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Posts posted by Poupee

  1. Were you emotionally ready to have sex at 12? It seems like a very young age to start having sex.I mean,your body is not even ready at that age.When I was 12 the thought of sex didnt even cross my mind.I think I was still in my child mode,playing with barbies sometimes maybe hehe.But then again,12 is still a child,isnt it? or am I wrong?

    I'm not criticizing by the way,just giving my opinion.

  2. Even if he doesnt have the looks of a big healthy guy,like his brother for example,your kids could come up looking like his brother or his dad.Did you know that? In fact,it happens a lot that kids end up looking like their aunts or uncles or grandparents.So,you dont really know how your kids are gonna end up looking like,unless he was really ugly,which still doesnt mean your kids would come up ugly,cause I know of a lot of cases.

    The most importantt thing here,I guess,is that you shouldnt be worrying about it that much.If you love him then why would you be thinking about that? I wasnt really attracted to my ex bf and I knew then that I didnt really love him (I thought at first I did,then I realized that I didnt) so I broke it off.Cause if you dont feel completely satisfied with the person then you cant be with them.With my present bf its different,he's not the hottest of guys but I'm very attracted to him and I love him,which is more important.

    If you're having this concerns right now then it might be that you're not really 'feeling' it for him.

  3. We're not broken up,I told him we should get some space from each other for a while.I know the main problem is that we're far away,but how can we fix that right now? he wont come live here,I mean,he cant yet,in fact he could,my mom said he could come here live with me but he doesnt want to live with my family and I understand that,I wouldnt want to live in his parent's house either but still.I'm 21,he's 22.We met 3 years ago cause he used to live here,almost all his family lives here so we met before he went to college up there and we were friends first,then we stopped talking,then we began talking again and one thing led to another.

    Do you reallt think not talking would make things worse? Oh,I dont know He said he didnt know how much it could help either,he said it'd make him miss me more than anything.But I still feel that I need some time to be alone and think things through.

    Thanks for the replies so far.

  4. My bf and I just celebrated our one year anniversary on Sunday,I love him and I know that he loves me.We have some problems and the biggest one I guess is that he's going to school almost 4 hours away from here.We dont get to see each other that much,twice a month,sometimes once.At the beginning of our relationship he would cry when our 2 or 3 days together were over and one of us had to get back home (he's a very sensitive person) I was always the one telling him to not cry,to be strong cause we'd see each other again soon but lately I've been the one crying and it sucks.When we are together everything is so wonderful,I love him so much that I just want to hold on to him forever and never let him go Leaving him has been the ugliest and hardest thing for me to do lately but I love our days together and I dont like my life as much when he's not here.There lies another problem,when we are not together we fight about stupid things,most of the time its my fault.I just think I'm so frustrated about not being able to be closer to him that I just start fighting about stupid stuff sometimes.I've had a lot of stress lately,personal problems and even though he can give me moral support there's nothing else he can do about it.And sometimes I'm frustrated about those things and when I talk with him I'm so mad already that I just say something bad to him or get mad with him and I know its not fair.So I decided something last week,I told him we shouldnt talk that much anymore,that I needed some time for myself,to think about me and try to sort out things in my life.Cause I know if we keep going like this its only gonna get worse and I dont wanna hurt him,its not fair for him so I'm not gonna hurt him anymore and hopefully when we get back to being the way we were everything would be so much better.

    The thing is,I've never done this before and I know its gonna be so hard cause we're used to talking almost everyday.I know I should do things to keep me busy and all that but still I know its gonna be so hard But I do think its the right thing to do.I mean,I have to try to sort out my life first before trying to have a successful relationship with him.I dont know how long its gonna take,I told him weeks,perhaps more than a month,I honestly dont know.I just want some advice about whether ot not you think this is the right thing to do and how can I cope out with it better? How do I get used to not talking with him ? Cause I'm always thinking about him,everyday,and I'm honestly doing this for the best,to try to make our relationship better.

    Thanks for reading.

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