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Posts posted by Amythyst_4206669

  1. Thanks Jabe... by the way we did the same thing once... it was kinda humorous... but we talk about it a lot now and we keep trying to find new ways to make it better... so hopefully we will come up with something until then... im just happy that we are together and either way we will make it work... thanks for the advice...

    Love Always,


  2. Sounds like love to me... i mean if u care enuf about her to work things out and talk to her then obviously u want it to work... listen... i cant tell u wut to do cuz now its all on u... but just don't be so hard on urself and don't think that sumthing is wrong with u... if u do this then it will just put more stress on the relationship... just try to get past some of the arguments that u guys get into... shes a female... all females act crazy sumtimes... just remember that u love her and that u would do anything for her... tell her that EVERY DAY... and always tell her how pretty she is... and things will get better cuz the more u show love towards her and the more u compliment her the more she will look past all the things that u do that makes her so mad... Try to turn this relationship into a healthy one... if u truley love her and it was ment to be... then things will work out...

    Hope i helped,

    Love always


  3. Okey this is for both the guys and the chicks


    Okey i have this boyfriend and we have been together for a while... and there are things that he does and things that he says to me that just drives me up the wall... it makes me love him and want him so much more....


    I wanna know... what are the things that ur boyfriend or girlfriend does to drive u up the wall???... sexual or not... i just wanna know...


    Love Always


  4. I hate it when i am talking to my bf about somethin and if he don't wanna talk about it or if he is scared that i will be mad about his answer then he will try to change the subject completely... i hate this because how are we supposed to work things out if he doesn't even want to stay on subject...


    I also hate it when we are in an argument i can't be mad at him longer than 2 mins. or else he is mad at me too... its like he knows that it kills me to see him mad at me so as soon as he says that hes mad at me then it all gets turned around on me and i can't be mad at him anymore cuz i just want him to hug me and kiss me and it be over with...


    I also hate the way that all he has to do when im mad is cum up to me and give me his puppy face look and then im no longer mad cuz hes just so dang cute... he gets away with absolutely everything that way... but i can't help it... i just love him soo much and he is just so cute...


    Love always,


  5. I completely agree with DN I mean she is just sittin around the house and u are doing everything possible to keep things goin... i think u need to tell her to get off her lazy a** and do something... or else she or u is gone... i mean don't let her use u for all u got... its not fair to you and if she don't realize that then she really doesn't love u does she???

  6. Okey heres the deal... me and my boyfriend have sexual intercourse all the time... and it seems to me like he cums faster and faster each time we have intercourse.... i know this may sound funny but today when we had intercourse it didn't even last 5 mins. he put it in me like maybe 10 times... it really sucks cuz i didn't even have an orgasm... He said he was really sorry cuz he knew it was kinda pointless for me... but he said he tried to stop it but he couldn't... this isn't the first time this has happened either so it seems like the more he does it then the more frustrated i get with him... i need some help... we switch positions and i have him think about sumthin totally off subject... but he just can't hold it... can someone give me some advice... and please tell me that sooner or later it will be okey cuz i really don't want to have to deal with this all the time... its really frustrating....

    Love Always,


  7. what kind of a reply was that??? kinda rude don't ya think... heres the deal... every relationship has their problems that they need to get through... don't just give up on it... u need to not think about the 1 hobby so much... think about other stuff too... maybe if u think about other stuff then she will be interested in the same things... or u could ask her what she is interested in... then talk to her and see if u guys can work it out so that u guys do what both of u guys are interested in... don't set ur mind to one thing... cuz if u do that then it will be very unlikely for u to find someone that will want to do the same hobby all the time... so do urself a favor and talk to this girl about it... don't break it off with her just because she don't like something that u do... if u do that then u aren't gonna get anywhere with anyone... just talk to her about it... k

    Hope i helped.

    Love Always,


  8. listen... i can't tell u whether or not u love the girl cuz its not my place to tell u who u do and don't love... so heres the deal... i think u need to talk to this girl cuz u say u dont' want it to end... its not fair for u to keep tellin her u love her if ur not sure anymore... tell her that the drama and everything else is making u feel funny... trust me... u need to talk to her... if u don't talk to her about the situation then the feelings will just go horribly wrong... tell her that u still wanna be with her but that u are having some feelings that u aren't sure about... this might also help ur arguing problem too... then after a while u might find out that u love her or u may just find out that its better off if u guys are friends...

    hope i helped...

