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Everything posted by mattm84

  1. she looks 30 at the most, I like older woman anyways I think I am past the asking her out for a drink stage. We have hung out and went shopping and crap many times. I think this would be a more friends with benefits situation, more if she wanted. And the sexual harassment issue isnt an issue. Its only me and her when working. I need to know if i should make a move, or something, what signs would I get that she WANTS IT?
  2. Here is the situation, I am 21 years old and I have know this woman for about 5 years. I have only recently started flirting with her or telling her that she is sexy etc. She is older than me though 55. We have a lot in common. Here is my current status I work with her and to work she wears these capri pants, the tight pants that go to about the thigh area. Anyway they are very tight,very revealing, literally I can see her underwear Anyway, she does touch me whenever she can and sometimes when she talks to me she keeps her hand on my arm for more than a few seconds. Ways that I have showed that I am sexually attracted to her is by standing real close to her when I talk to her, I mean holding hands distance or closer. I have also spanked her twice today, I told her she was a bad girl for helping a co-worker with a job that they did when she wasnt suppose to. She laughed or didnt almost didnt respond. Also I think when she knows Im watching her she either reaches to do something or bends over, not 100% sure on that though. How do I make SURE she is attracted to me? How should I go further, should I make a move? PLEASE HELP! Shes driving me nuts!
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