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Posts posted by xymox

  1. I went through something similar with my ex, he broke up with me a while ago because I guess things weren't working out and its taken a long time to get to where we are now but I learned I needed to give him space and now he calls me on his own, he makes an effort to see me eventhough we are still not together and I'm ok with that for now. He told me he misses me and he did realize the grass was not greener on the other side. We didnt get back yet for different reasons but at least he admitted he hasn't found better than me and basically the time apart made him realize things.


    I think that if the love between you and your ex is strong enough, there is a chance he may realize things in the future. My ex also went out with someone almost 2 months after he broke up with me, which lasted only a couple of months and he told me that he was sorry and she just wasn't me and thats basically why it didnt last..he didnt get over me. I know every situation is different but if your relationship is anything like mine was then I believe everything will work out in time. The most important thing you can do right now is take care of yourself and let him figure things out on his own. If he truly does care about you, I think theres always a possibility he will come back. Just dont dwell on it or get your hopes up too high because when you expect things to happen, thats usually when you get let down, at least from my experience. I hope things work out for you

  2. I was in that situation recently, my ex knows how I feel about him and told me the same things but we still haven't gotten back together yet. I'm not as upset over him as I used to be but it makes it harder to move on when you are still hooking up with an ex. We are friends, but I clearly told him for me its more and he said he understands. If you want to continue thats your choice but I personally would end it now, I'm trying to stop myself from being with my ex in that way also until he commits to me again. I know how hard it is especially when you still have feelings for the person.

  3. I say give her some more time, she may be testing you to see your reaction. Don't confront her because that might just make her defensive. Try to act like it doesn't bother you. That will really get to her. You may not be hearing from her that much lately because she could either be busy or she may be trying to make you think she is. Either way, I think you should just do what you're doing. It seems like she is trying to keep you there in a way incase she doesn't find something better. My ex may be doing the same thing to me, so I know how you feel.

  4. I really don't think that couples relationship is healthy either. People need to have separate lives. It's one thing to want to do things together sometimes, but not ALL the time. Let's say one of them decides one day that they need space and leaves, what is the other person going to do? I felt like that with my ex, I wanted to spend alot of time with him and would get upset when he hung out with his friends without me. Well he did end up leaving, he even told me one day he can't deal with me depending on him so much. He didn't break up with me just because of that, there were other issues of his own, but I felt so miserable when he broke up with me and felt like I couldn't live without him at the time. I would think a couple would miss each other more when they are not around each other so much. It's good to be missed.

  5. Hi gradle, how are you doing?


    I know how hard this all must be for you. I know the feeling of wondering what your ex is up to, who they are with. I'm slowly getting past thinking those thoughts. I realize that is not going to help me at all in getting over my ex. You should keep doing what you're doing. Go out, meet people. I know that it might make you miss your ex even more. I have the same problem, when I am around other guys I miss my ex alot and wish they were him. But I do know that this isn't healthy.


    The more people you meet, the more likely you will end up finding someone else that you like. I understand you probably don't want to have to find someone else but it really is the best thing to do right now. Your ex may or may not come back, time will tell. Until then though, you have to try to keep busy as much as you can. Stay positive, if you and J are meant to be you will end up back in each others lives. If you're not ready to date, then don't. What I'm trying to do is make new guy friends. Relationships usually start out with people being friends. That didn't happen in my case when I met my ex but I've learned alot. Take care of yourself for now. PM me if you need to.

  6. I'm in that situation now, honestly it's pretty hard. I don't even consider us real friends because I am not over him and he admitted to still having feelings for me. We didn't start off as friends before we got together either. I think the best way to be friends with an ex is to be over them, especially when you know they are with someone else. If you keep talking to them it takes longer to move on. The reason I even still talk to my ex occasionally is because he was a big part of my life and I just don't want to give that up totally, no matter how much he hurt me.

  7. I know what you're going through. I'm feeling the same way since my ex broke up with me. I feel like I can't do anything without thinking about him or being reminded of him. I also put away everything that reminded me of him and things he gave me. I try not to think about it and focus my attention elsewhere but its so hard. I cant give much advice because I am going through the same thing and I don't know how to get over it either. I guess the best thing to do would be to try and keep yourself busy. My ex wants to keep me as a friend but I don't know if i can do it. He also wasn't the greatest bf either but I keep thinking about the good things about him lately instead of the bad. I think the only thing you can do now is give it time. Maybe he will want to come back one day but you may be over him by then. If you want someone to talk to, you can pm me. we have similar situations.

  8. I'm in a similar situation but I still have contact with my ex. It is normal to wonder what he is up to and wonder if he's thinking about you. I have been told that in time it gets better, but unfortunately I don't really feel that much better and its close to 2 months since we've been broken up. All I can really tell you is that if you care about him and want to be with him again, then just give him space and see what happens. That's all you can really do. You don't have to wait around for him to come back to you but just go on with your life. It's easier said than done, I'm having a hard time doing that but I know its the best thing to do. If he decides he wants to be with you then he will let you know. If you don't want to be with him anymore then try dating other people. If you need someone to talk to, I'm here. I know what you're going through.

  9. I personally couldn't do it but everybody is different. Just because someone enters a rebound relationship, doesn't mean they don't still care about their ex. If the person who began the rebound was the dumper, I would think that maybe they are trying to see if there's someone better. If the dumpee started a rebound, they might be doing it because they are hurt and it's their way of coping or don't want to be alone. Either way I don't think most rebound relationships last very long, I'm just going by what I've seen.

  10. I am going through a similar situation, my ex broke up with me a little over a month ago and at first he didnt want me to talk to him but then when i finally stopped he came back. We arent back together but he still wants me in his life. He mentioned about hanging out with another girl, he said they're not together or anything but he didnt know what would happen in the future. He told me he still loves me and everything I wanted to hear except we can't be together right now. I am also having a hard time being his friend because how do I know if he will end up with someone else. I can understand where you're coming from because I also find it hard to picture him not in my life at all anymore. My advice is maybe try being his friend for now and see how it goes. He could possibly realize you are the person he wants to be with. It may take a while but you never know. Don't let this stop you from meeting other people though. Give him time and show him what a great person you are. If you feel like you can't handle him being with someone else I would just do NC if you're able to and if he loves you enough he will call you. I didnt think my ex would call me back after telling me to leave him alone but he did. I would suggest not calling him too much, basically let him initiate most of the conversations because you don't want to push him away. I know how hard it is, I am having a hard time dealing with this myself.

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