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  1. alright. i'm so terrified he doesn't really wanna talk to me, but i'm gonna call him. cross your fingers. and your friends fingers, lol.
  2. guys are weird. i used to go out with a guy i worked with. the day after our first date he wouldn't even look at me. so i shot him an e-mail & it turns out he just didn't want everyone to know about it. we were together for 5 years.
  3. lol, you're the 3rd person today to tell me to relax...i'm trying. i guess i'm just a little anxious cause i really like him. so you think i should call him tonight?
  4. me again....it was soooo hard for me to approach him in the first place my heart was pounding so hard i thought it was going to come through my chest & it was even harder for me to call him today & i know if i do get the nerve to call him tonight my hand is going to be trembling with fear when i dial his number. i don't want him to think i'm some crazy stalker chick but i do like him & i want him to want me to call him. i want to tell him i'm as shy as he is which i should have done in the first place but i was to busy trying to act all "normal" when we went out. we had fun last week, i should have let him take the reins though instead of jumping the gun, damn my impatience, lol. grrr....i feel like i missed my chance. actually, i feel like i'm back in junior high school. it would be so much easier if i could just pass him a note in study hall, lol. in all seriousness, i need some sound advice from a guy.
  5. okay so i met this guy & thought he was cute so i decided that even though i'm really shy i was gonna be a rebel & ask him out. well, it turns out he's even shyer than i am. we went out but he was sooooo nervous. he asked me if i wanted to go out again, this time with a group & i said yes. but i turned the tables & made plans for just the 2 of us for a week later, which completely freaked him out and he said he felt pressured and that i was moving to fast. needless to say, we didn't go out again. but i really like him. i called him this morning to see what's up and he told me to call him tonight, but i'm afraid to because i don't know if he was just saying that to be nice or because he really wants to talk to me. does he actually like me? should i call him? help me!
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