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Posts posted by Ilak2helpdahelpless

  1. It wasn't mind games that I was suggesting.....not at all!

    I don't understand how one could come to that conclusion.


    Anyway, all I'm saying is use whatever tactics you have to, to get him back. That's if you want him back bad enough. And me being a girl and all, unlike the "other poster," I know that what I've said can work.


    And what I've said is all fair play and all, nothing nasty about it.


    The part where I said date other people, is exactly that. DATING.

    Not getting boyfriends on the side, and hurting them if you get back with your guy.


    Dating isn't exactly playing head games.......is it?

    Good luck!

  2. That's about the saddest and longest posting I've ever read.

    I know you have to move on and like the others have said, time will heal your wounds.


    You didn't deserve any of that, and she is really stupid in my opinion to throw it all away. She's something that rhymes with itch, and is a total loser!


    I just hope that after that awfull experience, you don't think that we are all like her. There's lots of us out there that would kill to have a great guy like you, including me.



  3. I say that you should do exactly what he says he wants you to do. Be his friend. For a while anyway. Not too long. Try some subtle ways off getting him back. I'm sure you can think of some things. But don't pour in on too strong. I don't know what's going on in his head, but I'm pretty sure he needs some time. I think he got scared. If none of this advice works, talk to him about what happened. He should at least be honest and tell you why he broke up with you. You deserve an explanation. Find out if he still desires you, even if it's a litttle bit.

    If he does, than you've got him. Make him jealous by dating other people.

    It'll drive him nuts. Then I'm sure he'd try and get you back.

    If he dosen't.....than go for one of the guys you dated!!!


    I hope something I've said can help ya. Best wishes!

  4. Well I don't have any experience with divorces, but my sister does. She broke it off with him becase He was too controlling with money (he makes a lot of money) and lied about what he was spending it on. (somehow they were always broke, she had no idea where it was going).


    The point is this: She now has a boyfriend that she's serious about, (she started seeing him a couple of months after they broke up and it's been about a year now) and he, for the past few months has wanted to get her back. She dosen't want him back. But he's stubborn and buys her stuff and does little things that are nice, to get her back. He's wasting his time!!


    I know your situation may be quite different (reasons for the breakup).

    I don't know if he's found another woman yet, but sooner or later he's gunna. You don't want to be in the situation your're in now, when that happens. You will want to be in that place where you've decided to move on, and maby find someone else.


    If you don't move on, and he finds someone else, that's really going to hurt.

    I suggest that you find some activities to occupy your time, to keep you busy. Go do whatever it is you like to do.

    I know hearing all this sucks, but it's all I can say for you. Hope it helps.

  5. I need some advice. I go to the same nightclub every week, and there's this guy down there that goes every week too. He's sooooo hot!!! He always goes there with a bunch of his buddies, and just sits there. I've never seen him with a girl. Me and my friends have noticed a lot of girls that go up to him and it looks like they're asking him if he wants to dance, but they always walk away empty handed. I see him smile at me a lot, and I KNOW that he checks me out a lot.


    My problem is this: My friends also notice how hot he is, (most of us are single) and the next time we all go down there they are going to do thier best to get him. Should I make a move before my friends do? Or would I look like an idiot in front of my friends if he turned me down like all the rest of them. Or worse, I get rejected and one of my friends gets him!!!

    Arghh!!!! I just don't know what to do.....any advice??

  6. It looks like by the time you read this, you may have already made your choice. However if you haven't, my advice is this:


    If you've been in love with her for four years, and have spent lots of time with her (you probly have) and nothing has happened yet....than chances are that nothing should happen. You two are FRIENDS. Over the years, weather you know it or not, you have likely sent out dozens apon dozens of subtle gestures that you like/love her. It may be the way you look at her, your movements...whatever. You know what it is. No matter how subtle these gestures are, I guarantee that over four years she is going to pick up on them. If she wanted a relationship with you, she would have initiated something with you by now. Because she may not know that you are in love with her, but I'm sure that she's aware on some level that you WANT HER.


    Don't waste your time pursuing what will just hurt you really bad. And let me tell you, I've been through this myself. It wasn't me that got hurt, but the guy (I'm a chick) that was in love with me did get hurt. I didn't mean to do it, but I just didn't feel the same way. We were friends for too long. It's been 6 years now, and I can still see the hurt in his eyes. We're still friends.


    I hope you take my advice and get past it.

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