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Everything posted by prettyflyg

  1. Im a single mum of a 2 year old, for the past 3 months Ive been seeing this guy who is the best man I have ever met, hes great with my daughter and we always go out to concerts and pubs clubs etc. The problem is his ex, he goes to see her once a week for a couple of hours. Not only that they were together 4 years and split up 2 years ago when she got pregnant to someone else through a one night stand. He still feels sorry for her and she manipulates the situation by sending him texts and calling him. He used to talk about her loads and when I brought this up with him he stopped and instead of calling her by her name he calls her "her instead. Which isnt a great improvement. He says he loves me, doesnt care about her, never wants to hurt me etc. What I cant understand is All my exs are exs for a reason, for one reason or another the relationship didnt work out and thereforeeeeeee I dont see them any more. I really love him, I havnt felt this way about anyone for years, but whats to say in 5 years time he finishes with me and goes back to her. I dont want to get hurt or let my daughter see this bothering me. The other night she called him at 2am ...whilst he was in bed with me.....do you see my problem? Any advice would be most welcome. He says hes "never been with anyone like me before. She would never do xyz"... He just cant stop talking about her Does anyone know why hes not with her?? He slept with her behind his last gfriends back also!! He told me this and says he just wants to be honest
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