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  1. Yeah, Ive stressed how it is his responsibility to be here with me and that he needs to step up and take responsibility since it's his baby too. He was even crying on the phone at the end of our conversation and promising he would be here...and of course he wasn't.
  2. I am not taking it lightly AT ALL... I have been an emotional wreck the past few weeks. He said that he had to get a rental car to drive (save gas) and they wouldn't let him go out of state. He could be lying considering that's all he does to me. I told him how bad I needed him here with me b/c this is such a big deal, and he took off work and all. (I know this is true b/c I called and confirmed at least that much with his work.) I hate him so much for hurting me and I feel like its his responsibility for him to be w/ me right now, b/c he sure was when we were having sex. But another part of me loves him and needs him.... I can't tell my friends, they are very religious and wouldn't understand...
  3. Ok well my b/f and I of 2 1/2 years were in a LDR until I found out he has been cheating on me a few weeks ago. Well, the thing is, last time we saw each other we had sex and the condom broke... now I'm pregnant (5 weeks). The thing is I had no one to turn to but him, and needed his $ to get an abortion and stuff (don't want to hear that it's wrong or whatever please). Well so the appointment was scheduled for today and my b/f was supposed to come in town for "support." As dumb as it sounds I needed him there, the only thing is, my freaking car wouldnt start today and there was no way to get to my appointment and of course my b/f doesn't come in town like he promises. (He lives 2 states away). I had to call and make another appt for next week since I have to go home for spring break in the morning. But my thing is, how do I do the whole NC thing with my ex b/f. This is a horrible time for me right now and I literally have no one else to talk to. I can't tell my friends and my parents would KILL me. I keep feeling weak and give in when he calls to check on me. What do I do?!? It doesn't help that I'm having bad morning sickness, and HUGE mood swings. I feel SO alone.
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