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  1. I tried for many times talking to him, but he was always busy. It's never a good time to talk. I feel that he is avoiding this kind of discussion. One of his friends told me that during the last few years of his marriage with his ex-wife, he hardly spoke a word with her during the course of the day. They did not fight. They were just silent. I can just imagine how chilly the atmosphere must be like in that household. I don't want my marriage to end up like that, but I am not optimistic at all. Every time after an argument, he will give me cold shoulder. I can read his body language very well. I can see he is upset, although he always denies it. I am not sure if he will go to counselling since he always projects a perfect-husband image. I married him because I thought I had the power to change him. I was also extremely unhappy living with my parents. I wanted to move out so badly. I should have just moved out and lived on my own. When things go well in our marriage, I tend to suppress all the uphappiness I feel. But because we have never dealt with any of the problems, it's getting harder and harder to put up a happy face. I am exhausted. Am I the only one who has trouble talking to her husband?
  2. Help! I don't know how long I can last in this so called marriage. My husband and I have been married for two and a half years. I knew him for three and a half years before we got married. Over the last six years we have been together, he has only apologized to me once. I know we have both done things that hurt each other unintentionally. But my husband always insists that he is never wrong. I once asked him what did he think he could have done better in his previous marriage, he replied, 'Nothing.' He blamed the failure of his first marriage on his getting married at a young age. He insisted that there was nothing wrong with him. I should have known because I have noticed for a long time that my husband likes to misrepresent himself. I was foolish enough to think that he would change one day. My husband likes people to think that he is perfect. (or maybe he really thinks he is perfect). So when I say anythings that makes him think that I don't think he's perfect, he get upset. He also thinks he is a perfect dad. He thinks his parenting skills are impeccable (eventhough he hardly ever talks to his son). When I asks him to spend more time with his son, he will give me lame excuses on how his son doesn't have anything remotely interesting to say, or he is too tired. It's never his fault. If I ever complain about anything, than I am 'whinning,' and he has no patience for that. I am very tired of always being the first person to patch things up. I am really tired.
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