive as well. I know plenty of people that won't drink but will smoke weed jsut for that reason and personally I odubt that the original poster was dating a dealer and had never done weed. I think she is just mad at her ex because they broke up for whatever reason. But I guess if she wanted ot be called a narc for the rest of highschool she can go ahead.

  6. SInce your body burn fat and protein in equal ratio's the only way you can cut fat without cutting muscle is to intake less fat and and equal or greater amount of protein. The average person is supposed to have about 100 grams of fat per day. Try cutting that down to 50 per day. Keep eating the same amout of carbs you need energy. Also maybe increase protein intake by taking a protein shake like RayKay reccomended so you don't lose any muscle mass.

  7. I'm don't know why I'm the first person to poitn this out but you've been going otu with him for four months and he made out with your friend 3 months ago. When you would have been going out with him for a month. After a month there really isn't an expectation of monogamy. Unless you specifically told him you were monogamous then I don't see any reason why he would think you were and why he shouldn't. If you did tell him that prior to him making out with your friend then yes I agree dump him but if you didn't I don't see any reason you have to even be angry with him.

  8. I typically shower every morning and shampoo and condition during that shower. Then in the afternoon aorund 4 I go to the gym for a few hours and shower again afterwards I also shampoo and condition my hair. I heard that it is damaging to wash your hair everyday. I have not noticed any damage to my hair but I'm worried that int he future it will cause damage if I continue. Does anyone know if this is true? Would it be better if I showered but didn't wash my hair? I remember someone ask a hair question a while back and there was a hair stylist on the forums then. Anyway, if anyone knows whether it is true you shouldn't wash your hair every day I would like to know. If it's helpful I have long thick curly hair that is rarely oily it is its natural color not died or permed. I also don't blow dry my hair unless I absolutely have to.

  9. shes 14 and she already banged one guy and wants to bang another..........................hahaha....this seems like "The one"


    Thats a disgusting thing to say. Just because she's sexually active at a young age doesn't mean she has any less capacity for monogamy. He is also not a virgin you are giving him any nonsense. You purpetuation a double standard and your being extremely judgemental you have no idea what situation she was in. I'm sure he didn't post so you could imply that his girlfriend was something I shouldn't type for fear of having this post edited.

  10. Unless your running your hands through your hair a 20 times per day losing 4 hairs is totally normal. The average healthy person loses between 25 and 100 hairs per day. It also depend how thick your hair is. I just ran my hands through my hair and got 4 hairs out. My hair is thick and grows very fast so I'm sure I lose at least 100 strands of hair per day.


    If you are concerned by it as in your actually seeing vivsible thinning you shoudl look at two things. Your dad and your mom's dad. The male patterning balding jean is passed on through women although it is not active in them. If they started balding early that may jsut be your tough luck.


    If it is however caused by stress then is will grow back when you are no longer stressed. I know this from seeing it first hand. I'm not sure however if it's true for everone but I know a friend of mine female who went through a huge ordeal, her sister died and other factors, she lost a ton of hair to the point she had bald patchs but now it's all grown back fully.

  11. Oh vey! You won't even tell her anything unless she fits your age criteria! Ever notice that kids will have sex anyway. Grow up and face reality.


    RockG there isn't a ton of advice I can give about this it's something you have to learn on your own. Here are the few things I can tell you though:


    Its important oyu talkt o him about and that it doesn't "just happen" you owuld be surprised hwo often that happens. That way you can deal with protections and you can both acknowledge that it is a big step so you'll be ok talking about it later.


    Don't expect it to be perfect. The first time you have sex will most likely be awkard and not very pleasurable. Chances are it will for the girl but nto neccessarily. The second time you have sex will be much better though trust me.


    You'll learn how to do it on your own once you start it's not exactly something that has to be taught it's kind of something you just pick up. Don't worry about that part jsut let it be. Especially if your boyfriend is a virgin too it won't matter because he'll be just as bad.


