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  1. I know this thread is a little stale, but I just ran accross it while Googling, read it from beginning to end, and goodness... You guys need to stop wearing your hearts on your sleave. I hope I'm not being too harsh, but I really don't think you get it. Yes, by approaching someone, you are risking rejection. But I wouldn't worry about the rejection, I'd be concerned with the risk. Its the willingness to take the risk that makes you a man. And how you handle the rejection IF it happens. Look at it this way - an example. You're just graduating from college, no real work experience to speak of, but you're out there and you're interviewing for a job. The first interview you go on and don't land the job, to you give up because you've been rejected? Do you settle for some low-end job because its a "sure thing"? I sure hope not. If you believe in your worth, you'll be out their again, banging on doors, looking for a job. You won't take no for an answer. Of course we're talking about rejection from women here (or men in some cases), which is much more personal, but you've got to stop letting so much ride on it. Don't have so much tied up in one person saying yes or no to your pursuing of them. Try to lighten up a little bit and have a good time.
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