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Posts posted by rosierizzle

  1. Indigo



    The blanket of twilight,

    The deep of space,

    The velvet of the swaying waves.


    * * *


    The surrender to sleep,

    The calm of death,

    A ceaseless chasm, an infinite abyss


    * * *


    The shade of silence,

    The hue of calm,

    Dark as a midnight dream


    * * *


    An endless colour,

    A mysterious colour,

    A colour deeper than any sea.

  2. These children die quietly;

    No headlines screaming accross the the page,

    No rage from polititians blaming others,

    No mothers appearing on our screens,

    Seen waving banners asking why

    Did her child and forty thousand others die


    The way they die is quietly,

    Not for the want of a miracle cure,

    Pure water, food, simple medications are all they're needing.

    So proceedings will not be taken out;

    Without a voice.

    No choice but to die.


    The words must come

    From others.

  3. The reason he may not be telling you why is because he is ashamed. I felt this way when I first dumped my bf. I was really ashamed that I had hurt him and upset him. Don't push it too much, you have a right to know but remember he also has a right to privacy. Back off a bit and maybe become friends with him and then ask him again, he should feel more comfortable with telling you. Good Luck

  4. I have a really good friend who I have known for years, we are really close and get along well but she's started being really flirty round my boyfriend - trying to attract his attention all the time and he's noticed and is responding discretely. I know she doesn't fancy him so why is she doing it? Should I talk to them, because I don't want to hurt their feelings or anything?

  5. Try and make new friends. They won't replace your cousin who you were evidently very close to but it will stop you being so lonely. Join a group to do with your interests and you will meet people similar to you! I was in a similar situation once when my only friend moved away but I just did this and now I have a small group of really great friends!

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