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Posts posted by Supaman

  1. Ok I respect both of your comments, but this is definitly why I do not like doing this lets start with this...


    hay...you don't love her if you don't let her go


    I dont love her if I dont let her go? So your stating, Since I love her so much and would do anything to keep her, I should still let her go? Well good thing I didnt, I told her this today


    "Look I love you...I love you more then any guy anywhere ever will. I will always love you and I will not mind if you do leave me but I promise you I will not look, flirt, touch, Do anything to another girl until I know you are completely gone." I also said a bunch more lovey stuff but im not going into that.


    Well Now I know she is going to stay with me and she realized today that she loved me more then she thought. Aswell as she realized I loved her more then she was thinking...So since I did not "Give up" and let her go. I get to keep the love of my life.


    Oh and about the I am young, and we both need to date others.


    Everyone is different, and some people just get lucky sometimes and hit that one special someone in their life and do not need anyone else.


    Now that all that is stated, I really do appreciate you guys trying to help, I do, Dont think im mad or anything. Im glad someone responded, I was just giving an update, and also stating why the internet kind of help never really works for me. But thanks again for responding.

  2. Now I ussually would not post a problem on the internet because im not a huge fan of getting help from anywhere, I like to go my own ways and make myself get over things. But for once I need help and I have no friends that will help me because they will just blow it off and laugh at me. So I am hoping you guys can help me without being disrespectful to my feelings.


    Now I have been dating a girl (We will call her V) for One year and one month. Our relationship before then as she put it was perfect. I thought it was perfect aswell. But I guess it has since our last anniversary (the 5th) gone down hill really fast, and I dont know why.


    V wrote me a really long note (Because she could not say it or should would have started crying) stating that her whole Highschool Career (Shes a sophmore right now) She has not been single, and that she wants to know what other guys are out there.


    I am a Senior and yes I understad her. I also want her to know exactly who she wants cause I want her to be happy. My feelings I could care less about aslong as she is happy. But the thing is I do not want to let her go, because I am afraid she wont come back.


    This has happened to me before in late middle school early High School. I was dating a girl for 3 years off and on (Ive never had a short relationship) and at the end of that 3 years she decided she wanted to try dating someone else and if it didnt work out she would come back to me....Well That did not work out cause she found someone else and thats how I lost my first love. But im over that.


    I am so downed about her telling me that she wants to see other people that I first could not even respond (She still does not know my feelings) and second and worst of all I did not go to school and left her by herself there.


    I know that was wrong and that is also making me feel like crap, but I could not go to school so messed up. Plus I offered her tos tay at home as well and I would just take her back but she said no.


    My mother also told me two things that stuck today when I told her. The first was Hope for the best, and prepare for the worst. Right now I am doing that, I do not want to lose V. The second thing was "There are more fish in the sea." That some what bothered me I guess because I am not ready to catch another fish. I want to stick with the one I have.


    There is one more thing I wanted to state that V said. She said "Like the saying goes..."Nothing lasts forever" Right?" That really bothered me cause I wanted this relationship to last forever, and I am so afraid now that its not that I dont know what im going to do. I dont want another girlfriend, I dont even want to think about having a different girlfriend. Ive spent my entire Junior year and so far the beginning of my senior year dating her, and I do not want to go into college without her.


    I guess the question is Should I try to fight it and keep her? Or should I let her go ahead and try dating someone else and like my mom said Hope for the best?

  3. No not really, it is just her likeing of that type of clothing, you forget to get those cloths she had to probably buy them, she may understand they are expensive, (even though puma and roxy are not too expensive) but she likes the stuff thats why she wears it. ask yourself this, would you wear something that is less then you can afford just so people dont think your a "Gold digger" I know I wouldnt, I wear what I love to wear. Its not about money, you should know girls man come on, they gotta look good all the time trust me though the girls that are like that which are about 2 billion most are not trying to get gold.