    Love Always,


  9. okey heres the deal... when i first got with this guy he told me that he only had sex with 4 people... now he is tellin me that he told me that so that i wouldn't run away scared... but really he can't count on his fingers how many people hes been with... not only did i find this out... but i also found out that he has cheated on ALL of his other gf's before me... he says that he loves me and he sees me everyday and that he would never do anything to ever hurt me... and he says that with me its different and that he couldn't ever imagine cheating on me... but for some reason the fact that he has never had a gf that he didn't cheat on scares me... i don't know how to get over the fear that i will get hurt... can sumone give me some advice???

  10. okey i know this may sound funny but im gonna tell u my fantasy... this way it will give u an idea of what to do.... i think it would be awesome to have sex on the roof while its raining... but its gotta be warm rain... the kind that little kids go out and play in... i think it would be awesome... u should try it... i know i will...

  11. I had the same exact problem with my boyfriend... but i talked to him about it... first i thought about what made me so upset or jealous when i would see him talkin to another girl... then i figured out that it was because i had been hurt so much in the past... and he helped me figure this out... he understood my feelings and we are getting through it... just talk to her... that way she can help u out a lil bit too... cuz thats the first step to a healthy relationship... oh yea... and don't feel bad for bein jealous... its natural everyone gets jealous every once and awhile... but u guys will get through it together...

    Love always


  12. OKey... i have tried to tell my best friend how it makes me feel but shes always trying to justify it and say... well hes just my friend....


    Me and her stopped being friends last time she did this to me... it took me 8 months to even talk to her again... then eventually i forgave her....


    I think that she is just moving in... for a chance when im not around to try to do sumthin with him... but the thing is that i know my boyfriend does not like her... so what im so confused about is... if my boyfriend doesn't like her then why does it bother me so much... i guess its cuz its another girl tryin to mess with my man...


    No one invited me to kings island because i had company that night... and they were leaving early that next morning... so i guess they thought i couldn't go... so they just didnt' ask...


    Thanks for ur advice... i don't think that i can drop my boyfriend... cuz i have a lot of feelings for him... but u really gave me alot to think about thanks.

  13. I think ur playing mind games with both of these girls... i think that u should just be single.... don't be with girl 1 out of guilt and don't play mind games with girl 2 cuz u know that u aren't gonna wanna be with her when school starts... so why dont' u just be single... don't be with either of them... then if they still wanna mess around with u then its all on them... but at least ur not the one in the wrong cuz u are single... no one ever said it was wrong to mess around while ur single... just be single and have fun... don't include heartbreak and drama....

  14. Okey im sorry but this may be long... i am new to this and i only joined cuz im in a really weird situation and i need some advice....


    Okey my best friend in the whole entire world knows my boyfriend... we all three hang out all the time... Its never bothered me before that my friend and my boyfriend hung out... but maybe thats cuz we always hung out together...


    Well about a week ago my friend and her brother was going to go to kings island... well my boyfriend asked her if he could go with her... she said yes... she never asked me to go... so before he went i told him that i didn't like the idea of them going to kings island with out me because i didnt' think it seemed right... well he went anyways... This really hurt my feelings so as soon as he got back i talked to him about it. He said that he doesn't like her... but before me and him ever got together they had something happen one night when they got drunk... but he says it was a mistake and that he never ment for things to go that far with her. I trust my boyfriend and thats not what bothered me... it just didnt seem right him going to kings island with my friend without me... but he says he doesn't get it cuz shes his friend too...


    Well what my boyfriend didnt' understand was that my friend had done somthing with my ex boyfriend behind my back before... and i know she likes my boyfriend now cuz shes always bringing up what they did when they were drunk...


    Well i told him that it bothered me and he promised that he wouldn't do it anymore... and that he understands why i would be upset... but now she calls him all the time... and they talk on the phone and stuff... it never bothered me before but now it bothers me more than ever... when i told my boyfriend josh about this he said that i was over reacting... but im not sure that i am... Do you think i am??? ... Should i be jealous of my friend and my boyfriend talking all the time??? ... and was i wrong to be so upset about them hanging out without me??? I need help... Can someone please give me some advice....

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