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Posts posted by foreverlonely584

  1. Well that's the thing.....she told me that she's a one guy kind of girl. And no, I wouldn't mind her dating another guy....it's just that she just pulled me along for about 3 weeks before telling me about the other guy. In my book, that's not right.

  2. Well, I can honestly say I know exactly how you feel. I have never been officially diagnosed with depression, but have always had a feeling. It kind of stems from previous relationships in my case, but also with the family as well.


    I haven't always been a very sure person, only recently have I realized that there's no point in trying to hide myself from the rest of the world. If people don't like me or what I have to say, then they don't have to talk or be around me. I used to very shy and put up with a lot while I was in middle school. I'm kind of a bigger guy, so I always tried controlling my temper. One day I didn't and at that point people left me alone (meaning they didn't pick on me anymore). I'm not saying that you need to snap on people, but you don't have to put up with some of BS people might throw at you.


    In regards to trusting people I can't give you any advice there, except that you're going to have to break out of your shell and give someone a chane. I have and yes I've been stabbed in the back, but I got over it. You have to find something to do that will take your mind off it for a while and then next thing you know, you've totally forgotten about it. For me, I just listen to some really heavy music. I guess, in both cases you'll just have to take a chance....there are some good people out there and it will take some time to become comfortable with them, but you will. I mean if I can, anybody can.

  3. So I recently asked out this girl and thought she might be different from some of my previous girlfriends. Well.....I was wrong. We went out once and I told her that the NUMBER 1 thing to piss me off was lying to me. Imagine that....she lied. I understand that people do tell little white lies, but not telling me that another guy asked you out a few days before I did and that you're suddenly dating him is not a LITTLE WHITE LIE!!! I guess what irritates me the most is that she sat there during out first date telling me how important honesty is and that "you will know when I'm lying." Then she goes on to tell me that she likes talking to me and hanging out with me. I don't want her to think that I'm just going to sit around waiting for something bad to happen and I'll be there for her, because I'm not.


    Basically I give people the same respect they give me, so when you lie to me, don't expect me to be all happy chipper, like nothing happened. Anyone of my friends can attest to the fact that I will tell you the truth, whether it's the good, bad or ugliest! That's just me and most of my friends act the same towards me.


    So, I guess my question to anybody reading this is, how do I tell this girl that I don't want to hear from her again. Mind you, I don't want to sound like too much of a jerk, because honestly, I'm not. I've been told many times that I'm the nicest guy you could meet, but I just don't appreciate being lied to.

  4. I can totally agree with you, because I have done the same thing in the past and thought the same things. Was it the biggest mistake ever, or was it worth the risk? In one case it was a huge mistake, but the other was not. Each gave me the opportunity to learn and I think that it's helped me to this day.

    The other side of it is you can really find out how good your "friendship" is. In my mind that says a lot more about the actual depth of your friendship.

  5. So I asked this girl out about 3 weeks ago and we have only been out once since then. We have been talking on the phone quite a bit. I think that I caught her in a lie last weekend, but I don't want to ask her about it. So I haven't talked to her for a couple days, but called while drinking tonight. There was really no conversation (partially, because I'm....not happy, let's say) and she said she wouldn't call me until tomorrow. I've asked her to go out a few times, but she seems to "have plans." So I guess after all this rambling I'm just wondering if anybody has some advice for me.....does she like me or not?

  6. So I really don't know where to start, because......well, whatever. I met this girl at a store that I'm really interested in. I've talked to her a couple times (only at her work), because I'm too shy to ask her out. I kinda get the feeling that she likes me, but it's hard to tell. Honestly, I've never had a girlfriend and I think it's because I'm just too shy to ask women out. I really like this girl and think it's about time for me to start dating. My question is should I ask her out at work or not? And if I do, how? I've never thought about how to ask a girl out, while she's working. Any help would be appreciated.

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