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Mr. E

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  1. There's this girl (surprise, surprise). And I like her very, VERY much. I want to ask her out so bad....but I can't find it in me. It's not rejection I'm afraid of.....it's what if I succeed ?? I'm 16, and have never been in a real relationship before. Basically, I suck at this whole dating thing. I'm not really sociable and have trouble talking with people anyway, and with girls I'm a complete 0. I can never start a conversation, even if I do I can't keep it up. People, even the most talkative ones, find me sort of hard to talk to and the convos dont work out with them either. I've read the tips on this site, they're very good.....but I don't know if I can remember all those dating rules and it's just not me. I'm just not made for this whole dating thing. If I try it, although I don't want to be a pessimist....reality and logic tell me I will fail miserably. Even if she somehow agrees.....I'm probably gonna bore her, run out of things to talk about and face those awkward silences....you know just fail. But I want this to work out so bad.....I like this girl so much that I don't care about the consequences. I just want to give at least one try...although I know I will fail. I feel like some lunatic that wants to fly so bad that he's prepared to jump of a building. I.......I don't even know what exactly it is I'm asking lol. What do I do ? Spend more time reading these faqs and prepare slowly to eventually ask her out.......or just be mysef, act natural and blindly go for it, without much chance of success ?
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