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Posts posted by myapril

  1. Hi everyone!


    I just read a post,the writer said he has been with his gf for 3 yrs,and he loves her sooo much,she is his everthing,but just dosen't have sexual desire for her anymore!It's such a tragedy...I know it happens,we can get tired of anything!...But here comes a question a man loose his sexual desire for his gf or wife if she is very attractive?Or how long does your sexual desire last for a attractive partner?Or maybe it's a stupid qustion,guys want differents right?

  2. I have read a book,and there's a point in love is not the real love."


    As the time goes by,after you two got married,maybe you don't feel as excited as when you were dating,it's because you just out of falling in love.But I believe that you have never want to lose each other,she means more than anything to you,and you do it in the same way to her!So that is TRUE LOVE!


    Passion is playing a very important role in everything,of course for a marrige!But a wonderful marrige requests much more!Just remember it's such a "YUAN"(FATE)that 2 ppl can get married,being a couple!The really meaning of marrige is being TOGETHER,so be understanding,be sharing etc. etc...Don't only go after the"excitement"!


    And talk to her,let her know all your feelings!


    WARNING will never be recommend!I know it's also very"popular"in China!

  3. Thank you Iceman and Raykay!I did talk about it as you advised!He said he had been worked for all day......I like to understand him,because I don't need to work,it's not fair to him if I can't understand.But I think he spends more times on watching TV than sharing times with me(not only sex)!That is what I'm worried about!Then he said he needs some his space,he cannot "play with me"all the time as soon as he gets off work!Is he right?Is it normal to men?Or maybe I think that's my problem,because I stay at home everyday,and expect he can stay with me too much!?But I will go to school soon!So I'll see!


    Anyways,I know I still have the passion to love him as hot&sweet as before,but I don't know whether he does...

  4. Thank you for stopping here with me everybody!


    I'm 20,my husband is 26,we have married for 1 year,and known each other for 2 years.We are really apecial,we met online,we lived in different countries before we got married,which means we couldn't see each other everyday,not even everyweek!We met every 2-3 months,and stayed together for 1-2 weeks each time(24 hours a day)...So at that time,we made love almost everyday!I really got the feeling of wanting and being wanted at that time!


    Since we got married,we live together,of course I know it's differnt now,because he has to work on weekdays.So we don't have sex quite often now,about 1-2 times a week,it's ok,I mean that's the not the problem,but the problem is every time I am the active one who ask for it first!And many times during the sex,I could feel that he's a little IN RUSH,you know what I mean?


    So what I'm thinking is maybe he's too tired at work...or he is not that interested in sex?Or the worest...he is not interested in me anymore?(Though I have the confidence that I'm attractive enough)...who knows!


    I love him,and I can feel that he loves me too!But I hope we can have more communication about sex!what should I do to make it be better?Please give me some advise!Thank you so much! !

  5. I agree with you RayKay!


    For 2 people who are in love,especially for 2 who get married,having sex is not only about something like lust,or just the physical requirement.But it is a special and enjoyable way of communication for a couple!We should to know each other's feeling,both spiritual and physical!

  6. I can understand your situation.For your happiness,please don't give youself too much presure!Everybody is running for their lives...and not everyone can be lucky enough to do what they really want!But keep reminding yourself,you have the chance!If you don't like the job you have now,so see if you can change to another one.Maybe that will not be the one you want most either,but think it in a good way,they will bring you more experiances to your life.Usually, there are many steps before you get what you want...


    So just try your best to LOVE EVERYTHING YOU ARE DOING!Even though it is only about making money(in the good way)I'm so glad that you are not a person who is crazy for the money.But the truth is you have to,not be crazy,but be sure make yourself and your own future family feel secured,because you said you want to have a family,so you have to take that responsibility!At then,you will see nothing would be happier than seeing the happiness of the ones you love!And that is true love!


    Life is short,not much time for us to sigh.Life is hard,but we should find out the happiness from the difficulty,that is enjoy the life!There are many opportunities waiting for you,both for your career and your love,so just get yourself ready,don't miss any of them!You are only 27,everything just gets start for a man...


    Good luck!

  7. Yeah!I agree with everybody!You know what,I'm 20,my husband is my 1st love and the only!I did KEEP MINE FOR HIM until we got married.It wasn't hard at all but sweet,because...we loved to make out,and did everything to meet our sexual needs.I loved to...


    You know,4 yrs,it's a long time.So maybe she is really not very into sex.Choose a right moment and talk about it to her,in a good way though,don't let her feel hurt,because there are no right and wrong with it!For yourself,Just think about whether you can face it up if you get married.Sexlife does play an very important role in a marriage,just see what is more important to you!Make your deciation before you get married!Good luck!

  8. I know what I'm going to talk about is such an old issue!But I do need to share this with you at this moment!


    We have known each other for 2 yrs,and there comes our 1st marriage anniversary soon!I'm 20,my husband is my 1st and only love in my life,he is 26,and he had 4 relationships before.that's nothing,no problem with me at all,because I know it's nomal for a young man!We fell in love magically,we got married!Everthing is just so perfect!Yeah...But these days,I feel there are really something stuck in my mind,in my heard.At the first we met,he talked to me a few his past,I know there was a girl who meant a lot to him,she was the one he loved most.It didn't bother me at all.I know that's all the past.past has passed,right?And the most thing is he said I am the only one who make him so happy,then let him totally move on from that relationship,though he had date other girls after that(before me).But...everything goes fine until...By an accident,I found out that he is still keeping some of her pics and letters in an old case with some other old documents......You may say they are for his memories,right?I know,but when I know there are another woman's pics in my home...It still makes me feel bad...and insane!Luckily,myself is in highly control,I'm not letting him know it,because I never want to destroy our previous love because of my jealousy,guess what instead,I'm having myself doing even better than before to make him happier!All the reason is I love him,I never want to give him back,I want him never doubt that he has made a good choice!But on the other side,I feel sad,when I see he is still wearing the old T-shirt as a sleepwear which already has 2 holes on it,when I see his emotional face while playing the songs about break ups,I'm really worried......It hurts!


    I'm a crazy woman right?I am sorry everybody...But I'd better talk about it,it's such a burden to me.Here is a good and only place allows me to talk about it!If you don't feel I'm too boring,please just leave me some words!I'll appriciate that!I believe they will help me to release...Anyways,thank you for you stop here with me,and sharing my feeling,bad one though... ...

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