    Finally, some women and sometimes guys too will experience a lot of emotion afterwards. Attachment and so on. Be prepared for this make sure you are stable as is now and your sure your boyfriend won't be going anywhere because you might be a little "fragile" for a bit after you have sex. Make sure the boyfriend you are with you would be ok telling this too and make sure your ok with the possibility he could be dealing with a lot of emotions too. This won't neccessarily happen just be prepared.


    Hope that helped. Feel free to ask anymore questions.

  12. Theres this cream you can buy at your local drugstore for about 5 dollars it comes in a tube and it's called bikini zone its designed to remove that exact problem just rub it on the area daily. Also there is product that is sold at sephora that is like 50 dollars in comes in a jar and it is a bunch of little pads. My friend swear its the best thing in the world but I have always managed with the drugstore brand stuff. I'm not sure what its called.

  13. Don't give her the ring wait to give it to her for a while. If you msut give her anything now I agree with Shadows Light give osmehitng with a little less commitment attached to it you'll scare her off otherwise. I would ever wait till at 3-5th date for that anyway.


    If I had a 14 year old daughter I wouldn't put restriction on her based on number of times she can go out only on how much time she can spend on school. If her grades were slipping I wouldn't let her go out on week nights then again I my parents always followed a fairly leniant method of disipline as soon as I had my bat-mitzvah at 12 since they really buy into the whole bat-mitzvah maturity thing. I'm jewish. So when I was 14 I had a boyfriend that was 17 and I went out with him several times per month I even went out on school nights and such. I really think if she is 14 she is old enough to make the decision for herself.

  14. I think if a woman has good cooking skills its more of a bonus for guys than anything else. I consider myself a very good cook...i used to do cake decorating professionally...but I don't think that was much of a factor in guys deciding to go out with me partially because most of them didn't know and partially because I think there are a lot more important qualities guys look for in women. Thats said however boyfriends have always seem happy when I've cooked for them.

  15. Don't bother trying get rid of it you can't effect the rate it goes away just get some good cover up. As far as drugstore brands goes I recomend Quo. Also if you go into a drug store you can buy this tube of stuff its called color balancer or something like that. It's designed to contrasted the color of blueness in undereyes. It's very opaque and yellow colored you can rub it on your bruise it will neutralize the color but it looks obviously so your supposed to wear cover up on top of it.

  16. I agree with miracle29. There no way those kids could actually be 5 and be buying maruajana smoking ti and not getting caught this story is ridiculous. Nto to be patronizing but your sixteen and you had a crappy boyfriend your clealry teaming with anger and either overexagerating hugely (i.e. saying a kid who was more like 12 was 5) or you totally misinterpretted what you saw. Chill I'm sure he was a jerk but it doens't matter now it's behind you unless you go around meddling in his life like this saying things that are unlikely true or at least exagerated. Personally I think you should let it go and try and distance yourself from him. If you see him walk away don't get involved. Your just hurting yourself.


    my ex is a dirty rat he doesnt deserve to live the life he lives in everyone pitys him except his family i hate him!!! i hate him so much cause he threatnes me all the time...


    You can't have typed that and say your not clearly just fuming from your breakup. I think you need to work through some of your anger towards him. Would you really jump to such conclusion and get so angry about it if you hadn't jsut broken up?


    Also your ex is probably also about 16 isn't he? Tell his parent don't send him to jail he's proabably like a bazillionth level dealer who buys a quarter of skank weed once in a while then sells it to his friends.

  17. Your definitely nto fat. Your in the healthy weight range for the average person. The average person however doesn't do enough exercize. I think you should think less about how much you weigh and mroe about how healthy you are. Weight is such a narrow view of health my sister looks very slim but she gets winded when she goes up stairs. Just try to do exercise regularily 3-4 times a week and you'll be just fine. If you alreayd do then I'm sure you look fantastic already since really healthy people are the most attractive people.

  18. One of my ex-boyfriends after we broke up he wanted ot be friends so I hung out wiht him a few times. About a month after are break-up he confessed that for almost the entirety of our relationship he would make up nonsense claim it was true just so I would argue with him. It wasn't worth it I would definatly sya regardless how good the make-up sex was it was a major contributing factor to the destruction of our relationship.

