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Posts posted by AlwaysNeedHelp

  1. You want to leave her ? If you dont want to be with her, it doesnt give you the right to break her like this.. You cant live your daughter and your wife like this.. Dont wanna be with her, go away but first take care of your daughter and her..

  2. Its doenst necessary mean that its a dangerous sign.. He could be a flirty person.. You should be the one who tells us so.. Whether he has a flirty personality and he do this with every girl.. within limits ofcourse..


    Also does he treat you better than these girls ? How old r u and he ?


    and also tell him about it.. Tell him that you dont like the way he is treating people around u

  3. Alot of people feel this way.. I think you should get the best out of yourself... Go read, play sports, run.. Believe me, the best way to remove this emptiness is to train your skills in anything..


    Like if you cant find anything to do, just go run to increase your fitness.. Thats an example, do anything for yourself that benefits you, this way you will fill the emptiness by useful stuff..

  4. Hi,


    Having confidence in yourself, doesnt mean he wont see another girl.. Iam not saying you must be threatened by this girl but your confidence doesnt do anything with this. They are two different things..


    Also instead of playing games with him, which could backfire on you.. You should try to have more fun activities together.. Concentrate on spending good time together..

  5. Its normal to feel like this.. Confused....


    Since you like him, no one can tell you not to be with him.. BUT you need not to rush things.. It could work why not, but bec of the unusual situation you are in, you need to take things slowly..


    I say take your time to know him better.. Yes go with him. See how it is going ! If things are fine, take it step by step.. thats it ! good luck


    And yeah about the sex thing, thats why iam saying dont rush things.. know him more.. till you are 200 % sure he is fine and truly likes u.

  6. not always.. or maybe i dont know but thats not the point.. Iam just so worried about the dilatated veins.. i can see them..


    Another thing i want to add. that the dilatated veins are not on on the upper part of the scrotum which is near the penis.. But it is the small veins above the testis.. Dont know whether it makes a difference or not.

  7. hi guys,


    I just read about varicocele .. it is something with the veins of the scrotum.. I think i have this problem..


    I can see the veins on the left side dilated... Also left testicle is hanging down more than the other.. And i feel weak pain sometimes but not always.. So i can see these veins.. does it mean i have varicocele or there could be another reason for this ? could it be normal. ?


    Could it be varicocele ? also could it be treated alone ? is there anything i can do ? and also it it dangerous ? thnx very much.. Iam so worried about it please help.

  8. Interesting conversation....


    Well first, is it because you think you are ugly or u r ugly you dont have a women in your life ? dont think so. I dont mean anything bad from this but even a monkey finds a monkey to marry .No offense, i just mean that even if you think you are ugly, u will find a woman for you... However i dont think you are the one who you think you are.. You are pretty normal !!


    Second thing, If it because you cant strike up a conversation.. Just be yourself.. Go talk ! Anything.. say what you have.. Just go with the flow..


    Third thing, do you have any hobbies ? sports ? music ? are you funny ? have any good thing ? ofcourse you will find a good thing in you.. For example if you are good in sports.. Go play sports, this will build your confidence and people will start to like you more..


    Fourth thing, ofcourse you know that you are not the ugliest person in the world.. so dont let your head rule your heart, dont let your world be torn apart.. There are alot of people who really really looks bad.. Maybe your are not that handsome man you want, but you are normal and by showing the good points in you instead of concentrating on your looking things will get better..


    Fifth thing, things will take time.. Confidence will take time, finding a women will take time.. you just need faith ! Things will get better in few days.. Just take your time. Time will pass and you will find nothing is changing right ? ofcourse this will happen but thats the point where the good things are behind.. Good Luck !

  9. hey, what you want to say is that she is not interested because her reactions and actions after she knew ?


    Well ok she didnt show some great signs and i agree.. You could be right but i was giving another explanation to her actions... It could be right and could be not.. All what we are saying are possibilities..


    Maybe she isnt interested as you said or maybe she is interested but for whatever reason this happened... I was looking to it form the good side.. and again still i could be wrong.. Anyways yeah keep us updated, you still have alot to do..

  10. i thought you original letter was so charming and tender and just like i remember high school. we always had some one else ask the other person first to see if they were interested. i think when she told you she was not ready that is all it meant, slow down. get to know her. let yourselves trust each other. remember girls have some body issues and pressure from other girls and magazines. i think you both seem very sweet and it takes me back. good luck but remember you are putting yourself out there and you could get hurt in the end but for me... it was worth it and i will always remember my high school first love. lor


    very true !

  11. uhm just a lil note for you guys

    1. high school is alot different because when you ask someone out you two are then bf/gf

    2. we were "unofficially together" about a year ago and i screwed up.. long story

    3. ive known her for quite a long time.. 3-4 years (well not THAT long)

    4. she said yes when i asked her out today




    wow good News !!


    Ok DiggityDog, Being a girl's best pal that could be a death sign but normal friendships are ok..


