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Mr. Nice

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Everything posted by Mr. Nice

  1. Well, I had dinner with a girl from class last week and this was our second time to do something outside of school. She said that she's not looking for a relationship right now, as she recently broke up with a long-term boyfriend, but would like to keep hanging out. I'm totally clueless about how to proceed from here, so a whole bunch of questions, in no particular order- What are good ideas for places to go/things to do on a third date? Despite the fact that this is a college town, entertainment activities are somewhat limited beyond the basics. Does the bit about not wanting a relationship really mean something like "Well, you're a nice guy, but...?" People who seem to know about such matters have advised me to make a move/kiss on date #3, otherwise she will lose interest. True or bad idea? Dinner was last Thursday. Should I try to make plans for this weekend or wait a week to seem "unavailable", "build intrigue" and all that stuff? Thanks for any advice!
  2. Thanks for all the replies. Had dinner with her and she said she wants to keep hanging out in the future, so I'm a happy man
  3. Well, I'm in a sort of unexpected situation here, since this is my fourth year of college and I've barely dated at all so far. I met a really cool girl in one of my classes this semester, and we got along well right away. I've been out with her for coffee and we ran into each other and had lunch together at school once. I really like hanging out with her and just talking, but she has come on pretty strong a couple of times, even suggesting recently that we get drunk together. Now, she might just be joking around with me, but I take this as a pretty direct physical come-on. (She's still 20, so she's not talking about going to a bar here or something). She is very, very attractive, but I need to spend some more casual time with her before jumping in to something like this, and if/when I do ask her over to my apartment, I don't know if it should go past kissing on the first visit. I'm not particularly conservative about sex, I just need a certain amout of time to get comfortable with a person, and don't want this to turn into just a physical thing from the beginning. So, how do I show that I'm interested but need to take it slow for now? Would a dinner date be a good idea, or is that too boring and conventional? Am I just totally flattering myself?
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