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Posts posted by grneyz0724

  1. There really is no way to stop your period. Even taking the new pack, your body has to get used to that. Now that you started the new pack, I wouldn't stop, because then how do you start again? It will really throw you off if you start and stop again. I go through with this new pack and take the whole 7 days off at the end of it. You body has to get used to any type of change, and the more you mess with it, the more what you want to work may not.

  2. hmmm... the money issue doesn't bother me as much as the "unofficial living together." I don't want to sound judgmental, but if I had a kid, I wouldn't want a man moving in, officially or unofficially, unless he made some type of commitment to me and my son. It sounds like he's had one foot in and one foot out. So, I don't know... if he's walked away, let him. It doesn't sound like this was "the one" for you anyways.



    I didn't just let him walk into a relationship with my son, it has evolved over the year. He has taken an active roll in his life. He has done so and never waivered. It wasn't because I pushed it, I would never do that. It was because he wanted to, because all of us were becoming closer, because he wanted to help him grow up to be a good man (his words.)

  3. Ok, here are the answeres:


    With food, he pays less then half and sometimes not at all.


    I will not say how much the loan is, but it was not a gift and I am paying it back monthly.


    His things that are here include; his computer (he chose to bring out), his TV and TV stand, (both of which he also offered without me asking). Yes I watch the TV, but he sits on my couch and at my dining room table, I think getting that picky is childish.


    His staying here just happened more or less.


    No, he pays nothing at his parents, not rent, not utilities, not food.


    He drives more then me because he wants to, and yes, I have helped with gas when we've gone to visit his friends out of town. Also, we don't go out all that much. I do pay as much as possible, I am not a mooch. To be, it is a do onto others thing.


    I hope this answers some of your questions. I have always been uncomfortable talking about money, with anyone. I would never want or ask for something that I wouldn't do myself.

  4. Dear DN,

    Regarding other posts and questions you asked, I did not see any, not sure where you posted them.


    As for how my post reads, let me make it plain.


    He has "lived" here since October. His mail still goes to his parents, but he is here every day, every evening. His stuff (clothes, computer, TV, etc.) are here as well. To me and anyone else, that is living here. My compromise was for him to pay the electric and phone/DSL bill. It was very hard for me to bring up the topic at all, I've been holding back for a few months now.


    It isn't money, it is the point of it all. If I was living with someone, there is no way I could just go about my life while they paid for everything (electric, rent, phone, etc.) If I use them to, I should contribute. To me it is about common courtesy.


    As for my son. He is 6! What kind of comment is "does he not use electrity?" Give me a break. We are talking about adults here. I, in no way think that just because I have a son that I deserve anything. I have worked my butt off being a single parent, so don't go there. I do however, don't like worrying about things like rent and household bills when there is someone in my house, lving off it all, and not contributing. How is that right.


    Lastly, I made no demands. It took, me a couple months to even broach the subject. I brought it up to see how it would go, and it ended with him preferring to walk out then work something out.

  5. I posted end of last week, wondering if I was asking to much for my boyfriend who has been staying at my apartment every day since about October, to help with some bills. Well, I did tlak to him and he agreeded to pay to pay the phone/DSL and electric bill. Well I got the electric bill yesterday, and it is for the past three months. I got laid off from my full time job) in December (thank god I had a part time thing as a server at a bar and grill nearby, but that in now wasy makes up for a regular salary)and was really struggeling, so I put it off, comcentrating on making sure there was food in the house and so on. (I have a 6 year old son whom I take care of with no help from his real father) I brought the bill up today and said I thought him paying half of the bill would be fair. My thinking was that since has been here and used it for more then those three months, helping was fair. (after all, he did agree to start paying it) I said half because of the size of the bill since I had put it off. He said he'd pay half but didn't agree that it was fair. Well, that upset me, because I am not trying to squeez him for money. He lives here, but says he doesn't technically because his address is still at his parents. He has literally been here EVERY night since October. At the end of our argument today, he said it was like he had to pay to be in the relationship. I would never do that, I just thought half was fair. So, he decided that instead of helping, he'll go back to his parents (where he pays nothing). I am really hurt that he would rather leave me, then help. Am I wrong here for wanting what I think is fair? A good friend of mine says he is being selfish, self-centered, and packing up and leaving was just plain mean. We would have been together a year this Friday.


    Lastly, I have been working two jobs to make ends meet. Two, while he works is one and spends his money one his truck and so forth.

  6. I am nervous that if I lay it down like that to him, that he really should be helping out...that he'll just go back to his parents so that he doesn't have to pay. That has been eluded to kinda. Not sure if I am willing for that to happen. I know that sounds bad, but I do love him very much.

  7. Ok, this is the problem. My boyfriend and I are going on one year together (next week). I moved and got my own place last September. since about October, he has stayed here every night. He has all his stuff here (clothes, TV, etc...) He also is not paying rent. He has helped buy food though. I've been laid off twice recently and have really had to struggle to pay my rent and such. All the while he has used his money to pay his bills, to work on his car and such. Yes, he did help me pay on a loan in Dec. and Jan., but that shouldn't make up for it, should it?


    Here is the question, am I asking too much for him to help out more. I tried bringing it up and he said he thought it was ok, because when I first moved in I said that whether he was here or not, I'd still have to pay for stuff. I did say that, and it is true, technically. However, is it right for him to just stay here rent free. He still gets his mail at his parents and can live with them (rent free) if he isn't here.

  8. My boyfriend and I have been trying to have anal sex for awhile (although the times we try are far and few inbetween). I have done it before (about 7 years ago) as had he........but it isn't working well. He is big and we can never seem to get very far. We've tried using luberication with not much success.


    Any tips and/or ideas.

  9. Ihave a slight issue with porn myself. After dating someone for two years, we were living together and I found out he was seriously addicted to porn. He had disks and disks of it, it was all on his computer, he had been to dozens of websites. I was devesated. That was not normal. However, being that this issue has seeped into my current relationship as well as my jealousy problem, I can tell you that porn is a a "guy thing." Yes, that may totally sound like a line, but it is true nevertheless. I think he may not want to tell you he watched it because he doesn't want to hurt you. The fact that you have such a big problem with it may scare him because he knows that he just looks at it here and there, and that it really isn't any big thing. I think you should let it go, it will be better for your relationship. Try to understand that it is something any guy will look at now and then, but it in no way means he doesn't love you and your body. I hope this helps you somewhat.

  10. I put up a post today that was very similar to yours titled "Help! My jealousy is ruining my relationship" I don't know about you, but I've been hurt badly in all of my past serious relationships. I have now found and been with a wonderful man for almost a year. I have a hard timed dealing with the fact that he has friends that are girls. If any woman has any contact with him, I go off. I get jealous, I worry, I argue....and it isn't fair to him because he has not given me any reason to think he would be anything but faithful. I had a good number of replies to my post and maybe some of them can help you as well. One thing, at least you know it is a problem and you are trying to address it, that is a very good start. Good luck from someone in the same boat.

  11. I have been with my boyfriend for 11 months now, he is a good man, different from any other I have been with. The problem is that due to my past relationships, I am jealous of all his friends that are girls. In all of my past serious relationships, I have been cheated on. My boyfriend has been very understanding, but recently after an ex of his drunk called him and I (of course) got mad and started an argument, he told me he is tired of it. I either need to accept that he has friends that are girls, that they are just friends and he is not interested in them any futher, and if I can't accept it, I need to leave him. I just don't know how to get over this jealousy thing. Any ideas and/or insight would be great!

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