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Everything posted by JJs1626

  1. Ok well here is the story I have been workin with this girl for a couple of months now and just recently we have started to have frequent conversations. Somtimes we talk about how much work sucks ,other times we talk about family and friends. She has a BF that she neva talks about with me but from what I have been told she gets in fights with him all the time. Come to think of it she has neva told me she has a BF. Now I am a chicken when it comes to girls so im nervous as all hell when I talk to her but other coworkers have told me that she thinks im funny. I would like to know if anyone finds that to be a good sign and that maybe I should ask her out. Also whether or not her not telling me about her BF is a good thing. I really like her but I don't want to mess things up especially since I work with her.
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