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  1. So I have been with this girl for four years. We were very serious and I was about to propose to her. Then, within a week, our relationship falls to pieces. Finally I asked her what was going on and she says that we are "too much like friends" and that we need a break from eachother. Now, this is a relationship that we built on with a very strong desire to be the very best of friends so that we would never drift apart. Now, this is what destroyed us. So I pushed it a buit further and found out that some guy asked her out two days before that and her mother urgedher the week before to get some adventure and excitement into her life before she settled down at all. So now I am wondering if she left me because of this guy, because I did something wrong, or because her mother has that much influence over her. I am wondering if this will really be a break, or if it is really over and I need to move on. Further, if she does come back, do I want to take her back and can we ever find the level of trust that we once had or will we always question eachother and will that cost us something more than just a relationship? Not really sure how or why this is happening, but I have treated this girl like a princess for years and was ready to make her my queen. What does this mean to me, and how do I prevent this from happening in future relationships? Is a friendship a lousy foundation for a relationship?
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