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Posts posted by XSparker

  1. hey, i think that's some pretty good stuff you have there. very descriptive and very concrete. it does make me just the siightest bit sad though, is everything all good? kinda makes me worried about the poet, that's all.

  2. starfly,

    i'm really sorry to hear that. i really feel for you girl. please don't let this get you permanently down. yeah, she's a coward and a lot of other things in my opinion, but you know what? you're none of that. you gave it what you got, right? that means there's nothing bad to be said about you, and that's a good thing. i know you feel bad, and i guess there's probably nothing i can do 'cept say just this: you're a great person and you're gonna make somebody feel really good about themselves someday.

    take care, kiddo

  3. starfly,

    i honestly don't know how much weight my advice will have in your situation, seeing as i'm a straight man, but i do know a few things that i just wanna share with you. i, like you, can appreciate the beauty of a female, and that's no lie. to me, i really and seriously feel so hurt when a beautiful thing isn't appreciated for what it's worth. i don't know exactly what your love-interests' story is, but this logic comes to mind: she's open to same sex relationships and the military doesn't take this into conisderation when they made up the sleeping arrangements. i don't wanna sound like the voice of doom, but it's not too far-fetched. i say there's no reason for you to feel this way, there's NEVER a good reason to feel this way. it hurts like crazy, because it's all so VAGUE and you don't know anything for sure. just do this: do whatever you think AND feel is right, and when you're doing this, don't ever forget to be true to yourself, got it? just take good care.

  4. yo. there's obviously a lot going on in your life and i think you're forgetting the most important thing going on in your life: the fact that you're fourteen years old. i mean, come on. we ALL think we know everything, and here's something i really need to let you know: he's eight years older than you right? if the person you were dating was eight years younger than you, what would you think? would you ever go for a boyfriend who's freakin' six years old? no way sister. and that's why i say forget that shmuck, he ain't for you, not at all. and that other guy who was playin' you like a deck of cards? forget him too. if he ain't treatin' you like you ought to be treated now, then he ain't ever gonna learn. guys don't ever change, i should know, i am one. you are incredibly young kid. and you know what, I am really young. nobody MY age deals with that kind of crap. just relax kid. as your self-declared big brother, i tell you this: wait til you can date a level-headed peer with a driver's license. granted, i know not many men can be trusted, BUT it'd be extreme of me to ask you to swear off boys altogether.


  5. hello ladies, i need your help. i like most men, feel like i have a good idea of how women want to be treated. this is a very dangerous assumption, i know, and i really need your help in proving a point to some of my pig-headed fellow males. if you could do me but two favors, i would greatly appreciate it.

    first: make a list of ALL the things you can think of about males that really ticks you off. everything to stupid things they say, things they do, things they wear. . . ANYTHING.

    second: make a list of ALL the things you can think of that would define THE perfect guy. again, everything that comes to mind, things he'd say, things he'd do, things he'd wear, even how he LOOKS.

    this is a mission of mine to help educate males everywhere, and in my opinion, this is the best thing i can do for females: make men stop being so flippin' stupid.

    your help would be greatly appreciated.

  6. hey there kiddo, no you're not weird. it's something that more people deal with than you think, myself included. the thing is, i'm guessing that people like us would feel guilty if we let somebody else in on our problems. but see, that's not really how it is. i personally under-estimated the good nature of people. when you get depressed or feel down like you said, what you need to do is just think of one person (somebody you're somewhat close with) and just open up a little with them. i mean, don't go spillin' your guts right off, just give a little bit. just to get a little off your chest, ya know? you'll find it feels incredible just to breathe a little fresh air, and you know what? they might feel good too. it's REALLY saying something when somebody else views you as somebody to confide in. but whatever you do, just don't bottle it up inside, cuz then you'll pop like a siv and start doing things and saying things that you might regret later. this is a good way of getting ahead of your problems before they can build up and get out of hand.

  7. this is a really easy one: drop him off like kids at the pool, sister. here's the thing, have YOU read what you typed in there? he's a load of crap, and for some reason you're holding onto him. you gotta be crazy. we're gonna give you a brand new lesson right here: go look in the mirror. i'm so dead serious, do it now. you'll see a damn-gorgeous woman who's got a LOT going for her, i mean BUSINESS EXEC?!?! you and you alone are the one good thing this guy has going for him. you are his saving grace and he obviously ain't appreciating you like a woman should be appreciated, let alone a woman like YOU. don't do this to yourself, i see this happen way too often. you being taken for granted like this is a SIN with a capital S-I-N!!! you should not and WILL not do this to yourself, you hear me? ain't a woman alive who should be treated like that, not now, not ever. now, i'm not recommending, i'm asking you: please just leave him be. he's gonna be nothing, but you're gonna be something. cut all attachments and just invest in yourself and everything you can be. and most importantly, do it for yourself. please?

  8. hey man, i'm gonna give you the same advise i give all the people seeking my advice: just chill. relaxation will cure all your vexations, and don't you forget it. you can't expect to win at this game of love unless you got your head on strait and cool. you probably ain't fully out of the woods from your misadventure with the break up in october. i say, just chill, and know that you are single. once you get all at ease with that, then just be open to new young vixens. keep in mind, some young vixens might not want to be with a guy and that's cool. it's not that anything's wrong with you, you just need to let them be as they be. also, while you're getting all settled with yourself, take note of what you got going for you. get a good idea of you good side and your bad side and how to put your best foot forward when you're ready to put your thing down and get back in the game.

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