  19. Well, although you can only digest a small amount of protein at one time, it is recommended that if you are serious about weightlifting, you should be taking in 1-2 grams for every pound you weigh. I would try a few different brands, and see what works best for you. I use GNC Pro Performance, and it works great for me. PM me if you have any other questions about lifting...


    It is true you should eb taking in one gram of protein per pound 2 I think is excessive even for body builders.


    I just looked this up it is a very comprehensive explanation of why carbohydrate increase is more necessary than excessive protein intake. link removed


    A 180 pound male body builder needs aproximatly 122 - 164 grams of protein per day.


    The thing however is though most people are unaware how much protein is in everything! A small bowl of pasta has 10 grams of protein. A chicken breast has 43 grams of protein. A glass of milk has 8. Protein is in everything. I'm sure just be eating healthy one could easily attain 122-164 grams of protein per day on a diet with a high enough caloric intake to do body building without any supplement.


    You can take a 40 gram protein powder but it won't be doing you any more good than a 25 gram protein powder. The difficulties your having aren't with protein.

  20. I agree. Being stressed out about work can make anyone act like a jerk in bed once in a while. If he doesn't start acting back to normal in a while then there might be a problem but it's totally normal for him to act like this if he stressed out.

  21. Thats not all that weird. Especially depending on where he lives and judging by his question he hasn't been in many anyway. lol.


    Plus lets not be naive. I'm sure most people that live in countries with higher drinking ages were in clubs long before they were of legal age to. I mean honestly does the United States expect everyone to be 21 before they go in to bars. People would be graduating university without drinking! Go to a crappy area of any big city and they sell fake I.D. on every practically every block. The first time I was in a club was when I was 16 anyway but then again I was in Spain and that was legal. I still had a fake I.D. by 17. At least Canada can set a realistic drinking age of 18.


    You know the united states has the highest legal drinking age in the world. Also he is saying pub rather than bar he is probably from englang or ireland or something and the drinking age in the U.K. in 16 in restaraunts or any establishment that can call itself a restaurant which is all the more reasonable. I mean if Bush can send its 18 year old to Iraq he can let them have a drink.

  22. Fish oil is effective against depression because the omega 3 fatty acids in it bit help the body better absorb and use anti-depressents. Studies have shown though that it does not have that much of an effect on those nto taking ANY medication already.


    Flaxseed oil also contains omega-3 fatty acids so it would work just as effectively since the fatty acids are the only thing working to fight depression. I'm not sure though that there is as much omega-3 in flaxseed oil. Although even if that is true taking slightly more flaxseed oil than you would fish oil would work just as well.


    Flax seed oil is also likely to actually be better for you since many fish have been exposed to the heavy metals that we leak into our water...mercury, lead, nickel, aresenic and so on. Since they store these in there fats the trace amount may build up and become unhealthy. This isn't a big risk anyway because the amount are so low but it might just be a bit of a bonus.

  23. Hey, bearsmom


    I could imagine the difficulty of having to go through this adn facing the fact that it's unlikely and very costly to have kids. I'm not sure whether you don't want invitro is it because you don't want someone elses kid or is it because you believe children should be conceived through sex. Anyway, if it's because of the first reason I havn't heard a ton about this but insteading of having to reverse the procedure simple have the sperm removed and implanted into you with a needle. Once again I just heard about someone having it done so I don't know any details. I'm sure either option isn't desirable but maybe it's something you can ask about it might have a higher change of success. Hope it works out either way.

  24. Having a larger lower body is normal for women it's where we tend to store more fat that guys would. At least when your 50 you won't have a pot belly like many of your male counterparts mights. If you work out regularily and eat fairly well I'm sure you look just fine. Relax. From my experience the one thing that makes a girl look a lot hotter is confidence. I know that sounds lame but its true more often than you would imagine.


    If you are insecure about stomach and back hair I wouldn't shave it I would get it waxed. Stubble would be a lot more obvious and personally I would find it stranger if I met someone with back and stomach stubble than is I met someone with a bit of back and stomach hair. If it really bother you go to a salon and get it waxed. The hair will grow in finer and less noticeable so it will look normal between waxings.

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