    , "Look, I honestly think you are completely unattractive, both emotionally and physically, and you annoy me with your flattering me all of the time. I wish you would just piss off and leave me alone." .


    Did i say that women must do this ? And by being nice to a man without hurting his feelings is not the type of games that iam talking about.. I just meant that special tactics some people use and read over the net.. Those stupid love systems found on the internet..


    Second thing, i didnt say the girl was stupid... Not knowing exactly how she feels doesnt mean she is stupid.. If a person came to a girl and told her i like you.. She dont know him for example or dont know him to the level that they can have a relationship.. Do you think she will know how to feel about him ? she could be interested down in her mind but ofcourse she wont be sure.. Thats not about this girl alone but thats something everyone do.. Again no one will say Heyyyy yes ofcourse i like just because the other one told them i like you...


    Third thing, Do you think that thing you saw in few minutes is love ? How can you love someone in few minutes ? trust him/her in few minutes ? Know him in few minutes ? OK these situations you are talking about are about people who date then see whether they are interested or not.. Whether they are compaitable or not.. Like how can they get interested (Like/love you ) in few minutes.. Thats rediculous !! That would be a superficial judgement about the person.. You actually have to know the person well to love him/her..


    Anyways, the case closed as you said wondering kid , hope you the best.

  12. Something else, Dating now became a game and i really dont like this at all.. It suppose to be foundation of ture love but now it became a place for playing mind games and decieving.. I dont say that a person must be so naiive.. Some spicy stuff can be ok but mostly follow your heart.

    and following your heart doesnt mean also you keep on going after her.. A heart without mind is useless.. Just dont take it as a game, if you really like her and you see that you both are compaitable things will be fine If God wills.

  13. Iam sorry but i dont agree at all.. I just agree that actions speaks louder than words.. I dont agree about the thing that they hang around together as friends.. Friendship is needed and it is never a death sign for a future realtionship.


    He dont have to stop being friends with all girls so when he finds the right one he can dates her..


    And about she didnt get excited when she heard that he likes her.. She dont have to get excited just after she hears that he likes her.. Maybe she dont know him that well. Even if she is interested in him she wont love him just because he said i like you..


    These stuff takes time.. I say dont bring out that subject to her again and just be normal and nice to her.. Try to get to know her better and let her know you better.. Try coming closer to her step by step..


    Also she is still yound and cant exactly know her feelings.. A girl wont say YES I LIKE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU just because a guy told her i like you even if she is interested except some girls who just like the dating game and not ture love..


    so my last advice to you is to know her better. she now knows your feelings if she is getting closer to you also or she looks like she wants to know you better then good.. If she dont talk to you or doesnt appear to be interested at all leave her.. Good Luck

  14. Who the hell wears a watch these days? Would looking at your cell phone do the same thing? People give much more suble clues than that.


    I wear watches !


    Well kevin, do u think life is that easy ? asking a girl, she says yes means she likes you and if she says no so she doesnt !!


    I hope things were that easy.. There are alot of other more complicated situations in life than that, specially when it comes to love..


    Maybe its all crap but for sure some of them sometimes are right. In my case i dont know and i dont care about whether this is a sign or not.. Either cases i wont take a stupid small sign like this as something i can go on with it..


    I just wanted to say that some girls even will show that they are not interested in you for whatever reason even if they are interested.. Maybe iam wrong !

  15. anyways thats what happened to me.. We werent in a bar, but in a class so she is not expecting or waiting anyone.. It was just in the beggining of the class so she didnt even get bored yet.. I dont know it could be normal but i looked to her after that then she looked away. so its not about she was curious about the time, she was looking !

  16. thanks guys for ur reply.. I brought up this topic and this trick specially because i did it ..


    I like a girl and i told her.. Things werent going well and things got complicated and i ended not exactly knowing whether she likes me or not.. So while we were in a class, i looked at my watch..so i looked at her and saw her looking at her watch..


    then looked to her so she looked away... thats why i was asking that question..

  17. hi , there is a trick i read on the net, i dont know whether this is right or wrong,,


    Does this show that she is interested ?




    Here is a fun trick to use when you want to find out if a woman is checking you out. Look at your watch, count to 3, then look at her. If she looks at her watch also, then she was checking you out. It is a natural human reaction to mimic the actions of someone that you are interested in. By looking at your watch, you will spark her curiosity and she will be wondering what you are waiting for, and with no other source to gather information from, she will look at her own watch to try to at least determine the time of your expected event.


    what do u think of this guys ?

  18. Girls are NOT boys. Girls have to think very carefully about boys, because biologically girls are the ones who get pregnant and have babies.. If they choose wrong they could lose alot.. But me for example, i wont get hurt alot by a relationship.. Yes i will get hurt but i will be over it with time.. What i meant is that girl's nature are not like boys...


    What can i say you are a man and she is a women .. A woman needs to trust her man and her feelings so that she can get into a relation.. A man can just try.. and ofcourse for every rule there are exceptions..

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