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Posts posted by kaboom


    my ex-girlfriend was the horniest thing on this planet and she wouls jump me at the most random times. The trick with toilets is making sure you're both QUIET and that u go in and out discreetly when people aren't watching. Storming into a toilet giggling and rubbing against each other isnt a good idea...

    Oh and skyteph sweety, when u are asking for places to have sex in public or NEARLY in public, romance's not usually the main thing on your mind...

  2. yo!! why doesnt this happen to me! no one hits on me no more!

    If you're both too shy to take thyselves out for drinks, or dinner, or whatever, just drop her a note. Its REALLY easy (from experience) to do. Just leave her a little message at her desk. Kinds like saying "hey i had to leave early today, wanna meet for drinks this friday?"

    Its really easy because it doesnt take the balls to look her in the eye or confronting her when saying it, and its VERY effective. It wont make you look as good as confronting her, but it will definitely get you two alone. And dude, with those signs, she WONT refuse the offer. Damn she'd probably jumped you if u weren't surrounded by coworkers!

  3. Taking from the Bi side of things here, there's absolutely no point in beating urself about it, because u wont get anywhere out of thinking. If you look at guys and think "damn he's hot" and you feel DESIRE, not just being able to recognize male beauty, and if the same happens when you look at a woman, then you are bi.

    if you only feel attracted to men, then you're gay

    if you only feel attracted to women, then you are straight.

    There really isnt much math to this. U got any gay friends? go out to a gay bar one night and see if you like being hit on, if you like making out with a man.

    Being Bi isnt bad at all. In my opinion, it actually rocks! however be prepared to take hell from both the straight and gay communities.

  4. You've heard it all before, but suicide really isnt a way out. There is always something to live for. and if there isn't, you can always find it. It's been a very long time since i last thought about suicide, but things haven't gotten much better around me. The trick for me is to find stuff that makes life enjoyable, if only for a while. Music, a good book, talking with a friend...

    Things always get better at some point. When they REALLY dont get better though is if you're beating yourself up about being a burden to everyone around you. That really isnt so. People are always very cruel, if you were, they probably wouldn't be talking to you.

    I know this is probably being a heck of a long storm (since u've been cutting for a while and stuff) but its always great to hold on and see the sun come out.

    and when the comes out you can sit, look at it, smile and be really proud of yourself and think about how no matter how hellish the storm got, you survived.

  5. Hey morky's reply was one of the things going through my mind (btw keep in mind i am a GUY). but if i were to do that, it wouldnt be on the street. You know, selected contacts, upwards of a grand a night...

    If prostitution wasnt controlled by pimps, and if they really were independent, i'd be all for it. Heck ur body's yours, u can do whatever u want with it, if u wanna rent it, go for it!

  6. Three people? sounds like the route to having everyone know withing a couple of weeks.

    Lemme tell you the way this goes. You start telling only those you really trust, then u tell the one wrong person, he blurts, and it spreads like gunpowder. BUT! relax because by that time your real friends already know and have digested it, and since it doesnt come as a surprise, then can support you, and if there's ever an argument about it, they'll side strongly with you.

    How do you hit on a guy??? damn, i wouldnt be able to tell you either, i've usually only been hit on...

    As someone said, talking is always a good idea...

  7. Dude, the only way you are going to find out whether u really do like guys THAT way or not is actually BEING with a guy. I did that, and i found out that i wasnt just curious or experimenting, that guys REALLY turn me on.

    Eventually you will find somobody. Gays are ALL OVER the world, no matter how many rednecks there are in your area. Find a gay bar and hang around there, just get to meet and know people, then take your pick and go out.

    HOWEVER, this might not be the best idea because the gay scene is not usually the "nicest" place in a town. You are also going to have to accept the fact that if in the end you are bi, you will be facing reject both from the straight and the gay communities. Isnt world a nice place...

    How does it go from where you are now? well I can't really tell for you, but you are young so I'm assuming that if in the end you are indeed bi, you will have a series of relationships/hookups with people from both sexes, and if you ever want to get really commited, you will have to make a choice at some point in your life. But hey dont worry that's still many years down the road.

    Don't worry too much about the rednecks. When i came out of the closet (well let's say an enemy "accidentally" yelled out in the middle of class that i was) in a boarding school packed with russians, which is arguably the most homophobic group on earth. They did threaten me and stuff but after a while they were pretty cool about it. I'm not saying paint your house with the colors of the bi flag, but dont stay closeted forever, it sucks.

  8. Mkay so I am bisexual and I JUST (3 days ago) came out of a two year relationship with a woman. She was unhealthilly possessive of me, and i CAN be very promiscous, however i remained completely faithful to her.

    Now the trouble is that i came out of this relationship completely burnt out and tired, and i am considering the possibility of starting to have sex just for the pleasure, including one-night-stands and basically screwing with whoever comes my way.

    Now some friends have told me that its ok and others have told me that i will feel completely worthless, empty, sl·utty and used.

    I must say that i hold my body in quite low regard and that i could easily just give myself to anyone (with certain limits).

    So what do you people think? should i just let go and screw, or should i take it slowly?


  9. Real simple. A phrase like "You know, I would REALLY love to unbutton your pants right now..." will kick it off no problem...

    about looking cheep... well if he knows you well enough, the he should KNOW you arent!

  10. From experience, if you two start going out, it will come out sooner or later. People will notice, specially if she's not too glad about keeping it secret.

    I dont think keeping it a secret is healthy either. People are pretty open about it nowadays, but i guess that depends on where you are. If you see yourself risking your job, and you only LIKE (as opposed to being obsessed) her, i suggest u dont do it.

    HOWEVER, if your job is safe because your company is cool with it, then go for it!

    Someone told me that i should come out to everyone because those who care dont matter and those who matter dont care.

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