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Posts posted by Storm1607307168

  1. I suffered with terrible acne when I was a teenager - I tried all sorts of stuff, can't remember what they all were now but I remember one that really stank like vinegar and was very stingy!


    Eventually when I was 14 my Mum decided to let me go on the pill; well it was especially designed for teenagers like I was who suffered with bad acne but still acted like a contraceptive.


    It was a miracle! After about 3 months my skin cleared up and I would get like an odd spot from time to time but nothing like what it was. I was so grateful.


    My spots have never gone away tho - I still get them now even after all these years; not to say you will! Hope this helps!

  2. Oh no! You did the fatal 'how are you' call! It's so hard isn't it? I've had some of my worst holiday season blues through break ups or been seeing someone but not be able to contact them during the hols - arghh!


    I don't suppose there's much advice I can give as I just, well, sort of, went through it. I think I used to try and absorb myself in a project or did something for myself like go to the gym - anything to keep myself occupied. My friends definitely helped too.


    I hope you manage to get through the holiday season - sorry I couldn't be more helpful.

  3. Wow! It sounds like he really likes you! Would you ever consider dating him in the future? He sounds like a really nice guy - I think he's really into you and to be that up front and forward with his feelings in front of his friends etc, it seems he's not shy of anyone seeing his feelings for you.


    Maybe you could talk to him about his/your feelings - I'm not sure tho as you may jepoardise your current relationship. However things will only carry on the same if you don't approach him about the situation.


    Hope you manage to sort things out!

  4. Hey! Well, as you can see I'm a newbie too but I defo know where UR coming from. I went through the exact same thing when I went to Uni. I was in my second year and I hated it and wanted to quit and come home and get a job, but like you say everyone is there with words and the usual phrases but no one actually gets YOU!


    They all were saying oh you'll regret it, keep trying etc etc and they were concerned for me and wanted to help but no-one could. I had to work it out for myself in the end.


    Maybe that's the problem, have you always previously tried to make others happy and do what they thought you should do? Could that be why now you seem to be pushing people away as you resent them?


    I don't know I'm not a shrink (although it doesn't sound like they've helped you much!) Just from experience I think the best person to listen to is yourself - try and really search within yourself I know it seems easy for me to say it but it worked for me. I spent some time away I actually got a summer job away from home, Uni so I could be on my own and sort my head out.


    Sorry it's a bit long winded and probably I haven't been any help, but I hope you manage to resolve your issues.

  5. Thanks for your advice guys! Mmmm well I tried to sort of get my point accross last night but I ended up getting annoyed with him - oops


    Although he did apologise for winding me up; he said he knows he does it as when we have a 'discussion' about things he said he likes to be the other side, a sort of devils advocate......I just said 'I'm not very good at that!'


    Well, I'm going to keep persevering; I thought every time an issue comes up I'd try and broach the subject with him then and there instead of letting it fester. I'll see how it goes! Well, I mean what's the worst that could happen, he might not talk to me for a while or something - I can deal with that if I can resolve my issues!


    Thank you!

  6. Hi, I've just joined today - I found this forum as I wanted to see if there was anyone else out there who has the same hubbie probs as me!


    My hubbie and I are are very much in love; we've been together for 10 years and we got married June 2003. We get along fine MOST of the time, except when I do certain things he doesn't approve of.


    Here's the most recent example; he happened to park my car in our drive for me one night, the next morning I came to start it up and he'd left it in gear (I never leave it in gear) so he said, 'don't you press your clutch in when U start it up? Oh that's dangerous!' I replied 'It's not! I don't leave my car in gear but I always wiggle the gearstick anyway to check it's in neutral'. He retorted with stuff like, 'you could have hit something then' blah, blah, blah - trivial right (the whole conversation)? Surely it's just a personal thing? Anyway........


    To stop this post being too long, the whole point is that if I do something I'm always worried that he'll say 'why are you doing it like that? I wouldn't I'd do this'.......'You'll learn by your mistakes'..... etc etc. Who says I'm making a mistake by doing it my way!?


    If I try to respond he talks me into a corner and I can't think of answers for him, or if I get annoyed he just says I'm being childish. Arghhhhh! It makes me so frustrated. I don't know whether it's because he's four years older than me and he thinks he knows better than me or what?


    I'm a 27 year old adult and I have a bit of knowledge - how does he think I coped till I was 18 without him!!?


    Can anyone sympathise with me or have any words of comfort/advice?

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