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Posts posted by Dork_Tee

  1. Dude you have to realize this girl is playing you up. Just cause shes nice don't mean she isn't playing you. You need to just get over this girl and move on. There be other fish in the sea. How about just be friends with her like you are doing ok. Hope this clears up what that guy said above in just a few less words. love always Tee

  2. Hey thanks for writing back and I like what you said. Your right about that its hard to find a crew of friends. Shes just one of the many I thought would not be such a bad person. Well Thanks again for writing me and sayin what you said. Bye Tee

  3. Hey most people call me Tee and im 24yrs old and I keep having problems with meeting friends that are good friends. I've been friends with this one girl for a year and well recently we got together and hung out now she is giving me the cold shoulder and won't tell me a reason at all. I don't get it or what Im doing wrong a lot of my friends seem to take advantage of my nice side. Then when they are mad they cant be honest or when they don't really like me they don't just tell me instead they ignore me. I don't get it I can't win I can't make one real honest friend at all. I mean I got some good friends, but I want to find more people like myself, but can't I keep running into these people who like to stab me in the back. To top this off I left stuff at her house and I think shes keeping it all which is wrong cause this stuff isn't cheap and I left it there and plan to get it when I go back this week, but now shes not returning my calls or imes on aim so I don't know what to do anymore. I'm stumped Im always being used by friends. I don't get it I just want to know what is wrong. if anyone out there knows how i feel please reply. Thanks again Tee

  4. I had a feeling this is the feedback I would get and I respect your opinion. But I never said there was infidelity aka Cheating in this relationship. That happen we took some time apart. Also I trust her and thats a big thing in relationship and without trust there is nothing more to a relationship and it can't continue. I trust my gf and I love her very much. We are meeting in July to spend some time together for about a Month. Then seeing as we are very into eachother and know what eachother want we are gonna try living together. I know its hard to see it from my point no physical contact and yes we do talk on the phone as well as do voice and cam talks. But like I said we trust one another the big issue here at hand was the intimate the first time being that I haven't been with that many girls. Her and I actually had a long talk today and I feel much better now that we did and it clear up the intimacy problem and yeah were both gonna be scared, but its a learning process together where we can explore and see what the other wants out of that. Im not ususally able to talk about you know this stuff, but being this is not people I know its not so hard. But seriously thanks for your feedback and I haven't really been waiting all day. I think you got the issue a little wrong cause I didn't really say much about the relationship at hand. But again Thanks for the feedback. from Tee

  5. I've been with my girlfriend for about almost 9 months now. I love her very much we met online and we haven't actually met in person. I know most people try to tell me how do I know this is love cause in my heart I know it is. I'm not asking for that kind of feedback. We are plannin to meet up this July 2003 and Im scared about it. I don't want to ruin anything and she keeps telling me shes not going no where. I seriously don't like that promise cause we have broke up a while back. Her ex came back in her life and she wasn't sure about things and needed a week break from us to sort stuff out. That's also been bothering me cause she didn't just hang out with her ex it was intimate and stuff. That stuff still bothers me cause it didn't happen not so long ago, but none the less I forgave her, but just having a hard time moving away from that. Also Ive been with a girl, but that wasn't much and Ive been interested in girls for a long time and never did much anything about it. Im really confused and Im just blabbing everything all out of order so bare with me. Don't get me wrong even thought that stuff with her ex Gema happen doesn't mean I want to just move on cause I love her and its just a fact forgiveness and stuff don't just happen over night. Im totally scared of how things are gonna be when we first get intimate cause shes afraid about that as well and about it messing up. Ugh I don't know Im just really feeling like lost and just wanted someone opinion, feedback or something like that. You can ask more about the relationship if you need more info just let me know. Im basically scared about being intimate for the first time and just having a hard time moving on from that past bad problem. Thanks again for reading along my messed up entry. Tee

  6. Well this is sad and I can't believe she could lie to you right to your face like that. First off to have a relationship trust is a major thing here and it's obvious she couldn't be straight with you about what she was truly feeling. I think you should just let her go and set forth and find someone who really will be true to you. You can can remain friends, but just wish her happiness in what she wants and let go of this. I know its hard and it won't be easy to just move on. So focus on you and what you deserve and thats totally happiness. From Tee

  7. Hey Girl I know how you feel I had my first kiss at 13yrs of age and I was nervous as all can be. If you like the boy go for him it doesn't mean you have to kiss him right there and then. Get comfortable with being around him first then go from there. If he tries to kiss you and you don't feel comfortable pull back and tell him your not ready. Don't be intimidated by boys just be straight up. I know its hard being shy, but you gotta break out of the shy stage someday. Well hope this helps to give you a little encouragement. from Tee

  8. Hey there thanks for replying to my topic. My parents know about me liking girls and are 100% behind me about who Im with. They love me no matter what as long as my gf treats me good thats all that matters to them. Your right I guess Im just worried a bit. THanks again


  9. I've been dating my gf for 8 months now and everything was up and down the last 8 months. Now for the last few weeks things have been really good and I love her to pieces. She and I have a huge distance problem, but we are gonna see eachother come this summer. She and I are gonna be moving in together come october. This is my first girl/girl relationship and Im scared and I don't want to mess anything up. Lately the distance has been a killer and we try our best to make the best of this. Im totally scared about being intimate and making it not ok for us both. I've been with a girl before, but we didn't get to intimate me and this last girl besides we were just experimenting. I've always had a thing for girls so I finally decided to date one and now I am. I've meantion to her that Im scared about the first time and she knows I am she said that I don't have to worry that it be ok and that she is gonna be here for me and that we will take it as slow as I want. I love her and I just don't want to ruin our first time together intimate what do I do?


    From Tee

  10. He's definitely blowing you off and you shouldn't even bother he is a waste of your time. Move on girl and just forget about him he gave up a good thing. If he does try to talk to you give him the cold shoulder and if he ask why tell him. But don't let him get to you just go about your business girl there are more fish in the sea and you should just forget him. He's definitely not worth it. From Tee

  11. You definitely need to move on this is all head games. She is not being true to you as a friend by comparing you to this new man. This is all wrong and you should just move on and try to get on with life. There be other sweeties in your life and you sure deserve better then the way she is treating you. Well good luck and hope you feel better soon. from Tee

  12. I've been dating my gf for seven months and we fought a lot during the relationship. The relationship was long distance and I don't mean a few cities or states a part. We were from different countries and now she broke my heart. So now Im depressed and I don't know how Im ever gonna move on. Shes talkin to her ex again she says there friends and I don't know what to think anymore. I mean one day shes talking about us forever and stuff and then the next she is saying its over. I know we had our share of mistakes, but we didn't even get a chance to grow how can you grow until you actually meet one another. Well I need someone to talk to or someones words of wisdom and remember when you post that Im in a hurting stage. Thanks again for listening to me whine bye Tee3

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