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Posts posted by perfectliljewel

  1. ya, i saw that where you were posting on my thread, i was like...wait a second i'm confused. ya i know how that is, i'm like that with my boyfriend haha. (sadly we've only been dating for 2 weeks...but i've liked him for over 2 years). again, hope all turns out well, and i guess i'll just consider y'all married lol. if you ever need to talk PM me, and i think my AIM is in my profile(i have MSN and Yahoo as well). i'm almost always online

  2. i'm so sorry about your wife. i hope she gets better and y'all are reunited.


    you're very talented, i like your poem a lot. i like the way you were able to use your words to bring me into your emotions and how you expressed the way you feel without saying anything about your emotions.

  3. i cut, and someone i respect on here VERY much has suggested this, and i have suggested it to fellow cutters. squeeze ice cubes! focus ALL of your EVERYTHING on breaking those ice cubes. channel your anger, depression, anxiety, fear whatever it is into your fist and break those ice cubes! it also hurts so then if you're looking for the pain you get that as well, without actually hurting yourself.


    i know a few people that have tried this and it worked hope this helps

  4. my boyfriend and i rarely talk on the phone and when we are we don't talk much, we don't talk much in person either. i'm constantly with him but he's always talking to his friends or something, it's kind of weird. i don't know why we don't talk much but it kind of sucks.

  5. a lot of females dont like doing things on there period, i dont. im tired, cranky, achy and just plain blah. most of the time i just want to lay there with his arms around me and chill. i get uncomfortable sometimes too but i can deffinatly talk about it all day, anyone can TALK about it. but when i think about it i get nervous that it wont be "good"... its a chick thing so you wouldnt know what im talking about but all or most of the other girls do!


    just let her be AND DONT KEEP ASKING!! i hate that! just chill with her, WATCH(key word) movies, talk, do whatever... but not whatever lol unless she starts it and you KNOW shes comfortable with it.

  6. Yeah, but I feel like we don't spend ENOUGH time together, just me and him. It's always me, him and somone else. He has to cram his entire social life into the little time we get at school, so I don't want to take away from that. When we are at home, we go for walks but of course his little sister wants to come and he gets yelled at for an hour if he says no, so the only time we get alone is at night and we are both REALLY tired by then and just want to sleep.

  7. My boyfriend and I have been going for a little over 2 months and a week(yay for us lol) and lately i have been getting upset over stupid things ALL the time. Like he said he was glad I wouldn't call him Saturday and I knew he was joking around but I still got mad... so of course he got mad(ficious cycle huh?). I keep getting mad over the stupidest things and on top of that when we are together his little sister or mom is up our butt the entire time or he's talking to his friends. I can't tell him to spend more time with me and less time with his friends because that's the only time he gets to see them. I told him about the whole not spending enough "alone time" with him and he told me if it was just a big deal then... and he stopped. He was going to say to break up with him, he bought me a yellow rose today to make up for it and appologized.


    How do I stop the fighting? Please help me!

  8. i have same problem. exersize during the day( i got for 2-3 hr runs/walks) and get into a "bedtime ritual", i take a shower, play with my gerbil, and watch about an hour of TV EVERY night.


    its not a good idea to watch TV in ur bed(even though i do it)


    im weird, im tired ALL die, but when its bedtime im wide awake

  9. well lets see im 5'1ish and i weigh between 90-95lbs. no i was not diagnosed but i would starve myself for weeks at a time and when i ate it wasnt much, i constantly thought i was fat even though i was about the same height and weighed maybe 80lbs or less and i would freak out if i gained a lb i always thought everyone looked prettier than me. no i am not seeking "professional" help, me and professional helpers dont really see eye to eye, my boyfriend is a big help though.


    as for the positive image of myself. i actually tell my boyfriend that he should do something(i.e buy me something expensive for x-mas or something) because im georgous, and i brag about being able to sing, train/ride horses better than a lot of people i know and things like that. so its not like i dont think i amount to anything thats something i have been working on for a really long time but lately i am a bit uncomfortable with myself and ive been doing A LOT of sit-ups and push ups and going on 2hr long runs/walks and looking at the nutritional facts on the back of foods and not eating them if the cals. are to high or whatever.


    what else do you need to know?

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