  4. Ok only one thing I agree with any of you have said is with jetta summed up she basiccly said they are too strict. I myself am a HUGE Catholic and I believe (tis only applies if you believe in god) that with how much christ went through to basiccly...give us another chance, and repeatedly shows mercy on us, There is nothing in this world or better yet universe to do as much that god did for us.


    Truth is yes it hurts to see people flat out downgrade my and everyone elses belief in god, but I accept that everyone has an opinion and like mgirl said I am glad you are able to tell people what you do and dont believe in cause yes sometimes it is hard.


    But how you said sapphos_goddess

    what happened to the love and safety of the church? What happened to "the church accepts everyone?"


    In my eyes, the church does accept everyone that is willing to change their life around and give everything they have and put it at the bottom of their list and put God at the top of their list.


    It may sound bad but god comes before anyone or anything in my life, before my mom, before my dad, before my grandparents, before my girlfriend, before anyone and everyone I follow the word of god.


    Yes I know there is no scientific truth about the bible (except that I bet no one ever in this world could have wrote it unless they had seen it all occur, which means it most likely is tru, In my eyes


    Now back to the gay and bisexual part

    Like I said earlier nothing comes before god, and that is why it is a sin, cause you are putting LOVE forsomeone else other then god before him. No matter what any of you say, it is a sin, always will be a sin, and will deem you to go to hell if you stay with that sin. Its blunt but its true



    Now to say this...I do apologize if I hurt someone cause it probably will, and I also have nothing against gays and bisexuals I have a few that are friends. Also all of this is MY opinion dont say im wrong because i believe I am right.




  5. The Pope was catholic and not even praying could save HIS life. So, don't worry about "religion".


    Ok You probably wonty apologize to me or anyone mgirl, but just think about how many people will get hurt from that saying? Do you know that there are Millions and I mean millions, maybe even billions of people that follow every word that came from Pope John paul II and you downgrade him by saying he could not save himself. How would you feel if someone said something like that about you? Yeah not to good huh?


    So even if you dont apologize I atleast feel better sticking up for fellow christians around the world.


    Oh and please if you could give me a good answer to why you believe religion is "Wrong". Besides the "Oh no one knows who wrote the bible" Cause I doubt you could even come close to a reasonable answer.


    Hope you realize how wrong you just were



  6. Ok all I can say is in my religion it is 100% wrong I am not saying its 100% wrong in yours too...but i believe God put us on this earth to be with the Opposite sex and not have intercorse with same sex.


    And about your commandments. Just because something is not one of the commandments, does not mean it is not a sin. With what your saying here you sound like you are trying to prove your religion is wrong and you are right, and its definitly a sin to do that, because now you are going against God.


    Hope I didnt offend, you wanted the input.



  7. There is a problem with that, I am only 17 and she is 15. It is not like I can hang out till 1am and she cannot hang out till after 9 so that would leave not even an hour by the time I get to her house, and in the mornings, I have swim team practices from 7-10 at the same pool I guard at so I stay there basiccly from 7-8 which that rules out the breakfast ....thanks for all tyhe posts guys

  8. Thanks for the posts everyone, and thank you blueskittles for having ideas unlike some people that are basiccly just saying go cry about it its life.


    Problem is (this is directed to Blueskittles) I signed a summer contract with the military that I cannot change my schedule, and I get no leave time...This contract lasts for 90 days so There is nothing I can do to get around the flexibilty thing.


    Im going to try to ask my girlfriend if she can work her way around my schedule for the sunday I get off, so I hope that will work. Thanks again Skittles



  9. Why is looking down with shame considered positive in swimming?


    I don't get this? Is this a competitive team and you are the best, and maybe you don't want the others to know of your pride?


    Focus on the faces of other people whether you win or lose, don't put on a big false smile.

    First off SisterLynch, notice the qutations around "positive" I am not stating "WOO HOO I SUCK" is somthing good, I am saying making myself ashamed of what I did and getting mad at myself will make me strive for perfection even more. that strive part is where the "positive" comes into play.


    Secondly, I never said to put on a big false smile. If someone can do that when they are ashamed, then I am amazed cause I could never do that if I were truly shamed about myself.


