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  1. Well there is this girl ive liked for over a year now, we have become good friends and she knows that i like her alot. We use to talk a good amount of the time a while back and she always talked to me a good portion of the time. This year she never comes up to me and talks unless its online or on the phone or im the one starting the conversation. Sometimes she will even ignore me. Im always the one trying to talk to her. And recently for the last 2 months she will talk online, send me text messages, and we will talk on the phone for several days, then she will not talk to me or say anything to me not even a simple "hello" for several weeks. I dont know what the cause of this is. And a few days ago her friends were hanging together and they said all she did was talk about how great i was and everything. They told me they thinked she liked me. She overheard what they told me and called me up an hour later saying she doesnt like me and that she never talked about me at all. She then text messaged me a bit later and said she was rlly srry for being rude. She hasnt said a word to me since then. Her friends say that they think she is in denial for liking me and that she still talks about me alot in a good way still. Ive also noticed lately that she has been staring at me alot and always glances over at me. I dunno what to think anymore. Is she really attracted to me or does she just not care about me. Should i call her up and ask her? what should i do? p.s srry if this was poorly written or a bit confusing i wrote this in a hurry and will come later to edit it only if it does need to be edited.
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