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Posts posted by Norway

  1. I understand everything that everyone is saying


    But the whole "What if she is a guy..."

    "What if you get raped"


    And I really don't think it's anyone I know... Since they have had there myspace for about 4 months and have different friends on there page etc etc. If it is... it's the most elaborate prank ever


    Kind of makes me laugh

    I'm not a kid... I'm 19

    6'3'' and 205

    I think I can handle my own if it is a guy


    I think i'll tell her lets just go out on a date and see how things go

  2. I'm kind of confused as I write this, so bare with me


    I recently met this girl through myspace, which is weird because I usually don't accept friend requests from people i dont know. She looked cute and sent me a message.


    So we got to talking and we were flirting back and forth and one thing led to another and she came out and asked if I wanted to hook up (obviously she didn't ask like that ). I'm not sure if I should do this or not... I'm caught in a conundrum... The fact that she openly asked for it, through myspace, raises a red flag in my head. I asked her if she has ever done this before (just meeting random guys online) and she said no.


    I guess I'm more shy/nervous more than anything, being this is the first time i'll have just randomly hooked up with someone before.



    She's Cute

    Possible Relationship

    She's Single

    Could Be Fun



    Moral Dilema

    I've been single for about 3 weeks now

    I don't really KNOW her

    Possible STD/Pregnancy??



    I suppose i'm looking for input from both sides


    Thank You!


  3. I don't think we are in the minority with being able to last longer than 10 minutes or w/e


    I think for the majority guys can last a lot longer than they do, but they cant seem to understand that's it's not JUST about their own personal pleasure...


    So many just quickly get going forgetting there is someone else their too

  4. I'm not very good at poetry, but I needed to vent...



    I made this a while ago, but I never finished it...



    I sit here, bathing in my own self-worthlessness

    Loathing my life, I wait

    For it to end, and to be reborn

    As life's cruel joke I walk

    Avoiding people's eyes

    For the fear that they might see my sorrow

    And the fear that they will not understand

    They will not understand my dry tears that are not shown

    They will never see the impact of their choices


    This is not directed to anyone




    This is a cry to god for help


    And I wait here answerless and alone


    As I always have been

  5. Ok, I've only been seeing this girl for a week or two...


    We've hung out three times... The first date I think went really well. Same with the second.


    But by the third... I had ran out of things to talk about... I really like this girl but I'm very much an intravert and find it hard to come out of my shell... Once I do I'm very laid back and sarcastic/comical. The hardest part is trying to get out of my shell and talk to her.


    There were a few times during the date where the akward stare begins followed by both of you saying... "So..." then laughing.


    Yeah, that happened like three times >_


    She's told me she likes me, but she is also shy and nervous herself.


    Any tips on how I can be more open and talkative around this girl?


    Thanks for all the future input ^_^

  6. UPDATE: Today i was @ her house for a bit and i told her that I can't just wait around and be the guy on the side... And she decided that she didn't want to be with the other guy.


    But we'll see... This guy seems very dependent and very head over heels for her.


    *shrugs* Wish me luck

  7. Since breaking up with my g/f about 2 weeks ago i've started to get to know one of my girl friends better. We've known each other for over 2 years through myspace and flirted while we weren't seeing anyone. When i was going out with my ex i kind of cut down on conversation with her. Anyways, fast forward to now... We've been kind of flirting online ever since i broke up with my girlfriend. i tell her that I have bad timing because now, she is dating someone... And she confirms yeah I had feelings for you before as well.


    Well today we decide to hang out, as friends (I would never do anything knowing her current status). The guy she's dating calls while were watching a movie, that's all fine, but I know that they've been having issues. She doesn't seem that interested in him from what i've deducted from her telling me things about their relationship. Apparently he is extremely upset by this, even though he gave it the big "OK" to hang out with me.


    This is where it gets confusing (if you already aren't by now...)


    She tells me she likes me tonight after she gets home. Initially, the person she is dating is furious and tells her that he, "Never wants to talk to her again."


    OK, so we're still talking and we're flirting etc, etc... then she goes "OMG..."


    Apparently he came back and was telling her that she needs to give him another chance, etc, etc...


    Now I feel pretty lost myself because she is throwing me very mixed signals and I dont like playing games like this.


    Now they're hanging out on Thursday but and I quote, "I'd rather be hanging out with you."


    I don't want to say anything, because it's not my place to say it... I think she'll come to her senses and drop this guy, but I hate the fact that I have to wait and watch.


