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Posts posted by Daddyslilgrlx0

  1. Ask her how she feels about realationships and what she plans on doing since her boy friend hurt her badly. Ask her if anything would ever change you're friendship and if so what, if she says no then tell her you like her! it wont hurt, like that quote, broken hearts are often made by unsaid words is true.(the quotes something like that lol) .. you may never know how she feels unless u tell her how you feel. Tell her that no matter how she feels you repsect that and want nothing to change because shes a wonderful person. Im sure she will understand

  2. Our bodys always look worse to us then they really are, it doesnt mean that you look un normal because you're teetth arent perfect. Maybe no1 notices but you, try not to worry about it so much or it dose become a big deal and dont let it ruin ur self confidance because you will only bring urself down. If you dont like them that much then talk to the densit person about fixing them!!

  3. Ok well, First of all it sounds like you have no experiance in sex or anything at all and thats ok because alot of people havent had sex or anything at 20 years old. When you yourself or someone else touched you're penis or gives you oral sex it can be a great feeling to a guy but maybe a little scary at first. sometimes when im getting oral sex or touching myself the feeling gets so intense i have to stop because im scared to orgasm... sometimes i dont stop but maybe since you havent done anything the feeling is very intsense and ur scared of of going futher but trust me... keep going because ive herd from guys its the best feeling ever. You have to keep doing it for more then one minute and at one point maybe 10 mins later ur gonna feel a very strong feeling but its gonna feel good and then cum is gonna come out...maybe some guys can talk to you about this, im just saying wut i think...

  4. Im 14 and bisexual. Sometimes i fool around with close friends or if im interusted in a girl i ask her if shes bi but just a question in genrale. If she is then i flirt with her and so on and if she isnt then i dont make a big deal or act werid because then it would give it away. Ive only had one realationship with a girl and she was my bestfriend but i have been attracted to girls. Try to not be ashamed of ur self theres nothing wrong with you!!!! Just try to play it cool when you ask a girl if shes bi and if shes not then shake it off. Try asking close friends at first if they wanna fool around or date... because then you might start to feel more confterble about it. Hope I helped

  5. Theres nothing wrong with that, It took me awhile before i ever did anything. I remember all of 6th grade and 7th wanting so bad to have sex and be touched wanting to touch someone else but i never did and there was nothing wrong with that. at the end of 7th i met my boyfriend and then that was the first person i ever fooled around with and had my chance to do what i wanted and yes i would always hangout with older kids who were always talking about haveing sex and having boyfriends and having orgams and i wasnt uncomfterbul but it was werid because i never had the chance to do that kinda of stuff with anyone and didnt have a real boyfriend. Ever since ive had sex with that one boyfriend in 7th grade i havent stoped having sex but i know that if a guy comes along who has done nothing then i take it slow and teach him stuff so when the time comes along that you meet someone make sure they will be slow and understanding. Theres nothing wrong with you though!!! If you're interusted in getting into sex take it slow and learn about stuff. If you ever need something then PM me and Ive also sent you a PM. I hoped I helped.

  6. When i first started having sex it took me along time to get used to it before it stoped hurting... it might take awhile... dont dont be shocked but deff use lub,lots of it and go slow, up to the pase that it doesnt hurt her so she can get used to it.

  7. First of all, like this guy said in the other post, why did she do this? Maybe she needs help, Not trying to be mean but sometimes when people have certan disorders they tend to do stuff like that. She can get in serious trouble... i would talk to her about it and ask why? and then try to get her help before she messes up her life.

  8. I wouldnt tell him the truth... I think you need to find ways to help you have a real orgasm, find ways you can have a orgasm and then say hunny i wanna try some new stuff in bed? Thats might work... and it wont seem bad at all because youll be trying new stuff that might make you orgasm and you wont have to fake them anymore or feel guilty you have been faking them.

  9. Im 14 and I love haveing sex.. I can have sex almost maybe about 5 times a day and blow a guy for about 9 or 10 times a day but thats trough out the whole day... after about an hour or an hour and half i get really sore and have to take a break... I never met anyone my age more sex crazy then me and 3 hours is way to long even for me.. i think shes lieing.. girls can do that alot for a lot of diffrant reasons. PM me if you want me to explain why she might be lieing

  10. First of all, what youre saying is making me very upset. I hate when people say that kind of stuff. 2nd of all my father is dead and it happened in july 2004.. that wasnt too long ago, i was very close to my father and he was like my bestfriend and i was deff a daddys girl because i got everything i wanted. If you would like.. I have pictires or you can gladly call me and hear my voice... because im not some 40 year old guy im 14 years old.. and im a chick. You need to rethink about what your sayiing. Guys dont put mommys lil boy because there guys but girls do and can put daddyslilgrl....I think you should say sorry to me because im really upset. I dont like being called a liar.

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