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Posts posted by thunda

  1. Someone once said to me - if you feel strongly attracted to someone that they feel it too


    That they feel that you are attracted to them?

    If you are sending signals which would show you are attracted to them - they may pick up on it.

    It's hard to control all signals of interest, because some are unconscious. But you don't see what you are not looking for.


    You say we dont see what we arent looking for.Does that mean we see things that really ARE NOT there???

  2. That isn't true in most cases. In fact, I have kknown many a woman that even though they have a great man, it appears as if they are looking for someone BETTER than what they have. Instead of trying to correct things that are messed up and make things right and express what is up, it seems as if the next cool guy (who is usually a creep) is an answer to all the problems. Keep in mind, teenage girls and 20 something girls are well known for this behavior.



    Is glad 20 somethings no longer interest me...lol

  3. Guys who do the James Bond thing may attract the high school type girls who are inexperienced with that type of guy but the experienced ladies soon see him for who he is. Sure he will get the girl....for awhile but once she see's that he is in fact shallow and not what she thought shell look elsewhere.

  4. Like I said in my first post its a fine line to walk....Women are the most unpredictable creatures on the planet.Im 38 and have been with the same woman a long time now but before that have many ladies interested in me.And I promise you this the ones I pined after and bombarded with 'I love yous' quickly scrammed,,,lol. But the ones I sort of fended off kept coming back for more.Hey mate I just know a way to keep an interested woman interested.I didnt say I understand them...LOL. I'm not asking you to not be yourself. But we grow in more ways then one. And this is one way we can grow. Ya know like sometimes we have to control ourselves, our feeling, our carnal desires etc so that we are morally upright. Would you say if you dont satisfy every carnal desire you have , then you are not being yourself? Of course not. Same principle here. Be yourself but reign it in.

  5. Sheesh guys chill. A game??? No its no game its just cold hard fact. Being a challenge to a woman is not playing games with them. Youre being sincere in that you love/ are interested in a woman and you want them to want you, right? I guarantee you if you give a woman too much she will lose interest. Keep doing what you have in the past and you will keep getting the same results. You want a woman to stay with you? If you aint a challenge she wont have no reason to. Anyway dont knock it till you have tried it. This aint no game, its about having the women you want.

  6. Try and be a little objective and look at this from someone else'e point of view. Hers, your familes, friends etc. Have you thought how they may see it? Not that its their business but it's worth considering because in situations such as we can have strong tunnel vision. Anyway besides that, all you can do is take it nice and steady and don't be all over you. Let her come to you. As hard as that may be you have to do this. As for the marriage side of things well hey, you;re still a young fellah mate with your whole life ahead of you. And as much as you wont like to hear this there are lots of other girls out there.....You may think shes your one and only but man I have felt that many times myself in my life time and I can tell you I have married the wrong woman!!!! At first it was great and I couldnt look at anyone else. But after a few years I came to realise that she truly is not the one for me. I love her and she's the mother of my children but she sure aint the one I envisaged being my soulmate. Take your time and be careful mate. Be care3ful coz sometimes you get what you ask for. I did and man do I regret it.

  7. It can certainly be a fine line to walk. Women want a man who is both a 'bad boy' but also a gentleman. By bad boy I don't mean the kind of jerk that would ill-treat a woman. But someone who can't be controlled by her, but will do the gentlemanly things like open doors and pull out her seat etc. One thing I learnt early on is if you give a woman too much she will no longer find you interesting or a challenge and will soon move on. Don't always be available, be a little hard to get, maybe even a touch aloof without putting her off. This type of thing keeps a woman interested. And never never fall in love with a woman before she falls for you. There will come a time when the relationship will come to a point where you will express your undying love , but don't do that too early for this is surely the kiss of death. Be a challenge, never let her think you have fell for her hook, line and sinker or you're toast. Treat her like a lady yes, show due respect, yes, but always, always keep her guessing.

  8. Does she do anything? Does she, for example flick her her when she sees you looking at her?Are you close enough to see if her pupils dilate when she looks at you? Try this time she's 'checking you out or if you're walking past her, look at your watch then sneak a peek and see if she's doing the same.These are a couple of things that on their own arent much but grouped together 'could' mean something.

  9. Yup. You have to decide where you really want this relationship to end up. You have to make a tough decision maybe and whatever decision you make, stick to your guns. If you really do wanna be with him then talk and get his side of it. If you don't want that then you gotta let the guy know and make the decisions that will lead you in the direction you want this relationship to go. No good being intimate if you don't want this relationship.

  10. I look at mens lips and teeth because I find it sexy. I love a man with a plump bottom lip, and if he has a nice full mouth, strong jaw and good teeth, nothing turns me on more. So in short, yes, I think she's interested.

    Well I have been told i have a nice looking mouth...er...not by blokes though...lol

  11. I forget.. how long have you been noticing this behavior from the girl? Don't keep yourself in suspense: ask her out on a date.

    Have been noticing this behaviour for about the last 3 months. But have felt some 'vibes' from her for a couple of years.

  12. A close female friend of mine tells me I'm a 'bad boy' but in a good way.I'm not rude to women etc and treat them with respect and so on.But she says when she looks at me she knows I'm a 'bad boy' and there's value in that.What the heck does being a 'bad boy' in a good way mean???

  13. I understand exactly what you're going through. But like the others have said you dont really know what he's like and u still love ur husband. Remember how u felt about hubby when u were courting?How he use to make your heart jump everytime u seen him?The first time u kissed his lips and made love?Think back and remember why u married this man u love. And just think that this 'crush guy' has lotsa imperfections u have never seen.He's probably got a mighty pimply lookin butt when he's lokking in the fridge...PICTURE THAT!!!

  14. I have been a judo player for a couple of years.After a hard night of doing kata which may involve much throwing and particularly being thrown on the mat it has been known to cause dasome minor damage to the kidney wall and thereforeeee cause temporary bleeding which soon clears up with no lasting side effects. But if I were you get checked out by a doctor.Nothing is worht losing your life over mate.

  15. Sounds like she likes you, any other clues?



    Well......I noticed her pupils were dilated when we last spoke and it was in a lightly lit room but i dont know how accurate that might be.Her signals seem quite mixed at times.She sometimes folds her arms when we talk but I notice she often does that whatever she's doin anyway. We frequent the same...shall we say classroom for want of a better word and you can sit anywhere you like.She nearly always sits directly behind me.Yesterday she was thumping the floor with her feet and I could feel the beat through the floorboards. She seems to fidget and rock back and forth a lot,,,maybe she's naturally fidgety? But I really dont know what to think.I DO see all these things but im unsure they really mean anything.

  16. I look at a ladies lips when im thinking about how good it would br to be kissing them.I think i also read this somewhere before.Also this particular lady has been giving me quick glances for sometime.Also she will sometimes look at me for long periods..ie about 3secs...she touches her lips when we're alone and plays with her hair...any clue??

  17. Thi woman whom I'm attracted to does the following two things, can the ladies please answer , or any guys with similar experiences: When we are at a distance she will very often steal very quick glances at me, when we are close and talking she looks at my lips quite a lot...in fact so much it causes me to smile!...any clues here ppl???

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