    I even told her that there is no way I'm going to be the guy on the side.


    I guess i'm more venting/looking for some insight on how to deal.


    if you have any questions about the situation or need clarification, just ask and I'll answer.



  8. I would really try to arrange her to meet with a Psychologist, because she seems to very very unstable. So unstable she needs to cling to you for any sign of happiness in her life. She needs to learn that she can never make someone happy unless she can make herself happy first.

    • Like 1
  9. yay im 19 ^_^


    Update: She began calling/texting trying to take it all back...


    it was hard to deny her from coming over, I still love her.


    we talked a bit over the phone and she finally told me what was bothering her. I'm not going to get into details about this, but the fact is she could have told me about a week ago about this incident, but she didn't.


    She never cares to tell me what is bothering her and it kills me when i see her fall.


    I'm not sure if I can be strong enough and cave into her plea's again.

  10. Well, I don't know what to say. I'm still kind of stunned and dazed about the whole situation


    I was coming back from college today because my birthday is tomorrow and we were planning on eating lunch today. So i picked her up and I could tell she was in a bad mood. I ask her about it and she shrugs the question off, so this kind of irritates me because lately, she has been a huge drama queen. I took her up to a cabin with my brother, his g/f, and a few of his friends... I was pretty much nagging her to have fun, she always had a pissed look on her face and I had to talk her into going out and having fun everytime.


    Anyways, she ends up telling me that she is upset because when she came into my car, she thought I was acting weird or pissed at her, because i gave her this, "Look"


    I end up taking her out starting to ask her what she means and why she is in such a bad mood. She keeps giving me bogus answers like, "Iunno, you're the one acting weird." Which is making me more upset, because I was the one who drove back from college to go out to eat lunch with her, why would I not want to be there if i took all this time to get there?


    This continue's and I'm at the end of the rope and tell her I'm dropping her back off. I could tell this made her more upset but at the time... I couldn't take anymore of these childish games. I dropped her off and when she was getting out she broke up with me.


    Well over a year and a half gone.


    I'm not sure why I'm writing this, most likely to vent and tell my great birthday story...

  11. Hrm, did something bad happen with one of her ex's that gave her this feeling?


    I'd tell her you like doing it, and if she ever decides to change her mind you'd be happy to give it to her.


    At least she'll know if she ever changes her mind and decides that she does want it again.

  12. I could never find enough time to go that long @ your age (lucky


    A few tricks that help me is.


    A) Using a condom (I can last hours with a condom on)

    B) Switch positions when you feel it start to build up

    C) /agree with yang with slowing the pace down

  13. Me and my boyfriend have worked through some of our problems that we have been having. I love him and pretty sure he loves me, beings he wants things to work out with us as much as I do... We have been together 2 years and we don't say that we love each other all the time, we just know the love is there. I am not sure how to bring this up or even say it. I have always waited for the guy to say it! Let me know how to get up the nerve.


    Have either of you ever said it to each other?


    I find it hard to hold the feeling of love to yourself. If there is one greater feeling than love, it's the feeling of being loved in return.


    If you haven't already told him, I would think of a way that you can bring it up in conversation. Or just come out and say it randomly while you're with him.


    Good luck and keep us updated

  14. so... you're telling me some guys are pigs and some girls are equal pigs?


    Why judge the whole population off of a low percentage of immature/sex fiends?


    Make sex whatever you and your s/o make it to be. Don't let others sway your perception.


    Ultimately it's your choice so I am only trying to show you that you're theory about how sex is repulsive is what your own percieption others make it to be.

  15. Why do you guys cut? Seriousely, not trying to be offensive or anything, I just really wanna know. Whats the point? To feel pain? To feel good?


    it's to relieve the pain believe it or not.


    Or that was the case for me.


    I use to ask why god would possibly let someone feel this miserable and have an overwhelming feeling of sorrow.


    (was before i became atheist)


    But i didn't cut for long, I got help. I went to a psychologist and am taking a medication for my dysthymia.


    I highly recommend anyone who does cut, seek help. Because even if you can't see you're life improving now, in time it will if you work at it.

  16. Anywhere from 30 seconds to an hour I would guess.


    hit it right on the head for me except that hour can be pushed to a few hours occasionally. Bye that time we call it quits because she says it stops feeling pleasurable after a long time haha

  17. Honestly, sex is what you and your s/o make it...


    If you see it as an intimate way for you and someone else to show you're love then how is that repulsive?


    If you see it otherwise, then imho, you might be looking at it in a wrong way.

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