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Everything posted by acamp16

  1. You don't get it. Pay attention. I would want it to work, but it doesn't seem like he's ever going to change that's why. I would want to stay away from him because it's just too much drama for me.
  2. It's hard because I've tried avoiding him and everywhere I turn he's like right there, it's scary... I would call the police, but when he's pissed off to the extreme he said that that's the last thing I'd want to do. It gets old and I just want him to leave me alone. It's sad that someone can act like that, I don't get it....
  3. Hi. I am 16 years old. I have been with my boyfriend for exactly 1 year and 1 month. It's been a long time! It started out pretty good then we had our ups and downs...It started being like we'd have an argument once a month, then every other week, then every other day, then every day. It would seem like we'd break up every day then get back together... I mean, I love him very much, but I don't think he feels that way anymore. He was doing fine for about 5 months and now all of a sudden he's going back to the name calling and threatening... He brings up crap from the past that I did to hurt him and he promises that he won't because otherwise it's not going to work. I don't bring up the things he did to me because I actually want it to work... We'd be just fine for one minute then we'd start talking about something from the past, of course, then we'd start argueing... Does he like to fight with me or what?! I don't understand him anymore! When he's mad he acts like a completely different person and I don't even know. I told him I can't be with someone I am going to be afraid of if he keeps doing this. I would want to break up with him and stay away, but he comes over to the house the day after... I don't know. He can't act like an adult and be civilized about this and just be like ok it's done I won't come around... You know? I don't know. I just need somone else's point of view and if you want me to explain this better than just write back. Thanks!
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