    And lastly, before going all "I know everything" on me, try to remember this is a help forum not a put someone down because they do somthing differently then you. Also remember not everyone does t\things the same as you.


    Thanks for reading!

  10. I somewhat dissagree with Whatdoyado's post... I am not saying volleyball is a girlygirl game or for little barbie type girls at all, but some girls and sometimes even guys in volleyball dance and clap cause they did something good maybe because they are not that great at the sport and somthing like that rarely happens. It does not nessisarily mean they are confident in the sport.


    This next one concerns me. I am a swimmer and I look down and in shame ALOT in my sport, but I am one of the most confident people on my team. I do this to make myself look past it and try harder for the next race.


    Look at it this way. If you dont look down in shame, how will you know you did bad? You will make yourself think that is the ebst you can do and just live with it. But looking down in shame in a somewhat "positive" way is the best way in my eyes to play a sport. It makes you strive for better play.

  11. Hello Everyone,


    Here is alittle bit of history before I begin the complaining part of the post. About a week and a half ago I got a new full time job as a lifeguard. I work five days out of the week and 8 hour days (40 Hour weeks). My hours are from 12:00pm-8:00pm everyday. At the moment I do not drive. I begin driving July 9th so that may help just abit.


    The main thing my job is distracting me from is my girlfriend. We have been dating for a year on the 5th, and I've felt so down and sad about not talking or seeing her as much. Two other things are my friends, and my summer in general.


    Now before you start giving me ways to help out I will tell you what I have done. I try to call my girlfriend as much as I can, but with a broken cell phone, shifts to where I can only talk to her on lunch (if I ask to borrow a cell phone), and her not able to be on the phone after nine, it all leaves me about 2 hours a day to talk to her. I can call her on her cell after nine, but after being out in the sun all day I am dead tired and want to get to bed. So the call her more often help tip is out the window.


    Now you may say just go to her house on your days off? Well thats harder then even calling her. Her parents are major pains. Dont get me wrong, they are nice people and all, but they just must not like us seeing eachother more then once every two weeks so I get to see her even less then before I started this job.


    My question is are there any other ways besides the two I just mentioned to get a better summer, and have more time with my girlfriend?

  12. What caused you to become this way?


    yes that is one important piece of information needed to be known.


    I have been through depression aswell and I know how much it sucks. Yes, time is about the only way to get over it unless you like to do the doctor way and take pills and go to councling. But to make the time go "quicker" try getting out of the house, go plan something with your friends to do something you have a blast doing. Ex. Bowling, golfing, any sports, hobbies, etc. One thing that solves all my problems is music, not low sappy depressing music, but some fun dance music, or stupid rap songs, and music that will make you laugh.


    Hope I helped

  13. Ok, well thankyou anyone for taking the time to read this and thankyou again if you respond with help. Sorry it is abit long.


    Here is alittle information before the problem:

    My girlfriend and I have been dating for close to 11 months now, and we have been doing great. There is only one problem I can see in the relationship but it is not something that will ever bring me to breaking up with her.



    My girlfriend is almost always thinking the most negative thing about any serious subject. Example: Grades, she is always mad that her parents push her for getting A's and only A's. I understand her parents are pushing her and all, but think in the future, if she continues getting straight A's she will be going to any college she wishes for free. I get that through her head but she still stays on the negative side about it.


    The first few months of us dating there was no negative talk, and I partially think that was just because she was not completely comfortable talking to me and what not so she hid herself for awhile, but when 5 or 6 months rolled around I starting getting more and more negativity and more and more Drama.


    Alittle about the Drama...She helps just about anyone who asks for help. I know it is nice and all and I used to do it, I would try to get her to stop cause it puts yourself into a little depression and I see it in her after everytime she helps out someone. Any advice on how to get her to lower the help? (Im not talking about Enotalone, I mean like people in school, around the neighborhood, etc.)


    Does anyone know how I can help her to start thinking positive about things in her life instead of the negatives? Any answers would be appreciated.[/u]

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